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DeTuning cub motors...

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well put kool guy


due to constant dick measuring contests with pricks like sandstar who act as if they are all knowing gods


my ass is going to read up over at planetsand much more often

then hey i can at least find out what good ole WALT has been up to





You are an idot, son.


Why the hell can't I disagree with Dan? Being skeptical of this makes me a "prick"?

Why is it so hard to imagine that some people disagree with this dan fella that you worship as if he WAS an all knowing god? Does this mother f-er walk on water???


I suspect you have either bought somthing from him that you were told was the "best", or you don't like people disagreeing with your boyfriend.


You also whine like a little sissy. If you don't have points to add to the thread, why make us suffer reading through your crying. If all you can say is "well put cool guy" why don't you just jerk down his pants, open your mouth real wide, and accept what you are so willing to recieve from his apple bag.


Have the grit to tell me with logical points why I'm wrong. Change my point of view with facts if you know so much.


You guys say that I have a know it all attitude because I don't happen to agree with the builder of the moment? Get real.


Detuning makes as much sense dollar wise as spending $80000 on a WRX to get it to the performance level of a Viper, of which cost $80000 as well. You would spend alot of dough on your banshee engine to get it to compete with 4 stroke mx quads in the technical trails. I said by the time you built a Banshee that could

out-tree a 450 all day long, you could have just bought the 450, and rode trails.


NO, I don't consider the 450 to be a viper. I just think stock for stock, it's a better bike in the woods.

Still wanna know the cost to rebuild plated cyls.

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well sand your last post pretty much explains it for all of us why i say you are a total prick on here


nope never have gotten anything from dan in my life

but i wouldnt hesitate for one minute sending my stuff to be ported by him his reputation is golden


attitudes from assholes like you is what is obviously making so many of us unhappy around here


sorry gimmeabeer but i hadnt heard from walt in some time

he was one cool mofo thats for damned sure


yeah broke i know what you mean when you say that planetsand has some smart SOB's they forgot more than i would ever imagine being able to learn

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its not that you cant disagree... Hell different points of view are good. Its just you make such a jackass of yourself doing it...


Your constant insults in every post discredit your intelligence. I dont mean to insult you, I'm sure you know your shiznit but the hostility that you bring to table is getting old.

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sorry gimmeabeer but i hadnt heard from walt in some time

he was one cool mofo thats for damned sure




i still got his email its b370@cox.net send him some text sometime. i do every once in a while, but havent recently.

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I really get tired of hearing Planet Sand testimonials on here. If I wanted a Planet Sand indorsement of dan, I would post there. 


Don't threaten me or anyone else with being banned from another site because of what was posted here. Thats just stupid on your part.


Keep your reliability cool-aid to yourself until you can prove 3 seasons of hard riding and no problems on multiple engines.


Decking .050 won't affect any other aspect of the engine??

Remind me to stay away from whatever you are selling.


Let's say you have a workmanship flaw like a jacket crack or a loose sleeve.

You can return them.

You can't if you decked them and then found the problem.


And what is the great benny to a chrome bore???

Seems that would make for an expensive rebuild if you had problems. And last I checked, twin carbed two stroke engines can be a pain to keep properly jetted at all times. This is one of the biggest causes of two stroke failure. You can plate it with kriptonite if you want, if your too lean or rich, your gonna have problems.


If BHQ is so bad, why are you getting emails about it?  Furthermore, why did you feel the need to respond to "childish bitching" as you call it.


It's because a few people here have open minds and speak their piece without being worried about what the "builders" think.


Try THAT on ps.



I never once came in here directing my post to one specific individual. Why do you make it your cause to keep this thread going with your constant insults and a general lack of knowledge with what is going on.


The only thing that is in common between a viper and a wrx is that they both have 4 tires and wheels. Last time i checked we are talking the difference in motors by merely changing the rpm in which a motor makes power. Try keeping your comparisons in the same category smart ass.


I gave you more then enough reasons why a nickle bore is better then a cast bore. Perhaps you may want to re-read my first post. But in response to the "why is a chrome bore so much better" question, its like teflon on a frying pan. NO STICK.


Water jackets dont crack stupid shit. Especially on a cylinder that needs extremely minimal transfer work. Its not like you are hacking into one like a stock cylinder. Cubs are virtually set up port-wise right out of the box!


LMFAO...sleeves in a nikasil bore?


"Decking .050 won't affect any other aspect of the engine??

Remind me to stay away from whatever you are selling."


Try reading my post again. Or better yet, tell me what parts wont work any more by decking a cylinder .050. LOL pipes not going to fit the exhaust flanges now? Are the carbs not going to fit in the intake boots? Boy, you are arguing with the wrong guy here. ONLY thing that changes is port timing and combustion. Which ive already addressed.


"Don't threaten me or anyone else with being banned from another site because of what was posted here. Thats just stupid on your part."


When you take a quote from our site to post on yours to talk shit it becomes my business and i can do what i will to the people who partake in it on our site. You wouldnt last on our site anyways, people tell it how it is and dont take sides with other people without having a solid foundation to argue on. Notice how quiet loco and the rest of the HQ'ers are on planetsand?


Finally the reason i came in here is because Dan was being insulted. He is a huge asset to every part of our sport. From snomobiles, to atv's. No, nobody is hanging from anybody's dick, it is just common knowledge and it seems you lack quiet a bit of it.

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When you take a quote from our site to post on yours to talk shit it becomes my business and i can do what i will to the people who partake in it on our site. You wouldnt last on our site anyways, people tell it how it is and dont take sides with other people without having a solid foundation to argue on. Notice how quiet loco and the rest of the HQ'ers are on planetsand?


Finally the reason i came in here is because Dan was being insulted. He is a huge asset to every part of our sport. From snomobiles, to atv's. No, nobody is hanging from anybody's dick, it is just common knowledge and it seems you lack quiet a bit of it.



ok lets get this straight right now. i NEVER took that quote from PS to "talk shit" on anyone. we had a 7 page thread about the cub cylinders a while back where someone mentioned the words "detuned". when i saw that dan had said i just got a kick out of it. i never once questioned dans intelligence and never once insulted him. go back and read, and youll see that. now the reason im quiet on PS is because i dont have anything to say over there. im not a hardcore drag racer like you and the rest of them. i hillclimb with my bikes, not run them down a flat track. its fun and all, but i would much rather be hillclimbing which is what i do best. if i had a technical question about a motor then sure id post up there. but i havent, so you dont see much posting from me. its not that im stupid or whatever you are implying with your comment, its that i have nothing to say. if i did have a question chances are i could make a call to garret thompson, jeff wendorff or rick cairo and get it answered. not to mention the fact that if you go against the grain over there, you might as well forget about anyone taking you seriously. i mention the words "rocket pipes" there and get my ass chewed. its whatever, no one has to run them i just thought someone might want to?? i got no problem with you or anyone else on PS for that matter. this whole thing gotten taken the wrong way and now everyone is defending their position...

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instead of lowering port timing by decking the cyls, you could also alter it with epoxys. (go ahead and tell me thats wrong too sandstar) And I think the choice of words "detuning" is what pushed sandstar over the edge. Now to me I would call it nothing near that, but if we all had endless bank accounts like sandstar then it wouldnt be an issue. We all would have 2 or 3 machines with specific purposes at our disposal. Now after everyone has already spent the bank modding their banshee, who wants to go out, sell it for WAY less than you have into it and take a major loss, to then go out and buy a 7500$ YFZ and drop MORE into it?

So how would spending 800-900.00 on a set of cubs, or even 1000.00 to get yourself gobs of midrange with still way more on top than stockers be a wrong choice? I'm sure we all wish we were as smart as sandstar, but as of yet I dont see any of his credentials, so why is it everyone is getting all worked up over someone that as of yet hasnt made any credible points?

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My bad Kool, I actually made that comparison. I am not here to argue, I actually have one of Dan's motors. It was kind of taken out of contex anyway.


The only thing that is in common between a viper and a wrx is that they both have 4 tires and wheels. Last time i checked we are talking the difference in motors by merely changing the rpm in which a motor makes power. Try keeping your comparisons in the same category smart ass.


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Water jackets dont crack stupid shit. Especially on a cylinder that needs extremely minimal transfer work. Its not like you are hacking into one like a stock cylinder. Cubs are virtually set up port-wise right out of the box!




"Decking .050 won't affect any other aspect of the engine??

Remind me to stay away from whatever you are selling."


Try reading my post again. Or better yet, tell me what parts wont work any more by decking a cylinder .050. LOL pipes not going to fit the exhaust flanges now? Are the carbs not going to fit in the intake boots? Boy, you are arguing with the wrong guy here. ONLY thing that changes is port timing and combustion. Which ive already addressed.




When you take a quote from our site to post on yours to talk shit it becomes my business and i can do what i will to the people who partake in it on our site. You wouldnt last on our site anyways, people tell it how it is and dont take sides with other people without having a solid foundation to argue on. Notice how quiet loco and the rest of the HQ'ers are on planetsand?


Finally the reason i came in here is because Dan was being insulted. He is a huge asset to every part of our sport. From snomobiles, to atv's. No, nobody is hanging from anybody's dick, it is just common knowledge and it seems you lack quiet a bit of it.



1. I have personally had cylinders that weeped and a set that couldn't hold compression because of a bad casting. Sometimes stuff gets damaged in production. When that happens, you send them back. Any reputable manufacturer will make it right if you haven't boogered the merchandise. Yes, even billet aluminum can crack or have some other flaw. I'm sure anyone in the QC room of a machine shop could tell you many stories about damaged goods.


2. You will need one-off custom head modifications done. You snag a ring or melt a hole in a piston, you need another CUSTOM head. I guess you have only one place to turn to. Better hope he doesn't go out of busness.


3. I didn't even start this thread. I didn't quote anyone on ps. If you even attempt to argue or step out of line over there, you are done. Builders have an iron fist over ps. That is what sucks about it.


4. Why you gotta tow dans or toms or billy bobs or anyone else's rope for them?

Say you buy what he is sellin' and leave it at that. Quit shittin' on the BHQ.


Every time another punk ass calls me out, I will respond. If you want me to shut up in this thread, quit posting. If ps is so good, go there like the sheep that you are.

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instead of lowering port timing by decking the cyls, you could also alter it with epoxys. (go ahead and tell me thats wrong too sandstar) And I think the choice of words "detuning" is what pushed sandstar over the edge. Now to me I would call it nothing near that, but if we all had endless bank accounts like sandstar then it wouldnt be an issue. We all would have 2 or 3 machines with specific purposes at our disposal. Now after everyone has already spent the bank modding their banshee, who wants to go out, sell it for WAY less than you have into it and take a major loss, to then go out and buy a 7500$ YFZ and drop MORE into it?

So how would spending 800-900.00 on a set of cubs, or even 1000.00 to get yourself gobs of midrange with still way more on top than stockers be a wrong choice? I'm sure we all wish we were as smart as sandstar, but as of yet I dont see any of his credentials, so why is it everyone is getting all worked up over someone that as of yet hasnt made any credible points?


If the complete cost of this mod is $1000, I would be very suprised.

I am basing my arguement on new stock for stock banshee /450. You are gonna spend more on the banshee to get it to 450 woods/trails/mx performance than just getting the 450 in the first place.

My credentials are none of your concern.

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If the complete cost of this mod is $1000, I would be very suprised.

I am basing my arguement on new stock for stock banshee /450. You are gonna spend more on the banshee to get it to 450 woods/trails/mx performance than just getting the 450 in the first place.

My credentials are none of your concern.



Top end for a cub is 900 plated and ported.


No cheetah/cub is billet. They are casted. There are NO sleeves in a nikasil motor so there is NO leaking from the sleeve. Calvin is a good guy. if he see's a flaw in his cylinder he will replace it. No matter if it is decked, ported, dropped, ect. Calvin and Dan are great friends at any rate. So there is no questionability.


You act like Dan is the only place to cut a dome. It isnt a huge secret. You have a multitude of aspects to consider, but any decent shop can cut a decent set of domes. So NO you arent stuck with just him. Every dome that is cut needs to be custom. Why? A dome doesnt run the same from elevation to elevation and fuel to fuel. Want more torque? Change the combustion. More RPM? change the combustion. More midrange? CHANGE THE COMBUSTION. A simple 17cc dome from trinity will never yield a great dome.


Know something funny? The two greatest power gains in any motor are the pipe and dome, so why would you run a stock dome? its like running a stock pipe.


Loco, the comment wasnt directed towards you. The quote was taken from our site then your site picked it up from there. So it was a generalization.


Damn sandstar, you are just learning all kinds of cool stuff...imagine what you'd learn if you frequented my board...

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Top end for a cub is 900 plated and ported.


No cheetah/cub is billet. They are casted. There are NO sleeves in a nikasil motor so there is NO leaking from the sleeve. Calvin is a good guy. if he see's a flaw in his cylinder he will replace it. No matter if it is decked, ported, dropped, ect. Calvin and Dan are great friends at any rate. So there is no questionability.


You act like Dan is the only place to cut a dome. It isnt a huge secret. You have a multitude of aspects to consider, but any decent shop can cut a decent set of domes. So NO you arent stuck with just him. Every dome that is cut needs to be custom. Why? A dome doesnt run the same from elevation to elevation and fuel to fuel. Want more torque? Change the combustion. More RPM? change the combustion. More midrange? CHANGE THE COMBUSTION. A simple 17cc dome from trinity will never yield a great dome.


Know something funny? The two greatest power gains in any motor are the pipe and dome, so why would you run a stock dome? its like running a stock pipe.


Loco, the comment wasnt directed towards you. The quote was taken from our site then your site picked it up from there. So it was a generalization.


Damn sandstar, you are just learning all kinds of cool stuff...imagine what you'd learn if you frequented my board...


Right on. The cyls that I had problems with were cast. Im not doggin the cubs.

I wouldn't mind a pair (not decked, of course!) myself.

Have you ever tried to get one builder to fix or repair another builder's stuff?

Talk about a headache.


Am I rigt to assume that the pistons in this set up will be above the cyl at tdc?


Does anyone know what the sulfer content of avgas or racing fuel is? I am sure that the oil coompanys have fixed this problem, but I still would like to know. I had a Beemer that had nykasil problems (compression issues,or so I was told by a mechanic)because of the high sulfer in U.S.gasoline.


For $900? That changes my mind a bit. I would think they would be WAY more than that. Whats the OTD- set up -ready to ride price?

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Right on. The cyls that I had problems with were cast. Im not doggin the cubs.

I wouldn't mind a pair (not decked, of course!) myself. 

Have you ever tried to get one builder to fix or repair another builder's stuff?

Talk about a headache.


Am I rigt to assume that the pistons in this set up will be above the cyl at tdc?


Does anyone know what the sulfer content of avgas or racing fuel is? I am sure that the oil coompanys have fixed this problem, but I still would like to know. I had a Beemer that had nykasil problems (compression issues,or so I was told by a mechanic)because of the high sulfer in U.S.gasoline.


For $900? That changes my mind a bit. I would think they would be WAY more than that. Whats the OTD- set up -ready to ride price?



Every builder out there works on other builders stuff. If it's a factory cylinder or a Cheetah cylinder they were all designed by someone and a builder must check the current specs and resign to meet your goals.


If you deck the cylinders base or if you throw in a stroker or long rod crankshaft... YES the piston will have a positive deck height. Just like every stroker motor made before the aftermarket cylinders came out.


I'm not sure about sulfer content in avgas or race gas but it I know there have been problems with pump gas having too much sulfer content. The majority of the problems it caused was fuel gauges sticking and people having to replace their fuel level sensors in the fuel tank.


The OTD price depends on what Cub motor you want to build. 65mm bore stock stroke would be around 900 for a cleaned up cylinder. Add new gaskets, longer rear studs, brass plugs for the bottom of the cylinder, and two pistons. Out the door I would say 1100. If you already have a stroker crank the price would still be about the same with the exception of the more expensive pistons. Same goes for the larger bore.

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having a positive deck height on a piston isnt the end of the world guys


the piston ring isnt at the very very top fo the piston it physically must sit down a little ways so that the ring land has sufficient material on top fo the ring

if that makes any sence

look at a piston and you will knwo what i mean


making the piston go a mere 50 thou higher in the bore simply will not overextrend anything


the ring is still sitting within the bore and isnt at rick of anything major


i know that on the motor for my car a VERY well respected builder recomended the piston be at 40 thou or so positive deck

there is no issue with the piston going positive as long as it is within reasonable amounts

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