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Ever get alittle toooo drunk?

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well what better then to post a drunken story


this story is takin place as we speak !


ended up having to go in for work at 5 am to do some roofing flashing ( siding ) and well shit i cant sleep , so i woke up and started poundin back the beers ... im on beer 7 or 12 and i hit two bowls im flyin high and almost ready for work ........ Today aughta be intresting :rotflmao:

250 for the day 5 - 12



EDIT :::::: its not 5 am and i leave in 15 minutes im really fuckin hammerd all 12 down and add another 2 bowls onto that , i gotta belive today will be intresting , WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i got the lunch bag packed 1 40 ounce and a ham sandwhich

Edited by chase@miamiatv.com
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Last time i got too drunk i took my dog out for a walk and i fell asleep on the grass B) think i was there for a few good hours,nice sleep too.


I'm also never touching Wine and Martini again......EVER!

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Just when I think you've hit the peak of stupidity you make another post and raise the bar. Everything you post makes no fucking sense and is usually un-funny, especially that fucking picture you made that's supposed to "stir up some shit !!!" You're nothing but a waste of skin that does anything it can to get any attention, I really wouldnt be surprised if you only smoke and grow weed just to keep your friends around. I honestly cant even imagine what kind of daddy issues you have to intentionally piss people off just so you can get a little attention.


Hey chase and bigred this pic suits you guys well...





i just showed my mum this post. she said his mother prolly would have choked and spat him out anyway. :shrugani:


PUSH THE THROTTLE - what is mead?


tyler, yes, yes it is. but im not arguing with my mum. its a damn funny post watching all the squabaling going on.


and daniel.... you were out on the lawn sleeping for about 4 hours. if i remember rightly you went out when it was dark out and came in when it was light.

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well what better then to post a drunken story


this story is takin place as we speak !


ended up having to go in for work at 5 am to do some roofing flashing ( siding ) and well shit i cant sleep , so i woke up and started poundin back the beers ... im on beer 7 or 12 and i hit two bowls im flyin high and almost ready for work ........ Today aughta be intresting :rotflmao:

250 for the day    5 - 12

EDIT ::::::        its not 5 am and i leave in 15 minutes  im really fuckin hammerd all 12 down and add another 2 bowls onto that , i gotta belive today will be intresting ,        WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO      i got the lunch bag packed 1 40 ounce and a ham sandwhich


i wanna know how many people he actually thought would think he was cool for going to work wasted. anyone here think thats cool?? im curious.


talk about the perfect example of a loser. i hate to say that, but its true, and sad really. i thought maybe after a while youd realize that all your drug talking bullshit doesnt impress anyone here, cept the occasional 15 year old, and bigred i guess thinks youre cool. funny bigred calls me a skank for tellin it how it is, but this chase loser is cool in his book. says a lot.


anyways, keep it up chase, as i and many have said before, you make yourself look worse and worse with every post you make. just makes me feel even better about being a non drugging non drinking productive member of society. feels good to be able to look at my niece and know im setting a good example that will hopefully allow her to laugh at people like you and know its not the way to go.

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well wastededteers i have just returnd from work and let me tell you what a day the house we ended up working with guy has a huge pony tail tons ofa tatoos in his mid 50's starts giving me a lecture on lunch break about how hes in the colombian mafia cartel bullshit he pulled out a doobie and gave some beers out so i continued to do my WORK !!!!!!!! all day made a quick 250 bucks for 6 hours of non stop back breaking work ..... what the work is STRIP A ENTIRE ROOF OF SHINGLES , lay the tar paper down and then hot mop it with tar . i do general contracting work and to me workin 6 hours like a damn slave is better then working all week to make half the pay. If the jobs are lined up i can make excess of 1100 a week with only 4 full work days.


im off to sleep tomarrow im makin 300 for laying shingles down with the air gun ......

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i wanna know how many people he actually thought would think he was cool for going to work wasted.  anyone here think thats cool?? im curious.


talk about the perfect example of a loser. i hate to say that, but its true, and sad really. i thought maybe after a while youd realize that all your drug talking bullshit doesnt impress anyone here, cept the occasional 15 year old, and bigred i guess thinks youre cool.  funny bigred calls me a skank for tellin it how it is, but this chase loser is cool in his book.  says a lot. 


anyways, keep it up chase, as i and many have said before, you make yourself look worse and worse with every  post you make.  just makes me feel even better about being a non drugging non drinking productive member of society.  feels good to be able to look at my niece and know im setting a good example that will hopefully allow her to laugh at people like you and know its not the way to go.



blah blah blah blah blah


Maybe if you would go out and ride once in a while you wouldn't be so fucking bitchy about every single little thing on here. Oh yeah, you don't have a banshee to go ride. Why are you even here again? Go find some other board to sit around and bitch about stupid shit on. Get a life. I haven't made any kinda comment either way as to if chase is "cool in my book" or not, you are making assumptions.. He seems to be a nice guy the few times I've talked to him and I'm not going to waste my time bitching like a little girl with sand in her vagina about him smoking weed. Who cares what he does. It's not hurting you for him to do it, so shut up and learn a little tolerance. You don't always get to be the one person who is pleased all the time. You aren't a god, you aren't special, you are a nagging, skinny-ass, sits on the internet all day with no life, bitchy, sand in her vagina girl who always thinks she is the center of the universe and everyone has to make you happy. :yank: You must be permanently stuck on a period because all I ever see you do around here is bitch about other people and complain. You don't contribute any useful banshee information, you don't help people with their banshee problems, you don't even have a damn banshee. Go bug people on some "I'm a bitchy, whiney, PMSing little girl" board somewhere.

Edited by BigRed350x
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