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Everything posted by 01banch

  1. Reeds generally increase throttle response but VF3's would probably give you the most top end horsepower.
  2. It could be the gear on the back of the clutch basket, bad splines were the kick starter connects or a blown up top end! I am sure there are more possibilites and others will chime in.
  3. 01banch

    HP Question

    Hmmm...in the sand with a somewhat similar set up I beat on 4 strokes all day long...
  4. Depending on the agressiveness of the port jo they can sometimes scavenge a set of stock ported cylinders to work with a 4 mil but it is rare.
  5. You could just buy the really stiff spring from cascade and throw it on there. Thats what i did and it worked great!
  6. If you still have it friday I may be interested...Curious what is the shipping to 97701?
  7. Hmmm...could 410cc's be a 4mil or a BB stock stroke? I would Guess 70ish without knowing all the details.
  8. 29:1? really that is stupid. And mixing oil rich while you are running rich obviously caused a problem because you are on here asking why your bike was smoking profusely. Furthermore with your jetting in its state you should consider getting the magic 280 jet. And about 29:1 making it last longer BS Ive run 50:1 on my banshee for 5 years never a topend problem pistons looked great upon removal. I ran 100:1 on a pilot top end 250r 3 years piston looked great upon removal. Just because you have more oil doesnt mean that is going to fix set up flaws in your bike.
  9. It seems to me that you are wiring you lights to the ignition side of the stator, That would cause lower voltage when the lgiths are running. So you need to look at a wiring diagram and see what color wires are for lights and what color the ones for the ignition are.
  10. I need a dipstick...how much for yours shipped to 97701?
  11. Lets make the Hq grill interesting...bid war!!!
  12. For pipes i am in love with my Pt mids, cost for a new set is high but heck in this sport you normally get what you pay for.
  13. I love my Pt mids for sand and Mx but the fatty's also do pretty well in those riding styles. but the Pts are a spendy pipe...
  14. Sand Lake is a hassle waiting to happen generally speaking. Unless you just like avoiding cops that is. for me the hassle was not worth it with te florence dunes a little bit farther from me.
  15. honestly I hate the 10 inch wheel, If i were to do it again I would get a 9 paddle on a 8 inch wheel, But everyone has a different preference.
  16. I think you are shifting to fsat hold your gears longer and you should not run into the bogging problem. I have Pt mids and still have to rev it alot further than i would think i need to. How long have you had the banshee? It is a wierd siwtch if you do not understand the power of a banshee
  17. I would still just run a 8 paddle hauler then a 7 paddle edge, I think you are going to get alot of spin out of them instead of traction. just my opinion though. you might love them but i highly doubt it.
  18. I call mine the bansh, so i guess I dont call mine "shee".
  19. I understand you wanting to try something new or differnet but the R's really are expensive to make very fast, IMO you will even with the porting will be unimpressed. But If you feel that this is in your best interest don't let us hold you back atleast you will have another shee when the R breaks or bores you... :biggrin:
  20. It looks like it has a cr250 motor in it...not like it will make a huge difference in runability. The reason I say I do not believe it is a 250r motoris it is a rearwards kick(like the banshee) while the 250r motor actually kicks forward. But realize that you will be pretty bored with the power of a 250r after riding the shee, unless the porting is wild the powerbands are pretty mild. I honestly would not do it but I know I love my R but I am also running a pilot top end on it and it just screams,
  21. I use 0000 steel wool and turtle wax chrome polish and alot of time and it doesnt scratch it but it takes a hour or 2 a pipe. I finish it with hollywoods metal polish.
  22. Not to argue with you but just because you have similar mods doesnt mean anything humidity, elevation and weather have just as much to do with it. I run 420 jets at 3500 feet and it is maybe a tad lean. Bikes run different so his jetting is going to be different.
  23. I disagree that it is fat without knowing all of the need to know information such as elevation? I think the way you are doing it can get you in ballpark but it won't get you dialed in completely.
  24. I agree the silencers are ugly I plan on getting cascade CSX silencers when i get the cash.
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