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Was that the guys had you were working with? I know several people tht have been bit but they never look that bad, most of the people I know go to the doctor as soon as the bite looks funny. Just for that reason if I end up with a questionable looking bite I keep a close eye on it.


No luckily those pics aren't anybody I know. I never knew there was anything that could do that. As far as I know we don't have them up north.

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Those are pretty prominenet in Oklahoma. If you have other spiders in your home, you will also have recluse's. They feed on other spiders.


Years ago I moved into a country rent house that was empty for about 6 months. I saw a few of them around but thought no big deal. Till one night I woke up with something crawling on my back. I slowly got up, shrugged my shoulders, turned on the light and sure enough, a recluse. The wife woke up, I called my dad and said were coming over, I have a spider problem. Anyway I got the house sprayed the next day. Freakin things were crawling out from everywhere and dying. I collected all I could find on the floor and it filled an 8oz cup to the rim with dead bodies. Talk about an infestation. I never got bit, that I know of, knock on wood.

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I killed 2 brown recluses, 1 in my house, and 1 in my shed. Killed a black widow in my crawl space, too, all within 3 days. I HATE spiders. I can handle anything else, just not spiders. Of all places I could buy a house at, I pick a place in the middle of farm country, where anywhere you look, you can find a minimum of 3 spiders at once.

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Damn :whoa::whoa::whoa:


Those are pretty prominenet in Oklahoma. If you have other spiders in your home, you will also have recluse's. They feed on other spiders.


Years ago I moved into a country rent house that was empty for about 6 months. I saw a few of them around but thought no big deal. Till one night I woke up with something crawling on my back. I slowly got up, shrugged my shoulders, turned on the light and sure enough, a recluse. The wife woke up, I called my dad and said were coming over, I have a spider problem. Anyway I got the house sprayed the next day. Freakin things were crawling out from everywhere and dying. I collected all I could find on the floor and it filled an 8oz cup to the rim with dead bodies. Talk about an infestation. I never got bit, that I know of, knock on wood.


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ahhhh i love canada :dance: not alot of spiders and the ones that are here arent very poisonous and only come out on rainy days or the summer



:) ...yea glad we dont have anything like that in canada :o

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That has always been my rule of thumb... :cheers:


Not sure how true it is...  But I have heard from several different sources that the average person swallows several spiders a year in their sleep...  Any of you heard that? :bolt:




Yeah I've heard it. I wouldn't doubt some spider wanders down my gullet being I'm more of a mouth breather. I have no idea why they would. I'm not too sure I'd want to wander into a rumbling cave in the middle of the night that smells really similar to cat shit .

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Bite Symptoms


The physical reaction to a brown recluse spider bite depends on the amount of venom injected and an individual's sensitivity to it. Some people are unaffected by a bite, whereas others experience immediate or delayed effects as the venom kills the tissues (necrosis) at the site of the bite. Many brown recluse bites cause just a little red mark that heals without event. The vast majority of brown recluse bites heal without severe scarring (http://spiders.ucr.edu/avoidbites.html).


Initially, the bite may feel like a pinprick or go unnoticed. Some may not be aware of the bite for 2 to 8 hours. Others feel a stinging sensation followed by intense pain. Infrequently, some victims experience general systemic reactions that may include restlessness, generalized itching, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or shock. A small white blister usually initially rises at the bite site surrounded by a swollen area. The affected area enlarges and becomes red, and the tissue is hard to the touch for some time. The lesion from a brown recluse spider bite is a dry, blue-gray or blue-white, irregular sinking patch with ragged edges and surrounding redness--termed the "red, white, and blue sign." The lesion usually is 1

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I collected all I could find on the floor and it filled an 8oz cup to the rim with dead bodies.


:whoa: jesus tap dancing christ! i woulda freaked out dude.


i dont think we have those here. fuck that. my sister always used to come wake me up in the middle of the night to go kill spiders in her room, didnt bother me cause i knew they were harmless. only had the occasional freak out when climbing on furniture to reach one and having it fall onto you. but if we had poisonous ones, i donno man. lighter and hairspray tourch please.

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:whoa:    jesus tap dancing christ! i woulda freaked out dude. 


i dont think we have those here. fuck that. my sister always used to come wake me up in the middle of the night to go kill spiders in her room, didnt bother me cause i knew they were harmless. only had the occasional freak out when climbing on furniture to reach one and having it fall onto you.  but if we had poisonous ones, i donno man. lighter and hairspray tourch please.


Heh. I'm the spider killer at my house. You'd think someone was crawling through an open winder when I get woken up at 5am.


Thats why I spray Trizaicide and Diazinon like its going out of style between spring and summer. My parents lay out those little glue pads for spiders and my dog will sniff them and get it stuck on her nose. I think thats about the only funny thing about it.

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