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Everything posted by CBAIER1206

  1. What kind of budget are you dealing with?
  2. cascade's polished parts are second to none!
  3. How much do you weigh? I've heard that lightened flywheels are best for those riders under 200lbs. Otherwise there's no real benefit.
  4. Definately engine ice...it will make your engine run a lot cooler. You just use it by itself and don't add any coolant or water to it. :thumbsup:
  5. Looks like it would work...I like that it comes with a 1 year warranty as long as they stand behind it!
  6. For comparison sake, I was just saying...I hope it does sell!
  7. I am planning on getting another cub for my wifes bike...I'm not trying to shit on your thread, but I can get a brand new cub head for $850 and yours after paypal and shipping would prolly be close to that...Just an FYI, might be why you haven't sold them yet!
  8. Did you say that pistons and rings are included?
  9. My friends stator just went out and we were trying to get his flywheel off and it was a real mutha bitch! used an impact carefully and stripped the threads on the flywheel and the flywheel puller. I guess sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you dont! Flywheel came off though...
  10. I'm gonna cut the rear plastics slighty, not like most drag banshees you see though. I was referring to the grab bar in the back, I'm bending some pipe and gonna make it come to a point and then weld it to the subframe. I'll post pics as I go...
  11. I recently relocated my CDI and voltage regulator to the front and eliminated like 19 miles of unnecessary wire...LOL and in doing so changed up my tailight. I'm in the process of cleaning up the back of the bike, making my own rear fender which will get welded to the subframe and going for a custom look. Anyways, I figured I would post a how to on how I did the brake light to maybe add another flavor to what others have already posted! I bought a red L.E.D. light from a RATV here in phoenix for about $20 bucks...it's clear but shines a really bright red... I then took the aftermarket coolant resovoir bracket and made some modifications to it to get the light to mount to it... The 2 outside holes are for the light to mount to it and the center hole is to run the wires through, here's a pic of it mounted to the bracket... Here's a final pic of it mounted to the bike...it's hard to tell with the rear plastics off but it's tucked up underneath there pretty far to where you can't se it unless you actually bend down and look, but at night, no issues with people behind me seeing me!
  12. I have 2 banshees and one has the original chain with about 60 hours on it and the other I replaced the chain only cuz I put a plus four swinger on it...both have never shown any signs of wear. The only reason I believe a chain or sprockets would wear prematurally is that it was not adjusted right (either too tight or loose) and the other is that it isn't being cleaned and lubricated properly. When I adjust my chain, I sit on the bike and then check freeplay which I set at about 1 inch. As for cleaning it, I take the chain off after every dune trip and clean and lube it to get all the debris out of it. I have a buddy who on our last trip to glamis, his chain was so taught that it wasn't bending properly in some places. I could see how this would eat sprockets as well! I would suggest taking the chain off and checking it even if it relatively new. Hope this helps!
  13. In todays economy thats kinda hard to say...I'm sure there are some desperate people out there that need cash now and you could probably get a smokin deal. I was on craigs list the other day and saw a relatively newer banshee with a cheetah cub motor and other aftermarket stuff that the guy was selling for less than $3000 bucks. I paid a little more than that for my cub, crank, head, carbs, intake, basically everything from the case up about a year ago for more than that guy was selling his entire bike for... Anyways, just do some searching on this forum, craigs list, ebay, etc. and you should be able to get a good deal.
  14. I've never heard detonation on a banshee (thank god), but In a car it sounds just like somebody is shaking an empty coke can that has pennies in it. Yours doesnt really sound like that. Unfortunately the only way your gonna be able to tell is to tear down the cylinders and look for evidence. Some people on here have reccomended taking a stethascope and trying to pinpoint the noise ie. bottom end, top end, one side vs. another. If you say your compression is low then tearing it down and rebuilding it might be a good idea anyways... Good Luck
  15. I have billet intakes that I bought from cascade and I also bought my rubber intake boots from them as well.
  16. Okay so I'm on my second goround assembling my 421 cub motor after a recent trip to glamis...I had a slight film of grime under the base gasket which I suspect was a leak so I tore the motor down and am re-doing with new rings, gaskets, etc. My question is this, I am using 1211 sealer on all gaskets as per mike at cascade's direction but should I also apply it to the surface of the intake boot that attaches to the intake itself? I wasn't sure because the intake boot is rubber and thought that would make a good enough seal, However, I want to make sure it's right also. I will be leak testing the motor when assembled...I went to ace and built my own tester (mad props to RNBRAD for his how-to) for 40 bucks after calling a local bike shop and being quoted 300 bucks for something I built myself!!!
  17. Thanks for the props! Like I mentioned in my first post, I gave props to banshee_bandit because thats where I saw the grill. I couldn't find it anywhere on the net yet I really liked the design and part of my love for this hobby is doing things myself so I whipped it up in a matter of about 20 minutes or so. My intent was not to re-distribute to others for a profit, or even for free. My intent was merely to illustrate to others that with a little elbow grease, using the method that I used...one can do it themselves and maybe create something totally unique. I just chose that particular design because I liked it. I thank you for your offer to do that for me, but as I stated, my love for this hobby, besides riding of course, is fabbing the parts myself and knowing that I created something!
  18. The guy told me it would be less than $100 bucks but not sure because he said he would have to see the piece first before quoting an exact price...I will post that as well when its done.
  19. I gotta give mad props to Banshee_Bandit, I saw your grill in a post and just had to have it. Anyways, I took posterboard and traced a piece to fit in where the stock grill goes. I test fit and then removed and began to draw my design freehand. Once I was done with the first side, I attached again and mounted to bike testing for fit. I was really happy with it so I continued and mirrored the other side exactly like I did the first...once I was done I again mounted making sure that everything lined up okay Later today I will take my stencil to a local place that has a water jet machine and have them cut it out of a sheet of polished stainless steel that I had laying around. Wish me luck! Will post pics of final piece when she's done!
  20. Check your emergency brake...follow the wires coming from your e brake lever on left side of handlebars down and there should be a plug, disconnect that plug and try it, got sand in mine a couple of years back and it caused it to stick so that might of happened to you, otherwise its the tors like said above... Good Luck
  21. Stock crank from a 2004 banshee with less than 10 hours on it. I upgraded to a 421 cheetah cub and so the original crank has been sitting in my garage now and I figured I'd see if anyone needs it. I'm asking $100 obo.
  22. What you are trying to do makes no sense. For the cost of a cool head, you could replace the top end and probably have your stock head milled as well to increase power and compression. You will see a far bigger increase in power by doing the top end than simply trying to put a "band aid" on your shee with a cool head. With compression that low, you will eventually have to do it anyways if not immediately. The only beneift to a cool head is that it will help your banshee run a bit cooler and the domes are interchangeable. Good Luck
  23. I was there when he ran and his bike was the fastest out there that day! I only know cuz mine was the second fastest... :thumbsup: No seriously though...nice work, I've been wanting to throw my 4 mil cub in my wifes bike and upgrade to a 7 or 10 mil and watching him blast up the hill definately convinced me!
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