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Everything posted by KickStartMyHeart

  1. Talk about beating a dead horse. Let it go dude. Your post wouldve been ok if you wouldve chimed in when this thing was hot, but you're a day late and a dollar short....SSSSHHHHHHH. Better yet, use your search option and type in "How to tighten a chain".
  2. Look out, he's a premium member....he follows every rule of a forum. LOL!!!
  3. Thats no shit!! I dont understand why more ppl dont run LRD's. They are kinda hard to find but well worth the seartch! They are badass pipes and outpull toomeys, FMF's, pro circuits...etc.
  4. Cam, thanks for the 4mill build !!! Ive never been happier with it until now. Tons of power and RELIABLE!!! See ya tomorrow hopefully!
  5. LOL!! This is funny shit cuz CamATV and I are really tight and ppl seem to get all bent outta shape on here when someone doesnt agree with the need for an "override" tranny or the need for a "shift mod". Cam does ALL my work and has never once disappointed me. Cam has tons of knowledge and his bikes back it up aaaaaaand he does all the work himself unlike others who send a check in the mail to a builder and have it built. Just one last little side note......Are you and Thomas pretty tight? Did you get a free set of pipes to test out and is that why u deleted Cam's thread on discussing the new Snyper pipes post cuz he might of had another pipe in the making to compete with the R-2's? Juuuuust curious?? As I recall, I dont think there was any talk of pricing or offering these new pipes for sale.....but I might be speaking outta context and will go back and check the the thread.
  6. I know this has been brought up some time or another and Ive searched but was unsuccessful in mysearch. I recently came across a set of pipes that were chrome and shiney at one time but are NO LONGER that shiney. Is there anyway or any process I can do to get them at least a lil shiney? Or am I pretty much F'd and have to have them re-chromed? I also thought about ceramic coating them, but I want a gloss finish to em. I do not like the flat color finishes. I like the glossy colors.
  7. Im not dogging on overrides or anything and I think they have their place, but for just rippin around and play duneing an override is not necessary IMO. Always worrying about backloading one and shit like that isnt worth it in my mind. Ive seen em backload before and you got a hell of a mess on your hands once that happens.
  8. In that case, I'd tell the person who bought em to do what they want wit em. If they wanna take the black paint off of em they can spend the "half an hour or even an hour" and take it off themselves. These should already be gone cuz they are nice pipes IMO.
  9. I disagree. I run a 4mill and all I have is a billet offbrand basket. From what I've seen and compared it to the hinson basket, the hinson backplate screws are tiny compared to the offbrand one I have and the plate starts seperating. My offbrand basket has huge screws holding in the back plate and has not seperated a bit. As for tranny I do not run an override tranny will not run one. I dont have anything against them, but a 4mill doesnt need an override. I had my tranny cut and it runs perfect and ive never missed a shift. I cant wait to see the replies from this post lol!
  10. Good luck with the sale brotha. People just arent spending any money. I had a brand new cub cylinder for sale and I couldnt hardly give it away. The only things selling right now are little nick nack shit like a billet resevoir cover or a billet bar clamp lol!
  11. Well thats too bad for you since you pretty much gave it away. I dont really need the money so if it doesnt sell Ill keep it and put it on another engine. It isnt costing me anything just sitting around. I'd really like for someone to get some use out of it though.
  12. TTT....Make some offers, doesnt hurt to make offers.
  13. I just looked on ebay and saw what they were bringing on there and priced it $25 cheaper than what they were on there. This cylinder is brand new and never used.
  14. $850 obo, pics will have to wait till tomorrow when I can upload some to my phone. KS is the location. Its already plated, all someone would need is the plugs and stud extenders and thats it. Its the cylinder only.
  15. I got a 421 cub cylinder I do not need due to the fact I went in a different direction with my engine. I would like to sell it outright, but if not, I would be willing to take trades or partial trade and cash. I would like to trade it for something like 35mm lectrons, fullbore plastics, scatrack haulers, etc.....lemme know what you got and the worst I can say is no. I figured I would post it on here first and if no interest imma throw it on ebay.
  16. If you wanna sell the pods im interested
  17. in that case, take ur time! r u just gettin out of the quad scene or what? ur selling a 421 and parting a complete bike. i got dibs on a billry waterpump cover fo show. i got my eyes on some more items as well.
  18. Tried sending you a PM, but mailbox was full or wouldnt let me send one. PM me when you get a chance.
  19. Tried sending you a PM, but mailbox was full or wouldnt let me send one. PM me when you get a chance.
  20. I rode a 4 mill cub with LRD's a while back and then threw some shearers on it and I hated the loss of bottom end with the shearers. But yeah I still got the T-5's. I took a pic of them this morning but will have to text it to ya. Im on a work computer now and they dont like it much when Im uploading pics on a work computer lol! As for my 4mill, I just got it back last saturday. It has a total of 3 hrs ride time on it. What a night and day difference just by adding a 4 mill crank and portmatching everything to get the numbers we wanted. Im running a 21cc dome in it now but would like to bump up to a 19cc dome and run straight 110 octane. Im running a 93/110 blend right now. I bought a 4mill cub cylinder before I decided to go with the stock cylinder 4mill. Going to the cub cylinder would be so easy cuz all I need is pistons and I can get a set of 68mm pistons for $150.
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