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anyone know how to resolve cats in your yard

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You could try a mild tranquilzer dart,or catch in a cage,or put on some weldin gloves and grab it.I dont think your a psycho or nuthin im talkin bout the ones that burn em and shit,there was one guy around here that would bury em up to there head and run em over with the lawnmower with the blad runnin.

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You could try a mild tranquilzer dart,or catch in a cage,or put on some weldin gloves and grab it.I dont think your a psycho or nuthin im talkin bout the ones that burn em and shit,there was one guy around here that would bury em up to there head and run em over with the lawnmower with the blad runnin.

In a couple years you'll see that piece of shit on americas most wanted for eating the rectums out of old elderly people that he murdered.. People who get a kick out of seeing animals/people suffer truely hav eissues.. Its no joke, its not funny, the weirdos need help or just a straight up ass beatin of their life..


BLR: I realize your not out to torture any animals, and I realize the belt was a avaliable option at the time.. However as others have said, its the owners that should be punished for being irresponsible..



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i had the same problem as you. the truth is you shouldnt be killing the cat. its really not its fault. its the owners fault. so what i did was get a paint ball gun. i painted there house with pellets and then painted them with paint balls right before they were going out to a nice dinner. they were all dressed up to so it ruined there night. i was dressed up in full gear so they never figureed out it was me.

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I'd like to catch someone lighting a cat on fire. I would handcuff them to a fence post or tree or something, pour gas on them and light them on fire. I'm all for the punishment matching the crime. You steal something, you get your hand cut off, you kill someone, their family kills you back, you light a cat on fire, you get the exact same treatment. I really do hope that some day I can catch someone doing it. I will straight up light them on fire and walk away and let them burn to death. You want to beat a cat with a wire brush and spray carb cleaner on them, how about a smash you in the balls with a wire brush and pour terpentine on you.

Edited by BigRed350x
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cheapo paintball gun always worked for me, had trouble with neighbors cocker spanials coming in the yard chasing my cats and crapping all over and getting into the trash bins. after numerous complains to the cops w/ evidence proving what dogs they were, it would be cool for a week or so and they'd come back. started sending them home neon pink & green. the nightly visits stopped real F'in quick. non-lethal, but hurts like hell and the owners got tired of having to wash the dogs every night.

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not sure if this has already been said yet or not I didn't really feal like reading all four pages but anyways. Anitfreeze usually works pretty good. They love it!

That sounds like something a complete retard would say. So are you the biggest moron in the state of Missouri or what? Perhaps your mother fed you a bit to much antifreeze when you were just a young troll huh? Better tell the bitch you need another dose!

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Kitty relocation program .... with a trip to the doctor. Catch them in a trap. Take them to the pound...have them spayed/neutered for free.....release them.


least they wont keep populating the planet.


People that torture animals have WAY bigger problems than just that.


Normal people with Normal upbringing's dont just go out and start mutalating Gods Creatures.

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I'd like to catch someone lighting a cat on fire. I would handcuff them to a fence post or tree or something, pour gas on them and light them on fire. I'm all for the punishment matching the crime. You steal something, you get your hand cut off, you kill someone, their family kills you back, you light a cat on fire, you get the exact same treatment. I really do hope that some day I can catch someone doing it. I will straight up light them on fire and walk away and let them burn to death. You want to beat a cat with a wire brush and spray carb cleaner on them, how about a smash you in the balls with a wire brush and pour terpentine on you.

LOL,Im with you Red my buddies that did all that did it before i was around them or i woulda beat their ass,somethin else that pisses me off is when people dump dogs off i was at the dump today and saw a momma dog with like 3 or 4 puppies eatin a bunch of trash and they looked really unhealthy,i would have taken em home if i had any room i just took in another cat the otherday so now i have 3 cats and a dog,and we dont have a pound or anykind of animal shelter or anything either.

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LOL,Im with you Red my buddies that did all that did it before i was around them or i woulda beat their ass,somethin else that pisses me off is when people dump dogs off i was at the dump today and saw a momma dog with like 3 or 4 puppies eatin a bunch of trash and they looked really unhealthy,i would have taken em home if i had any room i just took in another cat the otherday so now i have 3 cats and a dog,and we dont have a pound or anykind of animal shelter or anything either.


Nothing pisses me off more than people that don't take care of their animals. My 2 dogs live like kings, probably better that most kids. It takes A LOT to get me fired up (and I'm only 160 lbs or so lol) but I'd beat the snot out of whoever dumped their pregnant dog off at the dump. People that mistreat their pets need a good ass kicking. How the hell could someone leave their dog and puppies in a dump. I totally understand that you're full with the 4 animals you have already, can't argue with that. Don't want you to think this is directed at you at all - you're a good guy for stepping up to take the cat you mentioned. I'm not a cat lover, but they don't deserve to be mistreated. I had to get rid of a couple of my neighbor's cats because they weren't keeping them out of my landscaping that I spend a lot of time on, so I drove them (the cats, not the neighbors) out to some farmland around here and relocated them. They didn't eat or even stay at home anyway, they just killed shit and ate it so they'll survive just fine with the 500 other cats that live out there, mainly did it to punish the douche that owned them. I admit I feel bad, but it's water under the bridge now...probably wouldn't do it again.


Anyway, where are you? I'm in Western Mass, if you're anywhere close to me I'll go get the dog and pups and get them to a vet and either place them or I'll keep 'em till I find them a home. And, if you find the ass face that put them there in the first place let me know, I'll staple his f'in eyelids to his f'in forehead.

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I understand it really pisses me off too,naw man im in louisiana so i think it'd be a bit outta your way lol,but as far as findin them it happens so fuckin much around here its damn rediculous if i seen someone doin it id haul ass too em block em in grab my beneli from under my backseat and unload it on their bitch ass(or at least beat the shit outta them then take their money to pay for the vet bills).Think how hard it'd bee to raise kids in a fuckin dump.

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