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Field Mice problems

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I'm getting ready to move back out to the farm with my mom for a while to help her out with some stuff & finish some things up that my dad never was able to finish before he kicked the bucket....anyway she's been having problems with mice getting under her hook & chewing on shit. :angry: Her caddy's been to the shop at least 5 times to get shit fixed that the little bastards have chewed up; this time it was the injector wires...after 4 new sets of plug wires, all kinds of a mess. I don't want that crap happening to my truck when I get out there & we need to figure something out. Any suggestions? They seem to enjoy moth balls for desert, so that rules them out...there's no wood piles or any old vehicles or anything, they can't get under the house due to the foundation work...I'm at a loss & was wondering if anyone on here has experienced these problems and what was done to remedy it? We don't do the cat thing, so that's out of the options. :ph34r:

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Led your best bet is a barn cat man, even if ya don't like cats they are fucking lethal to anything smaller than your Beagle. Just like the thread about dogs being the best thing to alert you of an attempted burglary, cats are hard to beat for terminating rodent pests...


We got one here at the shop, showed up as a kitten but had been fending for himself. We got him shots and neutered, and all he does is lay around the warehouse all day and kill shit at night. Ask around, I'm sure one of the neighboring farms will have 'em, trap one of those bastards and set him loose in the garage and if he hangs around (a little food and water once in a while won't hurt, a set of shots so he doesn't get Rabies, and get it fixed so it won't want to find, well pussy lol) he'll annihilate any varmints :evil:

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Thanks guys...looks like I may have to look into getting some el gato's...or my mom will anyway. :P The beagle will sniff them out & chase them; but doesn't quite have the skills to snag'm--he'd rather chase them & act a fool. :P Maybe she'll get a male & female that'll breed so I can work on my skeet shoot'n skills. :evil: .


thanks again!


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Pick up a male cat or 2 and let them go, or buy a ass load of decon and spread it out. I used to have quite afew end up in my back yard from the field by my house it kinda funny watching a full grown pit bull chase mice and eat/play with them.

Edited by Big Blue
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I had some problems with feild mice when they started building a new development right next to ours. that stired up a crap load of rodents.

to say the least i went to the store and bought traps and nonleathle traps none of the cheap shit worked. So a friend of a friend said to use defcon he said it takes a little while but works great. i used it and a year later i havent seen anything. well except when i found their dead little bodies but. and be careful i think my neighbors cat ate or chewed on one of the mice that ate the poison and now the cats takeing a dirt nap my neighbor asked me if i had been useing poison to kill the mice. i told him no just traps but i havent seen any mice since i put that stuff down.

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I had hundreds of mice that infested my shed. I used to come home from work and shoot 'em with the BB gun for an hour or so. In a week I killed over 50 of 'em and every tiime I went back in the shed they would scatter. So I came up with 2 methods.

1- Is a 5 gallon bucket of antifreeze about half full. I put a sheetmetal channel at an angle pointing in the bucket and a Bit O Honey chew wired to the low end. The mice would climb onto the chute to get the candy and slide into the bucket and drown.

The second thing I got was a "tin cat" that I baited with rat poison logs made of grains. The mice go in to eat the poison and are trapped and die. If they do get out {they can't but just to make sure} they have a belly full of poison.

The interesting thing is that mice are cannibals. Once all the rat poison was gone, the mice still kept going in to eat the dead mice. The mice I shot with the BB gun were always missing parts when I'd go back the next day or missing all together. Every couple weeks hose out the guts and bones from the tin cat and toss it back in the corner. So far the shed's been mouse free for a couple years.

PS there were 15 day glow mice in the bottom of the anti freeze :evil:

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Try those sonic rodent repellers. Set up a perimiter around the caddy's shack, and you should be rodent free, including gophers.



We must have mutant mice in wyoming because those things don't work worth a shit. We had 8 in a 25x25 garage and those little bastards would run right in front of them and not even care. We fixed the problem by pouring gasoline on top of their little mouse nest whenever we would find one and light it on fire. Took a weekend worth of cleaning in the garage, but we haven't seen any since the fires.


Fire will fix any problem.

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Quit killing the inbread farm cats. Let them do their job. I have a serious problem with field mice in my shed and garage, I don't have a problem with mice in the house. All five of my cats are house cats. Maybe it's justa coincidence, but for a house that has so many mice around it, the house is mouse free.

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