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life and choices

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Ahh, after years of enver getting a date or anything. i started dating my best freinds lil sis. she is great and i love her alot, but now that im in college and finaly have a girl that i would do anythign for.. i meet other ones. i met a new one recently that is exactly like my g/f, in so many ways its really weird. adn it turns out that she asked me out cuz she likes me...and i like her...its fucked up. all of these years i had noone,a dn now i have 2 that r alot alike, but one is very close at college, but lives far away.. and the other is far away when im at college, but right by my rents house when i go home.

it just figures to be my luck.

just htoguht id share my lil humor...i gotta laugh cuz i have no idea what to do....

anybody got any ideas. my g/f is 16 and this new girl is almost 21. that is the bigest difference and plus. btu ive been with my girl for 9 months, so i cant just up and leave her.. we have alot in common and are very close.

i suppose, w/e. life goes on and only time will tell :cry:

peace out yall

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dude. same thing here. only i dont go to college WAY away from where my family lives, but the situation about the girls, i know how you feel. on one had its great because, well the more women the better, but on the other hand, it sucks because you really care for one, but it seems like you want what you can get now. id say if you really love your current girl, just wait. everything will work itself out.











or if they live far enough away and dont know about each other, hell go for both of them. :evil:

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dude, take it from me, be a playa.


I wish I would've tucked many more girls under my belt before I settled down. Now sometimes I sit and think it would be nice to hit up something else, but I'm dedicated to my girl and will never stray from her.


When I was a little younger (26 now), I was with someone that was about 6 hours away and only got to see them few and far between. I stayed faithful but now that I look back on it, I wish I wouldnt have just for experiences sake and I wouldnt have any regrets.


You're young, and in college, DONT BE TIED DOWN, you'll regret it.


And as the whole thing goes about not having any girls, and once you get one they flock, I know how that is. I went almost 3 years without a girl for a period of time (couple one nighters), but nothing with any potential, and when I finally found someone, they all came out of the woodwork. They must smell it on you or something.

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youre young. my advice..

be safe, be honest and make the most of it. hometown girl is awfully young, so be gentle. girls are very sensitive at that age. im willing to bet, though, if you cut hometown girl loose, for her own sake, you wouldnt have a shortage of ladies in college. keep everything light, enjoy it while you can...but like i said, be SAFE.

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I agree w/staying semi-single during college. You also have to remember that your girl back home is only sixteen, and believe me, unless she is totally sheltered you are not the last person she is going to want to ever "experience". My highschool sweetheart broke my heart after six years of dating. We were way too young and way too serious. Besides, I'm glad she wanted to "experience" w/other guys, am now 27 and things are too much fun still to think about settling down w/one. :headbang:

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You are too damn young to be worried about shit like this.  Just be honest and hit anything that you can.  Once you meet "the one" you will know and then settle down with her, him, or it. :P




Kinda what Im thinkin.. Bad thing about dating a girl in highschool when ur in college is that the girl will be stuck in all that highschool drama. And in her case, shes got a ways to go before she is out of that. Highschool girls are scandolous (sp) No matter who they are. If ur lookin to settle down, go for the older one, but if ur lookin into having lots of drama and head aches and what not, stay with the one in highschool. Ive had bad experiences when I was in college and I dated a highschool girl. Shit just doesnt mix.

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i agree with most of these guys,ya have to live it up while your young.between the agese of 16-20 i was hitting any thing that would stand still long enough.hell i had all kinds,best freinds girlfriends,girls pretty enough to be models,and a double team with a horney as hell 200 pounder.but ya know they were the best years of my life,free to do what i wanted when i wanted,happy and not tied down.2 years later met my wife at a central tractor store and have been together every day since.plus we were engaged for almost 5 years and tied the knot last year.bottom line live life to the fullest now and happyness will find you and when it does youll know it

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Ahh, after years of enver getting a date or anything. i started dating my best freinds lil sis. she is great and i love her alot, but now that im in college and finaly have a girl that i would do anythign for.. i meet other ones. i met a new one recently that is exactly like my g/f, in so many ways its really weird. adn it turns out that she asked me out cuz she likes me...and i like her...its fucked up. all of these years i had noone,a dn now i have 2 that r alot alike, but one is very close at college, but lives far away.. and the other is far away when im at college, but right by my rents house when i go home.

it just figures to be my luck.

just htoguht id share my lil humor...i gotta laugh cuz i have no idea what to do....

anybody got any ideas. my g/f is 16 and this new girl is almost 21. that is the bigest difference and plus. btu ive been with my girl for 9 months, so i cant just up and leave her.. we have alot in common and are very close.

i suppose, w/e. life goes on and only time will tell :cry:

peace out yall


dude thats how it works. get to know the new girl as a friend and see who you like better. and then tell the one that you like least that you just arent ready for a relationship or some bullshit like that. it always works for me. course its kinda mean but hey fuck'em they're the ones that didnt like you sooner. bet ya didnt look at it like that now did ya....lol

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