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Everything posted by blk02banshee

  1. Right on brother! Craftsman's professional line is just as nice as snap-on, and there's no hassles when getting them replaced. Their ratchets are bad ass, and nothing like their regular ratchets. I like my snap-on wrenches, but they are thin, and cut into your hands when your pulling or pushing on them, like you said, and I think $300+ is too much for a single set of wrenches.
  2. Damn the man. Just get some time off in the winter. I have got to see that sled. I was telling somebody about the motor and they can't believe it runs either. sure thing! I'm gonna go out this week, and make sure no critters built nests in the exaust and intake again.
  3. I was just informed by my boss, that I HAVE TO work every saturday for the next 5 months.
  4. Stay away from a '87, you'll just end up with a can of worms. I've ridden many, and know lots of people that had them, and the 87s just seem to have one problem after another.
  5. LMAO , It would, too. I never thought of it before, but maybe try leaving a couple boxes of arm and hammer baking soda in there. FireHead, do you know what that stuff is called, for the AC vents? I need to get some of that stuff. I get like a moldy odor from my vents in my semi, when I turn the AC on. It's enough to make me live with the heat and sweat my ass off.
  6. Blue Point is a lot cheaper than snap-on. Craftsman's hand tools...wrenches, sockets, ratchets, screwdrivers, etc., is made by craftsman. Their other stuff like power tools is made by other companies. My SAE wrenches are from K-mart . I've had them for about 14 years, and they hold up as good as anything, and are guaranteed for life(If I could find a K-mart, lol)
  7. Arizona is completely different all together. Out there, they learn english REAL QUICK, to fit in, so that they don't get deported, but up here, they WON'T deport them, so they don't bother learning english. My brother in law does'nt speak a word of english, either does 75% of the rest of the illegals in Illinois. The ones that do learn english, and come to this country legally, I give them credit, and have no problem with them whatsoever.
  8. It does'nt do any good to report an illegal alien in Illinois. They will not deport them. They won't do anything. I am willing to bet that his name isn't even his real name! I know of A LOT of illegals that have bought their SS#s and their names. My sister's husband is illegal, and he got caught using his boughten SS# when they bought their house, and nothing happened. He has over 15 speeding tickets and a DUI in less than a year, and still has his liscense, YET my friend, who is american, lost his liscense for 6 months for getting 3 tickets. MY brother-in-law's sister, also illegal, had no liscense, borrowed a car with no insurance, and drove through the front window of a laundromat. THE COPS DID'NT DO A DAMN THING. If it was you or me, we'd be in jail, but she's free do go and do whatever she wants. Holyman, I don't know what to tell you. You definately have one hell of a situation on your hands.
  9. Snap-On is just a name that you pay extra for. A lot of their stuff is made by bluepoint...same damn thing, just half the price. I do like their tools, but if you don't work at a shop that the truck comes to, it is'nt worth buying snap-on. I've bought a lot of Mac, Matco, and cornwell tools, and cornwell is probably the best value. Craftsman, on the other hand, is pretty decent, and the easiest to get. They also stand behind their tools 100% and will replace them, no questions asked.
  10. Well...yeah, you do... jk, just try to go on the next trip.
  11. Don't forget,...you WILL have to re-tune the carbs to work with the reeds, unless you get really lucky. They made mine rich on the low end, and I had to drop a size on my pilots, and of course adjust the air screws.
  12. Mine work great at the dunes. I agree 100% with Nightrider and MotulMonsta
  13. That had to be the best ride I went on in a long time. Everyone was just cool as hell, and I can't wait till the next big ride. The funniest part of the whole weekend had to be when banchetta rigged the stock banshee silencer to his friend Justin's 250X, because they would'nt let him into the dunes without a forestry service approved spark arrestor. The FUNNY part, was whenever the quad would get a lean pop, it would throw a shower of sparks. lmao.
  14. Nice. I won't be getting there until late, but I'll call you on your cell. I just thought of something, though...does anyone one know if people NOT staying at the campground, will be able to hang out at the campground? I've never been to val-du, but I know some campgrounds only let you in if you're staying there. I'm all loaded up and ready to roll, as soon as I get off work .
  15. 4 more days! I put my sand tires on today and checked her over. Started on 2nd kick, after sitting for 3 months, so that's a damn good sign. I just hope I pass the sound test. I barely made it in 3 months ago with 95 dB, so I'll be bringing packing with me, just in case. I probably won't get there until late friday night, hopefully by 9 or 10:00.(and that's if I make it through chicago traffic quick,lol)
  16. The same thing could happen with a manual, and I don't think a KFX 700 would have any problem making it up any dune that a manual could go up.
  17. For anyone who does'nt want to camp, or can't camp for some reason, here's a link to the local motel. They have reasonable rates, and it's very clean and close to the dunes. I'm pretty sure they will have the FALL rates, but don't quote me on that. http://www.silversandsresort.net/motel.html
  18. I'll probably stay at the silver sands motel. Their rates go down after labor day, and they have nice clean rooms with microwave and coffee and theres a great resturaunt with a breakfast buffet right out front . I'll have my camping gear with me, just in case, but I have this feeling it's gonna be cold as shit like last year.
  19. I hope he's ok, and I hope he does'nt beat himself up over it...it's just one of those things that happen. It's a risk we as riders take everytime we hop on our bike or quad.
  20. I bought mine new in oct. 2001 and never had a problem with the engine. It always starts easily. As long as you keep up on everything, it should'nt give you any trouble.
  21. Do what killer_shee said! That's the best way to do it. You can also buy a stripped screw extractor kit from sears. You just put it in a reversable drill, and push hard while running the drill slowly in reverse, and it'll come right out.
  22. That horse reminds me of one my ex-girlfriend drew one time. It was life size and made up of nothing but dots, though. I'd stare at it for hours, cause it looked so dam life-like, and all it was, was dots. She could draw anything. She used to draw these trippy posters that were like pictures in pictures in pictures, like you look at it once and see a frog by a tree, and after a while you see that the tree is made up of a whole different mural and faces and stuff come out of the background. It was kick ass stuff. I wish I had that kind of talent.
  23. That's sad. My heart goes out to his family. It just bothers me when people blame everyone one else when something like that happens. The interstates and highways are not the place for that kind of riding. Things come up and happen quick, when you're going that fast, so it's easy to go down and other drivers might not see you, either. I'm not saying that other people on the road are'nt idiots, either, because most are, and have no respect for motorcyclists, but ALSO motorcyclists need to have respect for other motorists and the traffic laws, too. I don't mean to sound like an old fart, and don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I love bikes, too, and have been riding streetbikes for over 10 years and learned the hard way. I've gone down before, and also watched people and friends get killed, when they did'nt need to. It doe'nt take much especially on a fresh tire. New tires are slick and unpredictable for the first couple hundred miles, so add that to the variable high winds coming off that truck as he passed it, and it's easy to see how the bike could wash out like that. I'm very sorry for your loss. It's VERY hard to lose a friend like that, and it sounds like he was the kind of guy who was liked by everyone, which tells me he was a good person. By the article, he seemed very skilled and good at everything he did, but accidents happen...you just never know when. I just hope you and your friends can learn from him, and ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Hang in there and RIDE SAFE.
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