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I thiought for my first post I should start by saying hello. I can't believe I have never come across this site before. I've owned a 1990 banshee for about 10 years now & recently (couple weeks ago) purchased an 05 banshee. I must say it has been awhile since I've rode one with stock pipes & it's kinda like riding a quad with a stuffed up nose. Once I get the engine broke in I have got to take my pipes off my 1990 & put on there. :cheers:

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most of the people that i talk to that own shees, and have owned them for along time dont know about this site. hell most of them see my HQ sticker on the shee and ask about it. or people see the one on my truck and tell me that they own a banshee and ask about the site. most of them think its a site just to buy parts though... so dont feel like youre the only one who hasnt found it.


welcome to the HQ!

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Dear sandman, I think you are doing well and incase you are not doing well, well then you are doing well.


I accept you as a new member to this site, however it is very important that you kneel down before the rules of this site, every does except me, so should you.


For the first time and last time, I tell you, welcome.


Write and read to you in the future.



What the fuck did he just say? You accept him as a new member huh? Are you god or something? lol It is important that you kneel down before the rules of this site? -_-


Mudcool... :shootself:

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Sandman welcome to the BHQ! The banshee information on this site is eternal.Anything you need and I mean ANYTHING you need to know about you shee is right here.We also have top builders who are members here as well.So when it's time to build your dream speed machine we're all here to pitch in!

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Sandman, welcome.


Ignore mudcool, he has nominated himself and in a landslide victory, SITE IDIOT.





Welcome to the BHQ!!! :cheers: Luckily there are more members at the other end of the spectrum.

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Thanks for the welcome. After the first couple of replies I thought I might have entered into a jungle or something :blink: This site looks like it's got a lot of info on the modding of the banshee among other things. I've already been enlightened to the fact that there is plastic or teflon in the ball joints of our A arms which doesn't react well to heat or chroming. I just had a ball joint separate from my lower A arm the other day in the sand with the end result being me in the sand. Now I've got to figure out what I 'm going to do with my new ones as my old arms were chrome and were dry as a bone in the ball joint despite my attempt at regreasing them after chroming.

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Sandman, welcome to BHQ. ;)


You'll find the 'search' function a really useful tool, but you'll need to use it in the right forum. ... There's a new suspension forum, but sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. :wacko:


In the meantime, you'd be better putting a post in the 'Repairs and mods' forum to get help with your ball joints. ... holyman's a bit of a grease expert, so he might chime in.


Mudcool, Stop being a JERK! There's a time and a place, and neither of them is on BansheeHQ. <_<



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welcome to the hq, i myself stumbled across this site by mistake and now i spend more time looking around here over any other site out there...alot of your questions have been asked by someone else so the answers are already here or if not there is awlys someone here that has had the same issue that you might with your banshee and they are awlys willing to help...for a while i was takin my shee to a shop to trouble shoot now this is the first place i look for info.. :cheers:

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