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Everything posted by boneyardbanshee.

  1. very nice choice. I like your style. What are you using for a base coat? Not that it needs it but a clear would add some nice depth to that.
  2. you need to get on the list today. Group purchases rule :biggrin:
  3. Where I live there are a decent amount of trails but they are all connected by roads, most are paved, some are state highways. Never been chased but if I was they had better hope I throw a chain. I have heard of guys getting nailed though. Funny thing is we have a bunch of young cops who ride crotch rockets and they will drive like a bat out of hell in groups. Went to school with a few of them. They were on the wrestling team. If they tried any shit with me I would have to remind them of the ass woopens I used to lay on them back then. I agree though gonna have to buy a farm some day.
  4. Its a JDM part therfore it must work well. Unless you live in Puerto Rico.
  5. I hope we get this figured out. Riding season is upon us and I am itching to buy some other stuff.
  6. I ran 50:1 for a few years untill I joined this site. Then I asked once and everyone was telling me that that is too lean and I was asking for trouble. However none of them ran Amsoil. So I switched to 32:1 anyway. Ran it like that for a few months before winter. Noticed no difference. Since then I have read that more than a handful of people have run it 50:1 for years and have never had a problem. I will be switching back this year. Or at least to 40:1. The dominator is a very good oil. I know some people have to say other wise but it does its job very well. I even know a guy who ran his CR 250 at 75:1 for over 5 years with no problems. Never had a rebuild. Now I do have a Hot Rod crank setup so maybe I have a slight advantage there. But I think either mix is just fine. I you have a stock crank you may want to run it 40:1 just to be safe.
  7. Buster and his sister Ava when pups. He is a year old now. The date is obviously not correct.
  8. Overheated once and it was my fault. It was a long ride and I was sitting at idle for a while while waiting for another rider to get unstuck. I shut it off, let it cool, and even with a mud caked radiator in tight woods, did not over heat again. I did have the top hose blow a pin hole in it once damn that was hot.
  9. I personally woulnt blast the insides. I dont know how the other guys would go about it. But a degreasing and a good outgassing should prep them just fine for the inside. Lightly blast the outside to remove casting marks/bumps. But yeah, a good outgas before the powder should prep them well. It will burn off any oil and residue and also raise rap from in the metal. All cast parts should be outgassed to prevent bubbles in the finish.
  10. depends on your mods. V-fore 3 reeds are over kill for a mostly stock motor.
  11. Damn sorry to hear that. He sure was handsome. Hits home alittle with me as my boy Buster is a pit. Best dogs you can have.
  12. yup you just need to keep up on them. Even with chrome you need to do maitnence so they wont rust. At least with the raw you can get them to look uniform again. Once the chrome starts to go its gone.
  13. there is a guy trying to sell a set on here if your interested. They look like they are in perfect shape.
  14. seems like everyone coved what you need. Just wanted to add that you can split the motor upside down so that you dont need to mess with the top end.
  15. Haha... yeah i remember seeing that crazy guy wreck a banshee on tv before. Trying to jump one of those paddle steamer things. Never seen someone act so happy in that much pain before.
  16. Yes i have seen the mount that holds both awhile back. Not sure what bar size it was for though. give them a call.
  17. yup starting fluid is how I always mount tires. Used it for cars, trucks, quads, whatever. Just spray a VERY LIGHT coating all the way around. Then I used a campfire lighter to light it. As soon as its on I deflate the tire to get any unburnt gas out and inflate. You dont need alot for quad tires, a quick spray on all four sides will be fine.
  18. If it happens I am down..... 2twin350's....1 set 4stroker.......1 set ny98banshee 350......1 set 92 Z71.........1 set boneyardbanshee. .....1 set
  19. You dont have to put the bike on a stand to check the bearings. Just grab both tires and roll them in oposite directions. If they are bad you will know it. The axle will move back and forth. If the swingarm moves then they are bad. Only takes a second and I do it before every ride. I have never thrown/broke anything in the rough PA terrain.
  20. I use it because we have 5 gas cans that are all the same and I dont like pouring my gas out to see if its what I need. I did label the cans. But one day my brother used my can and I didnt know. So if it smells like cherries it two stroke. Works pretty good.
  21. Are any of the tubes bent or just the fins? If its just the fins I would say have it fixed. A brand new OEM is like $700. A used one on ebay may be worse than yours. Now an aftermarket one can be had at a reasonable price, maybe between 2-3 hundred. They make things radiator combs that straighten the fins. I was looking for one awhile back but couldnt find one that was the right size. I radiator shop might be able to do it cheap.
  22. yep this was something special. Makes me proud to say I own a Banshee and be a memeber of this great forum. An amazing group of people thats for sure.
  23. A aftermarket fiter is a really good idea. You can also buy a Outerwear that covers the box. They are water resistant. Not water proof but they will keep alot of crap out of the box. Still get the filter. I have a Pro flow with outerwear, then the one for the box. I ride in crap all the time and it works great. the one for the box is velcroed on so you can clean it after a ride. The mud will not go through it. Some water may but not nearly as much as with no lid and I doesnt affect your air flow.
  24. Anodized powders do not require a base coat or a top coat. A real anodized part is not glossy. Shinny, reflective, yes, depending on the surface of the part being anodized. If the aluminum is not polished it will be flat. I am not saying you are wrong. And different companies have different products that they call different things. Anodized is just another transparent like a candy. Eastwood does not have a transparent or a candy blue so they call it anodized.Where i get my powder they have all three. When I first started out I used to get all my stuff from Eastwood. Now that I have been powder coating for a few years and learned about different companies and powders I know better. I still buy some powder from them however they are overpriced and other powders that I have used perform much better.
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