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i belive in GOD and that the bible is the truth and the light also and I consider myself a good christian , but all this nutty talk of the masons is ridiculous ,i dont need a google search ,my grandfather was a mason and i know all about it ,and i know they did really horrible wicked shit too like help little local kids who were severly disabled ,help familys get back on their feet give able bodied towns folk jobs in their local communitys, my grandfather loved GOD and every thing in the bible as do i ,they helped my grandpa get a loan for ahouse and property in the depression when he was laid off from the railroad hammering job he had, so my family might have it better and have a good life and hope. this black helicopter stuff is just untrue to me IMHO , ive been around mason stuff since i ca n remeber all ive seen is that they help the community , even if they were wicked and demonic as you say ,im not caring at all, i am however concerned about these radical muslim fucks who are trying their best to kill us ,im also concerned about this country s future because of war mongering government agendas .my.02 anyway

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here is my opinion...religion is gay...


yep. seems like EVERY fucking time i get drug into church the priests sermon if a damn commercial. pisses me off.


religion is economically based anyways. so is it a work of satan? think about that thumpers.

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Reasoning With a Bible Thumper

by Rod Smith


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I took communion as a little kid since I was catholic. I dont claim to any religion now though. I dont live by the bible, so why claim to be something Im not. Theres enough hypocrits in the world already. I used to want to go to heaven but I dunno if everyone is just going to argue. Then it might just be better to go to hell.

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Unbelivable, i belive in god and try to make it to church weekly, (plan on goin more when i get older) but anyway this shit is nonsense im sick and tired of people preachin this shit , wtf i dont care its bullshit , you cant understand the bible by doing a search on free masons, which is probably bullshit to, I DONT CARE

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rj don't tell me that you are too afraid to do a little research on these "Free Masons". Don't tell me that your faith is too weak to walk through the valley. Here is a link to a site with testament from people who left the masons and found Jesus, which is a word the Mason's forbid being uttered in their "temples". If your love is for Jesus, then you should not be afraid to check out this sight. This site is testament of Christians who left the Free Masons because they new that it was wrong.

ex-masons for Jesus


The fact is that I knew what holyman was doing in the Easter thread was wrong from the very start and as you seen, in the end it boiled down to holyman essentialy trying to deny Jesus His POWER to save. That was his goal from the start even though he doesn't realize it.


In my battle to lift up the Son of God in the Easter thread, I was led to wonder why he would deny Jesus so vehemently. The answer to that went right back to the founder of his religion, charles russel. Him and joseph smith and brigham young (who founded the mormons, I don't know if your aware of thier doctrines which are not in keeping with Gods Word...you've probably heard of Brigham Young University, a mormon school). These men were Free Masons and as such had already bought into the lies of satan when they founded their false religions. Why do the Catholics worship Mary as much or more than Jesus? It is a religion of immense wealth. Do you think all of this wealth is properly and fully diverted to Gods work? God will never forsake the catholic children I'm sure, but that does not mean that satan doesn't have a stake in the church to. Do I have to point out to you that the Bible says that "light and dark will become gray". There are many other religions with strange beliefs that are not fully in line with the teachings of Jesus, (the Catholics have many teachings that did not come from Jesus and are not fully supported by the Bible and if I'm wrong someone please correct me.)


Whether you want to look into it or not, the fact is that the Free Masons

are very powerful in the international banking world and their religious teachings, which stem from ancient cultures, are nothing short of DARK.


This is faith INSPIRING stuff people. With all of this being said, I'm going to tell you what happened today in my little world and you can take from it what you want.


I decided to make this post about the Free Masons and the Illuminati, knowing full well that it sounded crazy, but also knowing full well that the wealth of testament and EVEDINCE against them is overwhelming for anyone who will do the unbiased research. What they teach is WRONG.


When I was writing one of the posts in this thread today, I was writing about how the word Jesus in a "Masonic Temple" is forbidden and how abhorant this idea is to me. At the same time I was thinking about all of the other things I was learning throught the internet about these secret societies, stuff that when analyzed make too much sense to be lies. The knowledge I had gathered about these secret societies boils dow to this:

The secret societies are built on LIES. And the ultimate agenda of their doctrines which they present in a dark religious manner to those on the inside of their societies, comes from a wealth of writings and teachings and books from through out history that are all about world domination by controlling the masses through subversive and subliminal suggestion (LIES!!!!). The symbology that they use throughout their dark teachings are from ancient origins of societies that were DESTROYED BY GOD...Roman and Egyptian to name a few.


Anyway, knowing their agenda is purely power through LIES, I realized the fact that I was lifting the name of Jesus up so high in my defense in the Easter thread, the thought occured to me that perhaps it was possible that I was playing right into their hands. I realized that perhaps it was possible that I was missing the point when Jesus said that "no man knows who the Son is but the Father or who the Father is but the Son" and as such, could it be possible that I was lifting the NAME of Jesus above the Father and MAKING Jesus the Father when that was not the message of Jesus?


Then I realized that Almighty God is not found in a name, Almighty God is found in his WORKS. His creation, His universe...THAT realization is humbling. Gods GREATEST creation is the human spirit because it is based on FREE WILL! satan's lies are meant to STEEL AWAY our free will, and CONTROL US WITH LIES, and you can see how his lies have destroyed religion. God could have made us obedient if he wanted to, but then he might as well have made a bunch of robots instead!


Here is where it gets interesting for me and you can easily verify what I am about to tell you and take from it what you want:


The very moment that I was writing and simultaneously discovering that Jesus said "no man knows who the Son is but the Father or who the Father is but the Son", but that instead God is known for His WORKS, I got a call on my Nextel radio from one of my co-workers who asked me if I had heard what had happened.


This was immediately a strange question for him to ask me, because it almost immediately implies that it is something that everyone should have heard about or will be hearing about. It is the exact same words that were used by another co-worker who is no longer with the company I work for, who on the the day of the 9-11 attacks on our country walked into the shop and said to me and the co-worker

I was talking to today "did you guys hear what happened?". We had not heard, but he told us and we immediately turned on the radio and heard about the attacks on the world trade centers and on the pentagon.


Today thankfully it was far less tragic but what he told me is that there was a huge huge explosion at a company called Praxair which is a fortune 500 company and is the largest competitor that the company I work for has (I work in St Louis, Mo). They are not located far from the company that I work for. Basically we feed off of their crumbs. I was at home enjoying a vacation day today on the other side of the river.


An explosion like this is thankfully very very rare. We both distribute propane and various industrial, medical and welding gases. The exlosion was so huge that it was covered on all of the local channels with breaking news coverage all day long today, but AMAZINGLY by the mercy of God NO ONE was injured.


The timing of this news (his call to me on the nextel radio) was the same time that I realized what I mentioned above, which is that Jesus never said directly that he was God, but DID say so indirectly, which made me realize that God is known by His WORKS.


I had been thinking of all of the strange symbology that these secret societies are built around and a lot of their symbology is directly symbolic of the works of MAN, the building of the pyramids for example. They call their God literally "the great architect of the universe"


BOOM!!! God showed me HIS symbology by HIS WORKS. The explosion occured. Wealth and power took a hit at that fortune 500 company whos crumbs the company I work for feeds off of. THIS HAPPENED TODAY. Mans desire for wealth and power is to be our down fall and that is why wealth and power took a hit with this explosion. If you want to call it coincedence it is still unbelievably and symbolically amazing. The good news is that my coworker has been following along with me through this and the symbology of God's WORKS was not lost on him. And, if anyone knows Jesus and the Bible then you know that it is YOUR duty to correct me with the Bible in anything that I may be wrong in. If just one person looks into the WORD of Jesus because of all of this, then it has been worth while


My job is done here. You people are on your own. For the last time

Jesus is the TRUTH. Know Him and you have nothing to fear.

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Yeah but if you people weren't so lazy you could do the research on what I'm telling you about and you could discover that the ONLY TRUTH in religion is that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is REAL and is Almighty God and they are ONE. That is the only explanation that explains EVERYTHING.


These secret societies as I have said, can be shown to be deep into international banking and can be shown to be pulling strings on us with LIES.


It can also be shown that their teachings are presented in a religious manner as evidenced by written materials that they use, and thier most important teaching is that of secrecy, but many have left and revealed their experiences. These societies are arranged in a calculated manner of "degrees" of membership which is a pyramid in an of itself and only those at the top know the true agenda. They are wrought with symbology of ancient cultures like the Egyptians and Romans which were destroyed by God.

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