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black sunshine

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Everything posted by black sunshine

  1. Welcome! Take a few deep breaths and elaborate on your problem. Don't be afraid to use complete sentences and spellcheck! You hit the nail on the head, get a throttle cable! It will run without the brake, it just won't stop. Does this help?
  2. What type of oil was he using? 40:1 or 32:1 are pretty popular.
  3. Keep your eyes peeled on here. There are usually some very good deals on bike part-outs.
  4. I like the way they are. Nice, clean design.
  5. I still like those "japanese font" ones that I've seen on bikes here. These are pretty tight, just don't know if I'd slap one on my bike. Plus it looks like some asshole shaved of every other row of knobbies :biggrin:
  6. $5200 to your door for a new banshee is a good deal. Like you said, if you can work it so you don't pay for anything until it's physically at your door!
  7. black sunshine


    6 guys a side including the goalie. Unless your the Penguins, then it's o.k. to have seven for undetermined periods of time. Hitting someone with your stick will also result in a mandatory one game suspension. Unless your the Penguins, down 2-0, and your one of the leading goal scorers on the team. Then it will be overlooked :ermm: To all the Penguin fans reading this, yes, I am a whining bitch!
  8. black sunshine


    I don't get too worked up watching the lions anymore...You definitely don't expect anything. Pistons need a little revamping, too! But I think we all expect the very best from our Red Wings. Personally, I would have rather lost to the Ducks, that series was more even than the Cup. Still can't believe that shit :: Penguins played a good 4 games, though :verymad:
  9. Bad part is this happened a little over a year ago. I was looking in all the wrong places afterwards, then just put the whole project on the back burner. So, warranty is now expired, wouldn't be so bad if I was able to recoup my cash!
  10. Just thought I'd throw out another diss for one of the worst aftermarket companies out there. I guess there's a reason why they're half the price of OEM. New RS on my 250r gave up the ghost after 20 minutes!
  11. black sunshine


    Actually I think bullriding is pretty fucking cool, just thought I'd throw you a jab. Baseball? Your on your own there...that maybe the only sport I won't watch! To each his own :thumbsup:
  12. Do 3 heat cycles. Let the motor warm up, idling, until the cylinder is hot to touch. Let cool completely, 3 times. Re-torque the head. Run the bike easily for the first tank of gas, no wide open extended periods. :thumbsup:
  13. Really should be in the "Wanted" section.
  14. black sunshine


    It's what the other 49 states watch instead of bullriding! :biggrin:
  15. You may have got an electrical connection wet.
  16. Sent your money, ah, keep that Sharpie away from MY SHIRT!!!
  17. They're either billet or cast. Cast is the least expensive of the two, don't know of any advantage/disadvantage.
  18. Ebay. Search for: Clymers + Banshee.
  19. Did you cross-check with another gauge? Your tester could be garbage. Banshee's have no bottom end.
  20. IDK what type of seals the dynoports have, o-rings, ect... Try and get some new ones and make sure the hangers/springs are supporting them to make a good seal. I think they are a nice sounding pipe. If you are jetted properly for them, you will have to make adjustments when going back to stock, fyi.
  21. Maybe try a couple pairs of pliers or vise-grips and see if you can gently slip it over, without distorting anything :shrug:
  22. I know what your talking about and I have no clue how off the top of my head. Where did you get new boots?
  23. Someone had a post recently relating to this, some type of jetting form. IDK if it is stickied, but it can't be buried very deep.
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