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I agree , pin that bitch to the main page aswell !

I will keep my eyes peeled on ebay , i am a ebay / banshee junkee


If you do find who has the bike , let me know my 12 gauge needs some testing out.....


RED , you got the ak with the drum clip ready ?


Just playin.... sorta....



year shoot that fucker :flamewar::flamewar:


hope you find it that could be the worst thing to happen

Edited by bombedbanshee06
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Starting to get a few leads, these guys have no idea what they stole. There are too many things that stand out on this machine, they would be lucky to get $800 or $900 bucks in parts off of it and maybe a grand whole. I'm offering $1,000.00 for someone to call me and say what location it was FOUND at and what bills they would like there money in. It's that simple. Hopefully these guys come to thier senses and not make this harder than it has to be. So far I've pretty much kept my cool but I'm starting to lose it. If the leads actually pan out ,I may be writing to you guys from jail, just kidding, but not really!!!


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photobucket.com works fine for me.


How did it get stolen? While camping?? Just figure you can tip us so it doesn't happen to others.



Get a alarm system on your garage. They broke in the side door and rolled the overhead door just high enough to get it out, pushed it across the yard and loaded it into a truck. I don't know what else you could do besides sleeping with it or chaining a dog to it.

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Get a alarm system on your garage. They broke in the side door and rolled the overhead door just high enough to get it out, pushed it across the yard and loaded it into a truck. I don't know what else you could do besides sleeping with it or chaining a dog to it.


Damn, that's fukd up! That had to be someone you know!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, that's fukd up! That had to be someone you know!


Hi Guys. I saw this over at www.planetsand.com thought I would chime in. I have lots of sites I hit everyday so I have been posting it around. hope you find it soon.








Edited by Yetti
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Haven't been on here in a while but I need some help. I live in Pinckney, Michigan, that's close to Brighton and Ann Arbor. My banshee was stolen last night and thought I would try and get the word out, mainly to people who might be going to Silver Lake this weekend. I figure it could show up there in some shape or form. Here's a list of what it had:


Black fenders cut into flames(please don't give me any s@#T about using somebody elses idea, I already know)

Red tank and radiator covers

Alluminum gas cap with a flaming skull impression

*The frame has been modified for yfz450 front shocks(taller shock towers)*

6" extended swing arm with a weld on it in the shape of the letter I

Polished side case, cylinders, head, calipers and all hoses have braided s.s. lines and red fittings.

Polished alluminum axle carrier.


That's all that I can think of right now. I will attach a picture, please pay no attention to the shirtless idiot sitting on the four wheeler. Thanks for any help.

Joe (734) 550-6017.

There will be a no questions asked ***$1,000.00*** reward for its return.

well I doubt it will make it over here but I will keep my eye out over here on the oregon coast. You never know!

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Yeah, I hope you get it back. That really sucks when you have your shit stolen, believe me I know.


The idea about the dog, ya better get a big ass Pit Bull, Or Rottie, because my dog would have helped them pull it out to the truck, with a can of fuel around the neck like a St Bernard, and probably would have went back into the house to get the key for them too........... :baseball_bat:

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Bige4457 wrote: we actually impounded a banshee not exactley sure on the year if its the same with vins the 10th digit just like cars then its an 88......frame was painted orange......and has blue plastic i think....cant remember its at my work police department is running the vin so whoever has it registered should be getting a call
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Had a few leads and alot of dead ends, but nothing ever panned out. I just would like to thank all of you for the support and all of the posts on other sites. It really is pretty awesome how fast you can get the word out for something you had stolen and think no one else would care about (like most cops, and wives who think your obsessing over a mere toy), but you guys did. I spent alot of time customizing that quad, maybe not to everyones taste, but I did it on a budget that required me to fabricate alot of the parts and mods myself. It really makes you wonder if it's worth all that work just to give it away like that. After I thought I was at a point that I was fine with how fast my quad went and how it looked, it was stolen. I won't spend that much time on something like that again. If I have to I will pay to have the work done and have receipts for it. If you live in Michigan you have to have a policy on your quad or extra coverage added to your home-owners with documentation with what it is worth for it to be covered. Just some info for you if you plan on doing that ( I RECOMMEND IT) have all your receipts, print all Ebay purchases and keep them in a file, have alot of pictures of all mods. Don't just assume your home-owners will cover anything, because it doesn't cover what you think it should. Check with your insurance agent to verify what's covered. Hopefully you guys can benefit from my mistakes, because as easy as it is to say you would just beat, shoot, drag, kick, stab or rape the person who stole your quad, it could still happen when your not looking.

Whoever stole it will get thiers eventually, I kind of figure this was probably payback for something I did in my younger days.



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If they knew where to break in, where it was located, what time to break in and had time to plan it... They had to have time to know or observe your habbits to feel comfotable enought to know when to take it. I'm sure you didn't leave your roll up door open everyday putting the bike on display..


It may be a neighbor, someone down the street or their friends. Never the less it just plain sucks!



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