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white trash

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Everything posted by white trash

  1. Welcome to the HQ. Sounds like a nice bike.... But maier fullbore plastic? Which is it?
  2. No joke there, when i was out there i was swimming about waist deep, and saw something coming up, at first i thought it was sea garbage. Turned out to be a HUGE sea turtle. It stopped no more than 3' from me. I probably could have touched the thing had i wanted too. We went right in the middle of whale season, You could park on the side of the road, and watch them all day. IF you sat in one place for 15 minutes your almost bound to see several. We also took a catermaran out on a whale watching tour. A mother and her calf were by us for quite a long time. AT one point the calf was real close to the boat. Pearl Harbor was quite the place too. I never realised how big that wall actually was at the Arizona. Much bigger than the TV makes it seem. Quite Sad Baby whale breaching
  3. Dont waste the sleeve. Your not going to get that much, if any power out of boring it. I'd only take it 10 or 20 thousandths. Porting is where the power comes from. If more power is what your looking to acheive with punching it out your looking in the wrong direction. And to awnser your question. No,going 80 over wont reduce your reliability, however it will limit the number of times you can rebuild after. I think you can safely go 90 over then you have to re sleeve. SOmeone correct me if im wrong on that
  4. Hang on, Im going to look for Sympathy. Ill let you know if i find any. Not looking very promising though.
  5. I think there are too many variables to accurately tell... same as the drag race question... Traction, rider ability, Road / dirt conditions etc etc......
  6. ANyone else? So far its me, 2 other banshee's, a KFX 700, raptor 350, and a twin peaks 700
  7. the motor looks nice... but the rest is ghey
  8. Loved mine when i had em. They were great everywhere i ride, plenty of top end for the dunes, and enough low end grunt to get me through the woods
  9. I would at least wait till you have the motor in. Do like the other dude said and get rid of anything you can. Start at the back and work forward. I took pics when i did mine, but to be honest i didnt even look at them when i hooked everything back up. I didnt like how it came, where you could see most of the wires. So i routed everything my own way and hide it all the best i could, everything is still pretty much the stock routing, just tucked away, and hidden a bit better. The reason i say to wait till you have you motor in is becasue you need to connect the stator wires to make sur eyou have enough slack / clearance everywhere
  10. Title says it all. Me and a small group are going out there the 24th. Just figured id put the word out see if anyone from here wants to go Ill be there at 9 and be parking in the lower lot
  11. Whats done is done man, dont beat yourself up over it, just learn from this experience and fuck all 3 of them next time.... I mean keep it in your pants Even pancakes are doin the schiavo
  12. keep an eye on the computer screen http://crazyshit.com/dc.php?type=medias&cid=5177&pg=index
  13. Been there done that. Only difference was I got 3/4 karat diamond earings for her and........ It worked for me
  14. Thats WOT though right... im looking for a number @ 3500
  15. anyone remember that xt45 guy? He was asking if the reserve tank gets filled 1st, and how long he could hold it WOT before shee would blow. Ive seen some dumb shit but that guy takes the cake have a look for yourself http://www.bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?...sult_type=posts
  16. Anyone know how loud the shearer inframes are? I got a set and i frequent silver lake in the summer which has a 96DB limit, but ive seen others get in @ 98. They seem kinda loud to me. Anyway who's got the magic number???
  17. is the lid on or off? if its on the stock pilot will be fine, run 150/155 mains if its off, go to a 25 pilot, and 160/165 needle in the middle
  18. thats some funny shit, you think that was bad have a look at this
  19. Run it 40:1. Still plenty of oil for the internals, and not so much that it smokes like crazy and loads up on you
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