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Anyone ever been accused of owning stolen Banshee

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haha well i have been put in jail because the guy called the cop and said i stoled is cr500 motor that i had in my 400ex i was in jail for 2 days till my wife found the bill of sale

what the hell are you talking about? they cant just put you in jail, did you file a lawsuit?


there is a whole process to go through. i cant just say so and so stole my bike and that person goes to the local holding cell until a receipt is provided.....

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Day 4 and still nothing.. No cops called me yet and still got the Banshee. I shouldve fucked up that dude for pointing fingers in the first place. If nothing happens in a month, this banshee gonna go under the knife. I dont think that jerk or the cops got anything. I shouldnt have gone with them 4-pokes in the first place :blink: . Come to think of it, a bunch of people were scoping out my bro's banshee when he first brought it to the track when it was running. I think over here if you own a Banshee, people are gonna think its stolen! Btw, he has been questioned before but luckily one of the previous owners (a local racer) said nothing but good things when he recognized it.

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what the hell are you talking about? they cant just put you in jail, did you file a lawsuit?


there is a whole process to go through. i cant just say so and so stole my bike and that person goes to the local holding cell until a receipt is provided.....



Edited by Mjv420
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Listen man. it sucks whats going on but you cant change the numbers on that frame. lets just say the bike is stolen and they come for it but you dont have it, but you still have a banshee with a different vin. once they figure out you changed that vin your fucked. thats jail time there. you can get a receipt and wait it out. if you change it and its his you are then a suspected of auto theft. trust me. dont do it. its one thing to purchase a stolen bike and another to change it up so it dont look stolen when it is. just ride it out. if its not hot get a dam title.

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Listen man. it sucks whats going on but you cant change the numbers on that frame. lets just say the bike is stolen and they come for it but you dont have it, but you still have a banshee with a different vin. once they figure out you changed that vin your fucked. thats jail time there. you can get a receipt and wait it out. if you change it and its his you are then a suspected of auto theft. trust me. dont do it. its one thing to purchase a stolen bike and another to change it up so it dont look stolen when it is. just ride it out. if its not hot get a dam title.


That's just it, the Yamaha Dealership here cannot track down the "Original" purchaser of the bike with just a VIN Number. They need a Name (at least that's what they told me when I called). I'm sure that my Bro's Banshee is NOT that Idiot's Bike, probably a case of "mistaken identity." :geek:

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That's just it, the Yamaha Dealership here cannot track down the "Original" purchaser of the bike with just a VIN Number. They need a Name (at least that's what they told me when I called). I'm sure that my Bro's Banshee is NOT that Idiot's Bike, probably a case of "mistaken identity." :geek:


Buy a new frame for $300 with a title and swap everything. Take the torch or saw and cut old frame to little pieces and make it disappear...end of story!




Edited by Dick Wheels
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dude that sucks :down: ,hope that lowlife fuker gets a red handle bar with a sproket up his hole,if i were u man i would be calling my uncle(tha one u bought tha bike from) before anythng,i think he's tha only 1 that can get ya out of this,hope nthng happns 2 u or ur shee gd luk :blush:



sa3ood :evil:

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Buy a new frame for $300 with a title and swap everything. Take the torch or saw and cut old frame to little pieces and make it disappear...end of story!






I agree just buy a new frame and swap everything over, 3 or 500 bucks may sound like alot but that plus the 900 you spent is still cheap and you can sleep and ride in peace with out wondering if some pig is gonna close line you and take your quad, then if the guy wants that other frame back just give it to him or throw it in the lake..

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I cant believe what I am hearing.


Let one of your Banshees get stolen and you would all gather like hens and start cackling about the F##$%&*! thief that stole it.

If he has a bill of sale from the flea market then he can get his $900.00 back in court.

If he didnt get one he is a dumb ass plain and simple.


So what the accuser is some crack head.

He called the cops with enough enthusiam did he not?

Didnt the Rookie get arrested for something else with ownership?

Pretty shady I think.


The police will investigate period.


Dont add to the shit by telling him some crazy assed sea lawyer stories and place him in jeapordy if he acts on the stupid advise you offer against the law.


I would be alarmed at any $900.00 Banshee that ran and would demand all kinds of proof that it was legit before I purchased.

Any court will not convict the rookie if he is legit.

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