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Everything posted by pipebomb

  1. Nope, not by a long shot(didn't go to college). just a lonely guy w/ too much time and a genuis level IQ and a head full of useless trivia(on a lifetime Ban from Trivial Pursuit )
  2. Well if you run into her, send her my way. I've pretty must stopped looking.
  3. Translation: Kappa Sigma loves CH.com(as in College Humor.com, got the site) Gamma Psi
  4. where's it located?? fairly common for one in my area around that age to go for between 2 and almost 3K, so it sounds like a good price to me.
  5. damn right. better to ask now and not later after a meltdown.
  6. don't know how well anyone else does with it, but my buddy seems to do quite well w/ the salvage biz. made his livelyhood off of it for the last couple of years and just keeps getting busier. mostly though eBay.
  7. the only reason you'd not want an older bike is because of metal fatigue in the frames. you wouldn't need to worry so much about that in a latter model, but most folk who have the older bikes like from say early '90s and earlier, have either replaced or repaired their frames and aren't too concerned with it. but w/ a '98, I wouldn't worry about that. wouldn't be stressed like an older frame might.
  8. sorry my mistake, found the slip. said #30 pilot. guess I still need to up the pilot anyway. still got the 240 mains though.
  9. Did ya grease it before you reassembled?? Got the bolts too tight??
  10. Gee thats funny. I'm running 240's w/ my Fatties and it's still a bit rich. and the slip that came w/ them said to run the stock #25 pilot.(needs to go to a #27.5 at least, a little cranky to start cold.)
  11. no, you'll have to jet it spot on first, as if the dial-a-jet wasen't there. It's meant to allow you the ability to adjust up and down to act like jets several sizes larger and smaller Basically you have to set-up the carb like normal w/ the correct jets and needle postition then the Dial-a-jet is used to fine tune in the field as conditions dictate( like rapid elevation changes like up a steep mountain trail.) without the hassle of needing to tear everthing to rejet.
  12. you got to follow the instructions that come w/ it. they will tell how to set it up correctly. but it will require rejetting to where it should normally be without the dial-a-jet to use it as a baseline. and then you would use the dial-a-jet to fine tune up and down as changes are needed.
  13. but it can probably go just about any on the top as long as it's behind the slide(closest to the airbox) Here's how a powerjet is installed, which is similar to the Dial-a-jet. might help to explain it.
  14. haven't seen a 700 yet but I've heard they move pretty good. whole different animal from the 660. I've heard that it will keep close w/ a stock or piped Banshee. even if the 700 don't beat ya, he's gonna be close enough to keep ya looking back over your shoulder.
  15. Right.there are 2 tubes side by side, the taller is the "ON" and the shorter is the "RES". when your fuel level drops below the screen on the taller you switch to reserve and draw from the shorter tube. basically reserve means "go back to the truck" or "go home" not "keep riding". it's meant to be enough fuel for getting you out of the woods or your back to truck, car, home or at least get your close enough for you to get more fuel or help from someone to get back. it's not meant to last very long. I've seen it last 10 minutes, I seen it last half hour. depends on your riding and terrain and mods done to the bike, just ask the draggers much go-juice they go through in an hour w/ them big bores. couldn't tell ya much about desert riding(only sand I ever see is what they toss on the roads in the winter). but I do know you should be able to cover quite a bit of ground in the open desert at full tilt in 10 minutes.
  16. He's trying to sell that POS AGAIN!!!!
  17. yeah just might be. you could drive a damn bus through those. For VM, TM and TMX Mikunis they run right up to 720's.
  18. they both flow into the same chamber, just the "C" shaped channel on the back of the valve allows the fuel to come from one or the other and out to the hose to the carbs.
  19. ok I got you now. let me scan a diagram.
  20. you mean the postion of the switch on the fuel petcock on the tank for the ON and RESERVE postions??
  21. Yes it can and be fun if ya know how to be creative with it. Was a very bored child.
  22. try a fresh set of plugs first to make sure the ones you got aren't bad if you haven't already, then start testing the electrical stuff backwards from there. plug wires, ignition coil, CDI, switches, wires, etc. look of broken wires, loose connectors and so on. might be something as simple as a connector came off as you reassembled everything. you didn't say if ya still got the TORS still on, so if ya do, check all that stuff too cause if a part of that went bad that will kill the electrical system on ya too, like it was designed to.
  23. Brooke, thanks for the vote of confidence, wish I could believe in myself as much. Never been good w/ people since I was little(anxiety and trust issues), and and after the break up just got worse. Behind a moniter, I'm fine or in person if it's about bikes, blades or trivia, I don't shut up. anything else, you see at parties that one person that stands in the corner that doesn't say anything and just watches. Guilty. I've dated since then, just not much. they've all been either obnoxious(my biological clock is ticking, great way to start a conversasion) or out on a day pass from the nuthouse(2 of them literally, no joke). don't make me tell ya about the Voodoo preistess(don't laugh!! that one was over before it started.)
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