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ok so the long awaited day had come today....been trackin my jugs comin back all week and this was the big day....i get home from work....no package so im like alright its just not here yet ill check and see where its at..... get on fed ex and it says delivered....wtf....so i call em and they said it was already delivered instant pissed off.... so i asked for the address of the location they dropped it off at.....it was my address.... but not my signature.... so i have no clue where my sweet ported jugs and new pistons are f**k fed ex every time they have gave me problems :down:

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yea 100 dollar insurance which comes with it anyways only because i never thought shit like this would happen..... i mean they dont even verify who signs it...they could give a shit less who signs for it so some chump prolly opened up my package and wondered wtf is all this..... i think they should have some requirement of how your assoiciated with the recipient or somethin cause this has to be the biggest let down....nice weather new everything to compliment the port work completely.....waitin to see the improvement from stock

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UPS and FedEx aren't worth a fuck, UPS managed to break my cases and bend a head stud bolt on my cases. I'm pissed now there holding up the build from Jeff cause they had to take the package to there so called inspection department to make a decision wether or not i get my insurance money or not.


I'm royaly pissed.

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if someone signed your name then fedex should be liable. they should have asked for id to verify address and the picture. i would be calling and raising fuckin hell. also, get a receipt for your shit from HERR. take and show it to them.. sounds like fedex dropped the ball. they cant just go around leaving packages with whoever the fuck they feel like.

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Look around the house real good , check behind the bushes , back of a pickup , inside an unlocked car , maybe the garage (if the door was unlocked) behind the garbage cans . I have heard of drivers doing this stuff or hiding the box if they know you get packages all the time , sometimes they hide them too good so we can't find them . and like the other guy said maybe it was the driver that signed for it and hid the box really good .

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