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How many of you run race fuel?

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The higher the octane the more resistance to ignition. It burns slower. Also some of you guys having trouble finding race fuels need to check with local petroleum marketers. These are the company's that actually supply and deliver your gas stations, air ports etc.. with the fuel they need. I buy directly from the supplier. I'm sure most of you have these all around you.

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I've never heard of AV gas being illegal to use in anything but planes, and I doubt it is. Makes no sense. You can go buy jet fuel all day long (kerosene). Its not like its anything special. More than likely someone just said it was illegal as an easy way to stop having to deal with people wanting 5 gallons at a time.


Besides, the FAA can't enact laws.


I use straight 100LL. I've driven on the tarmac with the quad in the back to get it. They don't care, just something to talk about.


Edit: and what about farmers that have their own landing strip and keep their plane at home?


My local airport said as long as you are not putting it in a on road vehicle it doesnt matter, you can buy all you want.

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I'm running Turbo Blue 110 from a Sunoco in Flint for $5.20/gal.


On a side note - I've been curious about Klotz racing fuel for a while now, I hear that VP and Klotz have the best quality racing fuel. However, there isn't anyone who carries it around here that I know of, and if you order it factory direct you have to pay a hefty haz-mat handling fee.


Well, the other day I found some at a Suzuki dealer that I don't usually go to and they wanted $91.00 plus tax for 5 gal of Klotz 113!!!! :baseball_bat: Holly Shit! I said to an approaching salesman who immediatly got all defensive and started treating me like I didn't know shit trying to justify nearly $20/gal for the stuff. He's like "what do ya think it costs us?" and I said "not 91 bucks!" Then he starts giving me shit like "the only way he can give it to me cheaper it to buy it black market and then you don't know what you're getting"....I'm thinking what a F'n tool.


I didn't tell him that I've already called Klotz and inquired about buying from them. Which they said the same 5 gal drum was like $37 plus a $30 H/M fee charged by UPS/FedEx. So $67 to get it TO MY HOUSE...AND...If I bought more than 30 gal they would absorb the H/M fee. I also Know the owner of the dealer he works for (but didn't rat him out), So EAT SHIT "Kevin" D.F.!!


He just rolled his eyes at me when I said "That's why I buy Turbo Blue for 5 bucks a gallon."


What a moron, can you imagine if I were in there to pay cash for a new quad and the deusch bag salesman start getting cocky then?


Sorry for the rant but I had to vent to ppl who can relate :baseball_wacko:

Edited by AssWhore
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Thats pretty $hitty, but they are hoping that some shmoe walks in off the streat and doesn't know anything about it and goes,"well i heard it was expensive, but damn". THen asks if they take cash or plastic..................


That right there is why I don't trust any type of dealer or should I say Stealer.............. :banghead:

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Besides, the FAA can't enact laws.


You must not have ever delt with the FAA, they can ruin your day in a real bad way.







Edit: and what about farmers that have their own landing strip and keep their plane at home?



They have a plane...... duh

Edited by Proquad101
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Check you local petrolium dealers, speed shops, and motorcycle shops. I'ts been a few monthes since I bought any race fuel but it was around $5.00 for 100 unleaded and $5.70 for 110 leaded last time at a local petrolium dealer and it was 76 brand.

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The higher the octane the cooler it burns.


02sandshee where the hell are you gettin' 111 octane for $3.60 a gallon, $hit I pay $3.25 for deisel............. :banghead:




there is an interstate oil distrabuter that the shop uses. im in sacramento ca. :headbang:

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The higher the octane the more resistance to ignition. It burns slower. Also some of you guys having trouble finding race fuels need to check with local petroleum marketers. These are the company's that actually supply and deliver your gas stations, air ports etc.. with the fuel they need. I buy directly from the supplier. I'm sure most of you have these all around you.



This is the key to getting race gas cheap a lot of these distibutors will sell to you at the same price they sell to shop if you buy 30 or 55 gallon drums

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How many of you guys run race fuel? i'm curently running c-12 but thinking of changing my domes so i can run pump gas. the price of the c-12 is curently $9.50 a gallon. i'm in jersey and if the c-12 is higher in diffrent places inforum me and i'll keep runing it so i dont feel like a cheap ass. its just hard to run c-12 for $9.50 when i can get pump 93 $3.10 or so. also if any of you know how much balls will my banshee lose when i change the domes and run pump?


After talking to a guy today, he referred me to : http://www.powermist.com/home.html

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