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Everything posted by racer

  1. racer

    Shock circlip

    BadAss, Thanks Mark. I am going to call them Monday morning.
  2. ehhh, not really. TIG, no filler. No material lost or gained. :-)
  3. oh, and a dry break fill nozzle.
  4. Build a big one that replaces the stock plastic, that would be waaaay cooler in any fabricator's eyes. If it's trick try to follow the lines of the plastic.
  5. racer

    Shock circlip

    You don't happen to have one off hand do you, Mark?
  6. you, me, ten minutes of chubby sex. hey there supertits. that one really works.
  7. racer

    Shock circlip

    No sir, you can't buy it at all; however emailing Yamaha is a good idea. Unless that works, it looks like I'll be making one.
  8. racer

    Shock circlip

    Anyone know where I can get the retainer circlip that holds a YFZ450 damper together? I managed to lose mine while moving over the summer and I now appear to be fucked.
  9. I agree, McCoy is a stud. I have chatted a few times with him on a another site.
  10. Spell check can be had by downloading Firefox.
  11. you can take the man out of the ghetto but.................
  12. that's pretty big. Mine reads dead even with my speedo in my truck, anywhere between 5 and 98.2 where it cut out. now walking with it is another story........
  13. Does anyone have a link to the video of that douche bag's sentencing? I hear it's pretty humorous when the judge talks about giving him the full five years.
  14. Do the designers really put that much into these frames?
  15. Thats a good thread about comp testers. I miss threads like those.
  16. whats the worst that could happen? everything in there is hardened, not like its going to break a hole in your case.
  17. Plus a big ass radiator is a lot cooler looking than some ugo fan.
  18. It's Race Day, and I can't wait!
  19. Have a machine shop make one out of D-2. Then have them harden it to about Rc 60, or more.
  20. And as do I. I don't think it makes anyone a bad person to call a spade a spade. Like I previously mentioned, Vick deserves every harsh word he gets, racist or not.
  21. pick up your bike, in parts or one piece, and RUN to a real service tech.
  22. That puzzles me, any operation with a leader with half of a brain should be running to get their name as far away from this prick as possible. I think you may even have trouble even finding a lawyer wanting to touch a case like this if it weren't his money.
  23. Man, I have missed some BD rage. Jeff I dont think race really plays a role here. The 'N' word is a derogatory name for a black man no doubt, but I believe just in this case. Like when whities get pegged for cooking meth, then they are white, or trailer, trash. There will always be different colors of people, and different standards within such divisions. There are good hearted blacks, asians, mexicans, and whites. Just like there are piece of shit nigger, chinks, spics, and white trash. Every race has it's high society and low lives. It's all in the way one behaves, not their color that defines them. Vick has definitely qualified for any low life derogatory terms there have been, still are, or will be. Has anyone ordered a chew toy yet? How much are they?
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