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I am tired of this


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See I tried to be nice to you and answer your Childish question.. My son is 7 years old and he doesn't have to ask that question about a banshee. Ever think maybe you should take a look in the mirror to figure out who the dumbass really is????



Bigboy- you are dumbass, I have made post before and you anwser based off what everyone else is saying, this is your problem, you need to read the original post before you anwser some non-sence bullsh*t. You are the one after all who told me that front wheel drive cars get better traction in drag racing, because the wheels are over the front tires. So dont get me started about who is the retard.



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Some of us have asked stupid questions and got flamed, in turn we learned from our mistakes.  It's really constructive criticism, like it or not.  Look at Freestyler as an example he seemed stupid as can be with his "just turned pro" "just got sponsored" and "I'll be hucking a backflip in a week or two". Freestyler got flamed hard and is now a respected member of the HQ. He learned.



That is a VERY good point :cheers:

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Bigboy, My bad, what i had meant to say was that you once told me that the "since the engine is over the front the tires you get better traction with a front wheel drive car when racing" i will find it if you want, or you can admit that you are a dumbass who jumps on whatever bandwagon you can to try and fit in.

And the reason i still remember you saying it is because since than you have been in my sh*t list of people who dont know a god damn thing about what they are talking about.


Pushthethrottle, I hardly believe that 2 pages of hating on the guy is contructive critism, maybe one or two hard asses can make a joke, but its focking gay how all of you "hard-cores" all have to chime in to try an prove something.

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when a guy gets flamed... it isnt always his fault "so to speak ,often its the 1,000 kids before him that had posted the exact same question , a generic ansewer may be this :the banshee will usually make its most usuable power and torque from 5500-9500 rpms ,if you can find those parameters on your thumb throttle then your aces .

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Pushthethrottle, I hardly believe that 2 pages of hating on the guy is contructive critism, maybe one or two hard asses can make a joke, but its focking gay how all of you "hard-cores" all have to chime in to try an prove something.


Freestyler got atleast 10 different threads going flaming him page upon page. I'd say it worked but you can feel free to straight up ask him yourself.


When you've been here for awhile you'll understand. I haven't been here as long as others but I have seen those who come in dumber than a box of rocks get straightened out and become contributing members. The problem with some of the posts is that the poster doesn't put any thought or work into the question so why should they expect any more than that for an answer? Example question "What kind of pipes should I get, my shee is a 1996" better question "What kind of pipes should I get, I spend all of my time dragging the sand hills and have a 4mm cub, v-force reeds, dual 38mm carbs, pod filters..."

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Freestyler got atleast 10 different threads going flaming him page upon page. I'd say it worked but you can feel free to straight up ask him yourself.


When you've been here for awhile you'll understand.  I haven't been here as long as others but I have seen those who come in dumber than a box of rocks get straightened out and become contributing members.  The problem with some of the posts is that the poster doesn't put any thought or work into the question so why should they expect any more than that for an answer? Example question "What kind of pipes should I get, my shee is a 1996" better question "What kind of pipes should I get, I spend all of my time dragging the sand hills and have a 4mm cub, v-force reeds, dual 38mm carbs, pod filters..."




very well written...... :cheers:

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That question might be too advanced for him...... He probably thinks a cheetah cub is a young cat :blink:


"What kind of pipes should I get, I spend all of my time dragging the sand hills and have a 4mm cub, v-force reeds, dual 38mm carbs, pod filters..."


Edited by ellison445
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im tired of people on this damn sight who cant take a joke and be a fucking man... great example with bfs..noone liked him at first..hes prolly gotten it the worst since ive been here...but now hes not an idiot about things- and is, like stated before, a respected hq member

grow some balls and quit crying.. :yank:

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Bigboy, My bad, what i had meant to say was that you once told me that the "since the engine is over the front the tires you get better traction with a front wheel drive car when racing" i will find it if you want, or you can admit that you are a dumbass who jumps on whatever bandwagon you can to try and fit in.

And the reason i still remember you saying it is because since than you have been in my sh*t list of people who dont know a god damn thing about what they are talking about.



Do you really think I give a fuck what you think of me? Am I supposed to be upset because one tool on the internet thinks I'm a dumbass? :shootself: LOL, jump on the bandwagon...so because I agree with someone else makes me "part of the bandwagon"? :lol: Get off your momma's tit and grow a set. I think everyone on here has been "flamed" to some degree for something said...I know I've been ripped on before but you don't see me crying about it...you fuckin pansy


Is this what you are trying to say :blink:





I love that pic! LMAO, I just realized you named the pic "firemanhott" :rotflmao:

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I think you are one of the people he's referring to in his posts.  Go back through your last 20 or so posts and see if you've said anything that's constructive or contributes anything to this sport or website.



If i can remember right I never posted in the original thread.

You know your a real stupidass, this is not like 3rd grade son.

If you don't like what I say dont read my goddanm posts.

Yea I help out when I can, but I'm no genius. I only know the simple shit.

Yea i have contibuted alot to my sport! In my fucking area not yours, and not here.

Yea some of my posts are a little extreme, but most of us are grown men and can take a little flaming. We dont need a bunch of crybabies here, if they dont get flamed for askin dumbass questions, all we will have is "why is my banshee slow' or "how do i ride a 2 stroke" posts.

Maybe ill do some cryin now like you :cry:

ohhhh booo whoooo why do people sinlge out me, loco, ellison445, and bigboy

I think its because none of us care what you little asswipes think..... :yank:

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Can't we all just play with our toys in peace? :yank: ........and if someone gets mad, then they can reply with ..."Well if your going to be an asshole, then i mite just take my toys and go play with someone else"

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