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Everything posted by Shee-Male

  1. Just bolt them on bro, I have a set on mine right now, work awsome. I also used the 450 master.
  2. It's Shee-male, just a differant way of saying Banshee Man, I thought it was clever, and I'm totaly comfortable with my sexuality, call me all the name you want, sticks and stones ya know. I don't quite understand what your fasination is with sucking cock all the time, thats all you seem to talk about, are you and your husband not happy?, is that why your so angry? I thought there was a high population of gay's where you live, maybee put an add out. I like being hetero (so dose my wife lol), thats the way I'll stay, sorry to ruin your homosexual fantasies Blue :shrug: Helldriver, Orgazmo is a movie by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the creators of South Park), it's about a Mormon from Utah that becomes a porn star, it's damn funny!
  3. RAOFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!! THATS SOME FUNNY STUFF. Hey HD have you ever seen Orgazmo?
  4. hopefully it's permanent :laugh: Lock the doors Lee, the shit quake is commin lol
  5. All this stuff is still for sale, most of it's on ebay no so get it while you can. I personally know guy and he it a sraight shooter not a rsheppick fuckhead lol. These parts are off his personal ride and they are sweet peices and in realy nice shape. Best to get them while the gettin's good! :baseball_w00t:
  6. tires for riding on the street...I'm so green with ENVY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice bike, looks like a keeper.
  7. :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: ...I was wondering the same thing LMAO!! Those lights are sweet, maybee he works for the Bluebird Bus Co. Prolly just the short buses though. :baseball_wacko:
  8. This is a pretty sweet idea red!......people take notice, we should do this more often!
  9. if you check out this link http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/2.asp they go on to describe how the earth is only 6000 years old according to creationists , it's a good read, I still get a chuckle! So 04le, to say that the earth is as old as 4.5 billion years follws scientific theory (more common sense really) and not the theory laid out by the bible?, or do you not belive that to be true? What about the creature from Job? 40th chapter I belive, do you belive that to be a dinosaur?
  10. You deffinatley doing something wrong, 450's are not hard to beat with a piped Banshee!, are you using the throttle?...it's on the right.
  11. The smalles you can go to get the bore straight, taking it to maximum won't do you any good but screw you for a future rebuild. Look into a good aftermarket piston like wiseco, and a cam and pipe.
  12. You can get these from any wiseco retailer, maybee ask guy like FAST or Passion RE on here, the part # you'll need is 2549CD, I belive thats a 1 set, so you'll need 2. :beer:
  13. 04LE, you never answered my Question, how old do you think the earth is, even if you have to guess?
  14. well if earth is only 6000 years old.............
  15. I'm curious...so we co existed with dinosouars? or were ther no dinosouars?
  16. This is the thing, we humans havn't figgured it all out yet, we still have cancer and aids and we still don't know how really got here, it will take time, till then it's just unexplained. I makes me laugh when something is unexplained some people have to put something "behind" it like a God or Aliens, how about just unexplained, cause you know it couldn't be evolution oh no thats just crazy, but if we came from a magic wand that created only 2 people on a planet that was created in six days to be destroyed by a flood 120 years in the making to be remade by a different two people....ya that makes WAY more sense, afterall this sort of thing happens all the time :shoothead: There will come a day, prolly not in our life time but there will come a dy when it's all figured out, and there will be chaos, because all the bible thumpers have way to much to loose, so you know they're gonna fight tooth and nail. Heck, earth is only 6000 years old :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: , we're just getting started.
  17. I asked this question a couple times and no answer, why?...guess what they have no answer un less it's "God say so", or maybee it's included in the "Heavens" lol, hundreds of planets most larger than earth, dozens of galexies, milliions of stars, and billions of years old and all left out, I guess it wasn't very important LMAO! And if God is creating all of this and there is no one to write it down, how was it recorded?...oh God just said so later...ah I see. Did you know I can leap tall buildings in a single bound, or that I'm bullet proof?...just ask me I'll tell ya so, and be sure to take notes and spread the word of the Almighty RAY!! How old is the earth 04le??.....even if you had to guess.
  18. nope no evolution, we've been like this for the last 4.5 billion years. We are all here because of gods magic. I read on the christian forums Noah was over 400 years old, and it took 120 years for him to build his raft. Wow! I'm a beliver :shoothead: You people have to be shitting me, I can't belive intellegant people still belive this hocas pocas! It's interesting you bring up Chris Angel, imagine a guy like that 4000 years ago, what would you be writing in your little book, how would you desribe him, or who as?????
  19. How old do you think earth is 04le?, dose the sun revolve around us?
  20. rkc, blue, do you belive (as the bible says)the earth is the center of the universe? dose the son revolve around us? what was created first the moon or the sun?
  21. A few like 1.5 billion hours? That is a fact!
  22. hmmm, I'm not quite sure what you mean? In Genisis it states the earth, light, it's inhabitants and Adam & Eve were created in 6 days. 4.5 billion years and 6 days ago we had people on earth?
  23. Good question. There was a Rabbi that dated the age of the earth (now) to be 5774 years, I belive the mormons belive it to be less than 6000 years, close in comparison. How old do you think the earth is rkc?...if you had to guess.
  24. oh, ok so man is approx. 100 million years old?, no wiat, the earth is over 4 billion years old, so mans been around a long time. I guess the original scripturs must have been written on unabtainium to last this long.
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