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Oh shit moments


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Got one that's not banshee related but it's a good one. Just this pass hunting season, while whitetail hunting, I had everything loaded in the truck, took the two hour drive north to go hunting early in the morning, got there, suited up, and oh shit, forgot my gun back at home. Damn was I ever pissed.

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#1 First time installing cool head, tightening down nuts, and SNAP. Thought I was fucked at getting the broke stud out and relized I could turn it out by hand......bought a clymers and torque wrench.


#2 Testing out new cool head with bumped compression and VF3's. Doing donuts and grip came off with me rolling the shee.....no longer use hair spray for installing grips.


#3 Got all parts back from powder coater, put the seals back in dog bone and installed on bike, forgot dust caps after already filled with greese.


#4 Bought frame off ebay, supposedly show quality....idiot that had it powder and baked over steering stem bearing.....sold frame and trail plastics for enough to get fullbores


#5 Have one of those magnetic pans for all the shee bolts and nuts. While polishing pipes flipped it over in the garage from the top of table while dog going crazy in garage trying to eat the nuts and bolts


#6 Freshly painted white and finished garage.....learned how to polish with bench grinder..polished for 6 hours on pipes...Blue stream of polish on everything in line with the wheel from cealing to walls to garage door...Have lots of tarps now


#7 Spent 1 day trying to get right sized bolt for shee. Ace hardware is quarter mile away...lost original bolt twice, dropped magnetic pan will all bolts when getting out of truck...I know take the one bolt I know is right and tape it to the inside of my wallet


This is it so far, but lately my 5 minute jobs take hours. I think my wife ginxes the hell out of me because she always ask how long it will take. I now say 4 hours even if I'm changing a tire. Good ridance 08 and welcome 09.

Edited by grpark20
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Remembered a couple more....


swapping from dirt tires to sand tires and got a phone call...came back to the job and installed last tire....got to where I was going and realized I had 1 knobby and 1 paddle on the rear...but 2 sand tires on teh front...thank god I put all the tires with me...don't ask why I never caught the 1 paddle tire in the truck....


Swapping out brake pads on CR250 and got everything back together and couldn't figure out why the brake pads looked brand new and so clean for being old....yep removed and installed old brake pads....


Pulling reeds off CR250 and installing new ones and drop one of the bolts into the cylinder and drops below the piston into the case.... Thank god I had a long flexible maget....Now I make sure the piston is blocking the hole when working in that area.


Or while removing a seized swingarm bolt take an extension and use it as a drift punch and hit it with a deadblow hammer with wife on the other size pulling at the same time and the bolt becomes unseized and nails wife in forehead...leaving a perfectly round dot right in the middle of her forehead...I laughed so hard...after I made sure she was ok...

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Remembered a couple more....


swapping from dirt tires to sand tires and got a phone call...came back to the job and installed last tire....got to where I was going and realized I had 1 knobby and 1 paddle on the rear...but 2 sand tires on teh front...thank god I put all the tires with me...don't ask why I never caught the 1 paddle tire in the truck....


Swapping out brake pads on CR250 and got everything back together and couldn't figure out why the brake pads looked brand new and so clean for being old....yep removed and installed old brake pads....


Pulling reeds off CR250 and installing new ones and drop one of the bolts into the cylinder and drops below the piston into the case.... Thank god I had a long flexible maget....Now I make sure the piston is blocking the hole when working in that area.


Or while removing a seized swingarm bolt take an extension and use it as a drift punch and hit it with a deadblow hammer with wife on the other size pulling at the same time and the bolt becomes unseized and nails wife in forehead...leaving a perfectly round dot right in the middle of her forehead...I laughed so hard...after I made sure she was ok...

That last one is hilarious, haha :yelrotflmao:, thanks for the laugh man.


Back when I had my old as dirt Suzuki 250 dirtbike, I was going to this place we camp about a 3 hour drive away and I was rushed when packing so I get down there get ready to ride and realize I left the gas valve on and forgot the spare gas at home the closest station was an hour drive

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went to go for a good days ride with the gf. talked her into trying a new riding area about 2 hours away when i got there and unloaded the ltr 450 realized i forgot the key. i was so pissed i drove home and got it and went back for the ride it was brutal. ....... oh and then we brought our 100lbs german shepard to run with us and after an hour or so he was so exhausted that i had to ride back with him in front of me paws on the bar pad and my gf on the back wearing a backpack with 5 liters of gas and a bunch of water in it it was awful :down:

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Years ago I put a new clutch and shift shaft in my RZ 350. Everything was great until I looked for neutral during the test ride. somehow I got neutral between 5th and 6th. Rode the bike for about 4 months before I ripped it apart and got it right. Needless to say I was not impressed with myself for doing that.

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went to go for a good days ride with the gf. talked her into trying a new riding area about 2 hours away when i got there and unloaded the ltr 450 realized i forgot the key. i was so pissed i drove home and got it and went back for the ride it was brutal. ....... oh and then we brought our 100lbs german shepard to run with us and after an hour or so he was so exhausted that i had to ride back with him in front of me paws on the bar pad and my gf on the back wearing a backpack with 5 liters of gas and a bunch of water in it it was awful :down:

You know you could have pulled out the key switch cut the wires and twisted them together until you got home then soldered them back to the switch man

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put new plates in my clutch.... took old ones out put new ones in.... put it all back to gether couldnt figure out why the clutch was pulling so hard..... spent hours working on it ajusting and what not..... got pissed went to bed..... next morning came out and pulled the clutch cover to find that the very bottom(old plate) was still stuck on the hub and there was an extra

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Some buddies and I had been planning a trip to the dunes all summer. Finally got there, everything was going well, got a camp site without a reservation and everything. Started riding around. At the time the Raptor 700 had just come out and we found these 2 guys on matching stock ones that wanted to race. Thought it would be fun, we would smoke em and have some laughs. We raced and I got my ass stomped. Looked the Raptors over, completely bone stock. Pipes and all. Decided to race again, same thing. Completely pissed off that all of the money I put into mine wasn't enough to be a stock 700, I rode back to camp. When I hit pavement, I smashed the throttle and it revved right up and I went virtually nowhere. My clutch was gone during the first hour of riding for our riding trip. I drove for an hour and found a place that actually had one in stock. Went back to camp and spent the first part of the afternoon putting it in. After I got it together i started riding around camp trying to break it in easy and it wouldn't hardly go anywhere. I had gotten in such a hurry that I forgot the metal ring between the sixth and seventh plate so i had to take it all back apart and do it again. I was just a little grumpy. After that the trip was good though. :biggrin:

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this was a trip we went on(paragon, pa) in like 2005 or so. well the week and two days before we left, my mom called and asked if we could go to this place paragon they said we could. so we load up our shit drive there for 6 hours!(it normally takes 4 but we got lost!) so we stayed in a hotel that night. we woke up early that morning and drove to the place and to get there you have to drive down this big ass hill so we drive down there and theres no one or anything there! so my mom called again and there was a automated message saying that it was closed due to safety or some type of B.S reason! so we drove the four hours back home all pissed off and did a little bit of riding :down:

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I forgot to put the coolant screw in the side of my cyl.. filled it up and my $20 coolant was pissing all over the floor.. so i scrambled like mad to get the screw in before i lost more coolant.



#2 working on a yfz.... installed the piston backwards (still dont know how i did that ) so i had to tear it back down.. didnt break anything luckly.


#3 workin on 450r.. after installing new crank ect... i forgot to install the base gasket for the cyl.. needless to say it wasnt too fun to start.


there are a TON more.. mostly from 4 strokes cause 2 strokes are funand easy to work on!!



later aaron

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O.K. this happened to a close friend of ours, actually you can't say it happened to him cuz he pretty much did it to himself. Anyways our buddy's workin in his shop and realizes two days before a big dune trip that the new rear rims he odered are two different widths. So being the long time machinest that he is he quickly takes the larger one off the bike, puts it on the lathe and sections out an inch from the middle then neatly welds it back together. It was just as he was putting it back on the bike when he glanced over at his sons bike and noticed he had two different size wheels as well.

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