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i got this off the newsplace from the given website you well read inthis article

please read


McDonalds, Chuck E Cheese, Discovery Zone...

places with ball


>> >>in the children's play area.

>> >>One of my sons lost his watch, and was very

upset. We dug and


>> >>in those balls, trying to find his watch.

>> >>Instead,we found vomit, food, feces, and other

stuff I do not


>> >>to discuss. I went to the manager and raised

hell. Come to find

>> >>out, the ball pit is only cleaned out once a

month. I have


>> >>that it is even done that often.

>> >>My kids will never play in another ball pit.

Some of you might


>> >>be parents, but you may have nieces, nephews,

>> >>grandchildren, or

>>friends with children. This will pertain to you

>> >>too. As I read the

>> >>following, my heart sank. I urge each and

every one of you to

>> >>pass this on to as many people as you can. I

cannot stress how

>> >>important

>> >>this is!

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> My name is Lauren Archer, my son Kevin and I

lived in

>> >>Midland , TN. On October 2nd, 1999 I took my

only son to

>> >>McDonald's for his 3rd birthday. After he

finished lunch, I


>> >>him

>> >>to play in the ball pit. When he started

whining later on, I

>> >>asked him what was wrong, he pointed to the

back of his pull-up


>> >>simply said Mommy, it hurts.' I couldn't find

anything wrong

>> >>with him at thattime. I bathed him when we got

home, and it was

>> >>at that point when I found a welt on his left

buttock. Upon


>> >>investigating, it seemed

>> >>as if there was something like a splinter

under the welt. I made



>> >>appointment to see the doctor the next day,

>> >>but soon he started vomiting and shaking, then

his eyes rolled


>> >>into his head.

>> >>From there, we went to the emergency room. He

died later that

>> >>night.It turned out that the welt on his

buttock was the tip of


>> >>hypodermic needle that had broken off inside.

The autopsy


>> >>that Kevin had died from a heroine overdose.

The next week, the

>> >>police removed the balls from the ball pit.

There was rotten


>> >>several hypodermic needles: some full, some

used; knives,

>> >>half-eaten candy,diapers, feces, and the

stench of urine. (You


>> >>find the article on Kevin Archer in the

October 10,1999 issue of

>> >>the

>>Midland Chronicle.)

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>Don't think it's just McDonald's either. A

little boy had been

>> >>playing in a ball pit @ a Burger King &

started complaining of


>> >>legs hurting. He later died too. He was found

to have snake


>> >>all over his legs & buttocks. When they

cleaned the ball pit


>> >>found that there was a copperhead's nest in

the ball pit. He had

>> >>suffered numerous bites from a very poisonous



forward this to all loving mothers,fathers and anyone who



and cares for children!!

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> What has this world come to?? If a child is

not safe in a


>> >>play area

>> >>then


>> >>

>> >>

>> >> AND FYI:

>> >>In Florida and other places on the East Coast

a group of people

>> >>are putting HIV/AIDS infected and filled

needles underneath

>> >>gas pump handles, so when

>> >>someone reaches to pick it up and put gas in

>> >>their car, they get stabbed with it. 16 people

have been a


>> >>of

>> >>this crime so far and 10 tested HIV positive.

Instead of posting

>> >>that stupid crap

>> >>about how your love life will suck for years

to come of you

>> >>don't re-post, post this. It's important to

inform people, even


>> >>you don't drive, a family member might, and

what if they were


>> >>

>> >>




>> >>LIFE!!

>> >




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sick, disturbed bunch of weirdo people. feel bad for the kids and parents. I'm also a parent. I always try to make sure my kids are safe but theres always the stupid stuff you'd never think of like these that make one go DAMN.

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Makes me glad I grew up on a ranch. First time I saw a ball pit or that tunnel shit at mcdonalds I asked my dad why you would want to play somewhere you eat. I'd rather go home and shoot at shit than play in those things when I was a kid. Never been in one, never want to. I plan on raising any kids of mine the same way.

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admitedly... I had to shed a tear for a child that was left in a car with the windows rolled up by his step-grandma. His name was luke and he was 17 months old. 1 month older than my son. he went to the same daycare place right down the street from me.


WTF is wrong with people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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admitedly... I had to shed a tear for a child that was left in a car with the windows rolled up by his step-grandma. His name was luke and he was 17 months old. 1 month older than my son. he went to the same daycare place right down the street from me.


WTF is wrong with people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Same for animals in that situation. I've broken out a couple windows on vehicles in walmart parking lots when I come across a dog or something in a vehicle with all the windows rolled up.

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What's even more disturbing then the filthiness of ball pits, is people continuing to believe, and pass on urban legends.


The initial post has been going around the internet for years now, in different forms, and is complete BS.


I'm guessing the "Ball pit" one was created in light of the one *ACTUAL* article written on the subject where they took swab-samples of ball pits and found traces of feces, vomit, etc..


Guess what? They also ended the write-up with admission that these things were found in almost *EVERY* type of children's play areas. Children are not really the cleanest people....

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didnt want to ne the first to say it but i dont really believe those stories either. The part that those ball pits are very dirty is true but there have been strict guidelines on the cleanliness of them for years now. Just my thoughts.

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seen a homeless guy living in a ball pit once.

that has to be a pleasant supprise when the kids find him sleeping next to the fake steering wheels in one of the tubes.


i dont doubt theres some nasty shit in ball pits. but its no worse then swimming in a public pool, or touching the shopping cart handle at walmart, or screwing youre gf who has had people before you.


its all kind of similar. you can freak out and be like howard hughes, or you can just deal with shit and hope you have a strong immune system.

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Yeah, I knew the HIV/gas pump handle thing was BS.

I'm the network and mail administrator at my work....I go off the handle when people here send that shit around.


The first thing I do is usually go to Symantec's Hoax site and show them Bill Gates and AOL haven't teamed up to give you 10 grand for forwarding an email to 100 of your closest friends...


The Internet and Email have a ton of good, practical uses. It also brings the dipshits out of the woodwork as well.


Turbo...I heard on the news about the infant that died in the car...WTF is wrong with people.

I agree with you Jared...I've always been an animal lover...I treat my dogs as if they were my kids.


Luckily, I have great neighbors that love my dogs and treat them great...

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