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bush or kerry


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Amen Duece, amen :clap:

Thanks BigBoy......I mean what if Bush read this thread and Fucking executed Meat? that would seem to sit fine with some of us, we take for granted we live in a free country ..........anyone ever watch one of there children starve to death? we saved countless fuckers from loosing there lives in Iraq...does that not mean anything to anyone? f*ck all the kerry bush bullshit....little george saved a fucking country from doom......Hello!!!!........ if Meats son walked up to me and said "Mister im hungry" i take the little shit straight to McDonald's, Americans arnt heartless Pricks, the ones that are, are against helping the underdog

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Bush all the way. I do not want a president who thinks it is OK to kill unborn children. I have several friends who can not have children and have been waiting for years and have had several adoptions fall through, and it makes me SICK that there are people who are murdering unborn children instead of the adoption route. IF YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE RESPONSIBILITY DO NOT HAVE SEX!!!!!!!

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Bush all the way. I do not want a president who thinks it is OK to kill unborn children. I have several friends who can not have children and have been waiting for years and have had several adoptions fall through, and it makes me SICK that there are people who are murdering unborn children instead of the adoption route. IF YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE RESPONSIBILITY DO NOT HAVE SEX!!!!!!!

Lets recap and see if we understand this, i get drunk, jump in my car and run over a kid, im doing 25 years with Bubba, but if i get drunk, spread my legs, get pregnant, i can suck my kid down the drain, and im cool?

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im voting for kerry now that edwards said if he was elected everyone in wheelchairs would get out of them and walk...JOHN KERRY IS JESUS!!!! THE MESSIAH HAS COME!!!!!


Now if he can turn water into beer.....



And Deuce....I won't complain ever about my measly $2200/mo estimated taxes again. You got my best wishes on that tax bill. Sad to hear, and seeing a number that high makes me want to cry. I know the government needs the money to survive, but alot of us here do too. Less foriegn aid, more domestic help in the form of better roads, stronger education and bigger prisons. I'm all for the 3 strikes law. Fuckem if they can't learn. Its not my problem. :headbang:

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kerry says he would have went to war knowing what he knows now but he would do it better ... with a coalition... well thats funny cus back in 91 when he had the coalition he speaks of not having now he voted against takin saddam out of kuwait....but no matter what we say we all have our own reason why we will vote for or guy anyways... i wanna know how many ppl on this site is actually going to vote!!!!????i'm voting!!

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Kerry, just like every good american TRUSTED AND BELEIVED in what the President tells us.  Bush told us that Iraq had WMD's.  When I heard that Iraq had WMD, I was all for invading just like the majority of us.  But as the war progressed and facts and truths came out, we "flip flopped"....

Damn , Ive been away too long! where to start.....

Meat , Kerry is on the freakin intelligence commitee , he was getting the same

info as Bush from THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES not the president. But looking at Kerry's record maybe he missed that meeting?? ketchup convention in town :confused:

Maybe YOU have flip flopped on WMD's , but again I pose this question to you:

how did all those Kurds end up in mass graves? did Saddam just dig a big hole

and they all just tripped and fell in there? Thank god there are real leaders in our history that have stood up to injustice and evil in the world and Bush is one of them ,

no "spin" can change that.

As for shellby , I will agree that you have won the debate... against yourself.

man you sure told YOU... what the hell was that? did you just find a link to

the Michael Moron fansite or what? Bush doesnt need defending , he's not the one

changing his views with every microphone put to him. There is no spin as you

would suggest.... listen to Kerry's own words! banghead


W-04 :headbang:

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lololol :rotflmao: we can argue for the next 18 days but i got better things to do!! come the 3rd when kerry is president u can come back in here and post a new topic . and make sure u actually watch how the president is supposed take that walk into the white house instead of steping on the gas and dodging eggs :rotflmao: heres a topic idea ( BUSH REDEFEATED ) :rotflmao:

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KGL Most of them Kurds Had bullet holes in them. I wanted you to know.




Only thing Kerry as Done is Should us How Far up he can stick is head up His own ass and he made it to his shoulders .


If you hate Bush Fine Vote for Nader. Kerry a Hippie Tree huggin little Querr.


But we need Saddam out of there. On human rights Alone. All Bush did was Finish the Unpopular Job His Dad Started and We all wanted it done back then.


Ah Hell Kerrys right Maybe we DON"T need any mideastern OIL for a Banshees.

And for all you guy that think Machine guns are a Bad Thing kill are Kids & Cops on are streets

Think of this:

You think they paid 400 to 1200 dollars for it at the Sport Store Got it register paid taxes for it Or bought it in the black market? Just as couple of issue I find Kerry stand on things are I tell you what you want to here So you vote for me Bullshit.


Only thing Kerry as Done is Should us How Far up he can stick is head up His own ass and he made it to his shoulders .


A vote for Kerry is a Vote for is 2cycle Band , No place to Ride AND no OIL.


Anybody know his stand on Public Ground? Better Check it out before you cast your vote.

Know Bush as open up places for us to ride in. That alone should be enough to Get everybodys vote ON A FRIGGEN BANSHEE SIGHT.


anybody play Backgammon?

Edited by Oilsmoke
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I think its hilarious that people are bad mouthing Bush saying the war shouldn't have been simply because there haven't been any WMD found in Iraq...Regardless of the WMD, that POS Hussein needed to be taken out. I guess the Kerry supporters haven't realized it but there haven't been any more attacks on America since 9/11, isn't that ironic...I guess al qaida decided to stop, oh wait, Bush had most of them taken out in this war, as well as Hussein, and his top henchmen. Maybe that's why our homeland hasn't been atacked again by the towel headed bastards :rolleyes: This war was definitely necessary to protect the citizens of the U.S., whether you like it or not, our future and kid's future is/was depending on it. If America never went over there, none of the Al qaida would have been captured/killed (except for the ones flying 757's into our families workplace) Saddam would still be in power and supporting the Al qaida, giving them a place to hide and plans for their next attack, and we'd all be sitting ducks.


Say Kerry became president, pulled all our troops out of Iraq and said to hell with you, we've destroyed your country looking for these WMD, didn't find any so we're out...leaving it in wreckage and ruins. Yeah, that's great for the troops but looks HORRIBLE for our country. Then other countries will be thinkin, Americans are real pieces of shit, they just blew them to smitherenes and left the country with nothing but rampaging Iraqis...Do you HONESTLY think any other country in the world would want to join a coalition WITH us if we were to receive another threat to our country? NOOOOOOO, they'd probably want to join the attacker against us. That's what Kerry wants to do, pull our troops out and basically forget about it...what a selfish POS.


People say Bush isn't focusing on the trouble in America by going to war with Iraq, the hell he isn't!!! He's doing it to help protect our lives!! Not much to enjoy if your ass is dead! Who gives a rats ass if we have this huge deficit now, which is affecting the economy and the way we live...we've had one for longer than I've been alive and frankly I don't think there will ever be a president who can rid this national deficit, especially in a 4 or 8 year term. Yeah, things may suck around here for now, but I'd rather be alive and enjoying the things I do have, rather than worrying about a freakin missile hitting my city, knocking out my family and myself....then what would you have to enjoy...6 feet under ground?


And of course Kerry says, "if I were president the war would have been conducted in a different manner"...well sure it would have, the guy is running for president, do you really think he's gonna stand up in front of America and say, "I agree with president Bush's actions 100%"??? Hell no, then there would be no reason for anyone to vote for him, might as well keep the same president since things weren't gonna change...As it's been said before, Kerry was on the committee to vote FOR the attack on Iraq, he had the same information Bush did, and he would of been in the same shoes Bush is if he had been the president making that decision.


W-04 :headbang::clap:

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Kerry, just like every good american TRUSTED AND BELEIVED in what the President tells us. Bush told us that Iraq had WMD's. When I heard that Iraq had WMD, I was all for invading just like the majority of us. But as the war progressed and facts and truths came out, we "flip flopped".... we looked at the true facts and decided it was way wrong. Your quote was taken out of context. The republicans can take anything someone says and make it sound the way they want it. If you look the whole picture, you'll get the truth. Thats how Kerry confronted the "flip flop" claim in the first debate.



John F Kerry spent alot of time talking about how Saddam needed to be removed because of his weapons arsenal from 1996 (talked about disarming Saddam on Larry King Live) till about just after Howard Dean said otherwise. The above quote where you say that Kerry was just believing what the President told him doesn't hold water. Case and point...Bush started as president in January 2001 since he was governor of Texas I would guess he didn't have a whole lot of info on Global intelligence {Can you dispute that?} On the other hand Kerry was on the Senate intelligence committee starting in 1993 by my math that's about eight years of intelligence knowledge that he should have{ Do you agree with that?}. But you claim Bush had to tell him the weapons were there? {I disagree with your thoughts on that}.


I just presented you with the "WHOLE" picture did you get the TRUTH?


On the other hand of this campaign, can you name one significant bill authored by Kerry that actually made it through and was signed into law? It's a handful at best. After 20 years in the Senate Kerry's most significant bill that he spearheaded was the renaming of a courthouse. I know I'll feel better if he gets elected {Added a little SARCASM specifically for BIRD213}




About your WMD claims read this link please.


Also, is it normal to hide these?




Thanks for attempting to set SHELBY straight, but he's a wealth of ignorance on this issue.

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Push... I see Kerry is in your neck of the woods today. He's pushing the idea that Bush will enact another draft. He's pulling all strings to get votes... Kids hear the word draft, grew up hearing it, and it scares the hell out of them. I have to say that I am not opposed. People are getting more detached from what our armed services have given us in the past and present... Their lives for our freedom, we should all be liable to do the same.

People need to realize what Freedom means and not take it for granted. Kerry takes alot for granted and spits on those that really matter. I'd be ready to fight if needed I'm more willing to protect our home ground but if I was needed I'd gladly go elsewhere.


I drive over 1000 miles weekly and I take note of what signs are in what kind of yards, make that effort and you'll agree which yards you'd rather have. Also the stickers on cars I haven't seen a Kerry Edwards sticker with a support the troops ribbon on it they don't exist. Needless to say the overwhelming majority of cars I've seen sporting the Kerry stickers are foreign, I don't care where foreign cars are made but ultimatly where does the money for the most expensive possession (other than a house) go? I drive Fords always will, Bush admittedly also drives a nice Superduty. What's Kerry drive?


BIRD213 I commend you on your calm rational responses. And I only hope you make the correct decision at the election. Make the one that is truly in YOUR best interests.

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well after reading most of this post. i came to this conclusions. most people on here are rep, we all have 1000 different ways of spinning our point.



1 god fucking damnit i can not wait till this shit is over. listen to what we all wrote in here. blah blah your wrong blah blah he did this voted for that. its getting old. he my friend is a big rep and he starts talking about politics and i start getting a migraine. im tired of it.



2 on the vp debate dick cheney was asked why were the people are divided so much. i dont remember his answer very well but something like the majority changed or something. after 9-11 we were a extremely supportive country. now shit you watch tv or listen to radio it is so fucked up. wish there were more PORN on cause it driving me mad. but this is politcs and everyones got there opinions.


3 to the guys with the sierra club shit, i have heard anything about shutting down trails to 2 strokes. sure read a bunch of shit about mercury in the water, and how the bush admin has reduced the fines and controls the big polluters are doing. coal burning power plant sure are brought up not FUCKING 2 STROKE ATVS.


4 economics my friend has a oil field trucking business right now he is busier than shit with oil 53 dollars a barrel. the drilling company are going bezerk, thats is good money for them, and i give them props. but what is good for them isnt for me and where i work at.



my company, which is a trucking company, is hurting with fuel being 2.15 a gal in ks now. 300 dollars a day to fill my truck up with diesel. my company is passing a fuel surcharge to the people getting their loads which is costing them more for the product. i keep asking the company if fuel gets too high will they park their trucks, their answer is we hope not. f*ck if shit doesnt somewhat figure shit out hell i might be out a job.


to the guy earlier that called me lazy for not loading my truck and what not, well i sorry that im not a rich guy like you, i work 5 days a week sometime 6 like most everyone else, i just want my slice of the pie. im far from being lazy and i dont apreiante (sp) you calling me that. sorry i dont live up to your way of life.

i bust my ass to have a new pu, an atv, and what ever so dont bash me.


5 i would really like to see bush admit he fucked up at least once and say he was sorry for something. hell no one is perfect, but my god.


6 the prez does get different info than the senator do. called a daily briefing.


7 after nov 2 who ever wins i hope they fix the problems with all the issues. i presonnally think it would be better with john kerry. and then we can all get drunk and screw after riding our atvs



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4 economics my friend has a oil field trucking business right now he is busier than shit with oil 53 dollars a barrel. the drilling company are going bezerk, thats is good money for them, and i give them props. but what is good for them isnt for me and where i work at.



my company, which is a trucking company, is hurting with fuel being 2.15 a gal in ks now. 300 dollars a day to fill my truck up with diesel. my company is passing a fuel surcharge to the people getting their loads which is costing them more for the product. i keep asking the company if fuel gets too high will they park their trucks, their answer is we hope not. f*ck if shit doesnt somewhat figure shit out hell i might be out a job.


to the guy earlier that called me lazy for not loading my truck and what not, well i sorry that im not a rich guy like you, i work 5 days a week sometime 6 like most everyone else, i just want my slice of the pie. im far from being lazy and i dont apreiante (sp) you calling me that. sorry i dont live up to your way of life.

i bust my ass to have a new pu, an atv, and what ever so dont bash me.

Did you know that oil production is at it's highest the high prices aren't due to any shortage? OPEC wants prices around $30 a barrel this isn't good for them at all. There's a couple reasons why the prices are high.


1. Uncertainty in the middle east which will be greatly reduced after the elections both here and in Iraq in January.


2. The analysts see this as the main cause of high prices. The state of the economy, it's booming right now. Ten years ago prices like these would have been met with bicycles not bills. Seeing as people don't care about what they drive like 10-15 years ago when trends were smaller vehicles. I recently bought a new truck and while I was at the dealer I asked how sales were being affected by gas prices and was told that trucks and SUV sales have gone up not down, obvious by what you see on the roads. Ford is gearing up to sell 1 million F150's next year. It really sucks that since we've got the money that our consumption is driving the price up and up. It's not just us either China must have found ways to drink oil with the amount they are consuming.


5  i would really like to see bush admit he fucked up at least once and say he was sorry for something.  hell no one is perfect, but my god.


I'm really not seeing what the benefit of this would be? Would you like him to give you a shoulder rub and a pat on the butt and tell you how proud of you he is? I'm not sure if he made any mistakes worthy of appologizing for. You base his mistakes on hindsight the President does not have that option when he makes his decisions.


the prez does get different info than the senator do.  called a daily briefing.


You may not realize but the Senate intelligence committee is supposed oversee intelligence, so taking your response into consideration I would conclude it's Kerry's fault that Bush got the daily briefings he did.


and then we can all get drunk and screw after riding our atvs


Is there some reason you can't do this now?

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Wesw ,

what would you like Bush to apologize for specifically?


Heres a letter for yall regarding the election....


"I am a senior citizen.During the Clinton Administration I had an extremely

good and well paying job, I took numerous vacations and had several

vacation homes.

Since Bush took office , I have watched my entire life change for the worse!

I lost my job , I lost two of my sons in the unjust Iraqi war , I lost my homes,

and my health insurance...

As a matter of fact I virtually lost everything and had no choice but to become

homeless . Adding insult to injury , when the authorities found me living like an

animal , instead of helping me , they ARRESTED me! where is the compassion?

I will do anything that Senator Kerry needs to insure a Democrat is back in the

white house come next year , Bush is just a bully and has to go!"

sincerely , Saddam Hussein :cry:


Bird, dont you think maybe people might appreciate what our troops are doing more

if say... Kerry , a senator in the U.S. govt , and the lib media supports them and their sacrifices instead of trivializing them? hmmmmm??? lets see... what did the "media" just

say the TERRORISTS body count is up to now?.......... . . . . . exactly.


Do any of you guys have a theory on why you are outnumbered by "Bushies" here?

maybe weez just aint ez shmart as u fellers? :shrugani:


W-04 :headbang:

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