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I still don't know whether or not the fam is going... banghead I am guessing not, but there is always that possibility..... If not, I'll probably camp, but have a hotel room for an end of the day shower. Unless, I can work somethin' out with my bro' Rodney, and pay some of his hotel bill, and bum his shower for a few minutes a night... . Gotta clean the coal shiz off myself. :headbang:

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Your not gonna give us another excuse and not go again, are you Boony??? Your going, even if I have to drive to your house, kidnap you, strap you to your shee and tow you both down... :D

Rod, give me a shout, I left a message on your answer machine.... :P

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I have been reading this post for the last little while and am seriously considering coming down to it with four friends of mine, but just read that the area that everyone will meet at is private property. I personally cannot see how the local Police will not notice all the trucks with quads or motorhomes ect. heading to the same area!!

I am a little worried about driving 6-8 hours for a weekend ride to be stopped and turned around by the cops because we are on private property!!


Meat, if you could shed a little light on my concerns??????


Thank you! :headbang:

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hey thor, i ride in a different area then meat, same state, and its the same way, old strippens that is private property. no worries man, the cops dont have anything to get in the trails with here, and they are used to seeing 20 trucks lining the road, and 50 quads in the trails. they have grown to accept it. you should come, private property is the least of my worries.

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Hey meat, My great grandmother lived in Shamoken, We used to run those mountains all the time. I thought that coal hill looked familiar. Is the mine still on fire? My family owns property up there still in a valley. We would camp there then hit up the trails. It's been like 6 years since I was up there..So I'd get lost in a heartbeat. I blew up my motor on coal hill. I remember all these crazy dune buggy guys would rip that place a new asshole. A lot of fun.I was even attacked by a pack of wild dogs.They still shoot off fireworks during the 4th of july? We would catch the fireworks show from the top of the mountain. I'll be moving back to NJ in a week, My brother knows the way I think..he's got a raptor. We might roll out there sometime.

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lots of posts since iv been gone. where to start.....


Thor7000, I think H300F's reply was pretty accurate. Be forwarned, this is private property and there is a chance of getting a tresspassing fine. Altho crackdowns and fines are rare, they do happen, everyone coming needs to understand this. FroCash was wondering how many people are going to be there, and thats a good question...... I tried getting a head count but the numbers are hazy. Im guestamating about 25 to 30, my one buddy is thinkin' more like 50+. A large group of riders using the same camp might draw unwanted attention. A state police car can make it back to where we're setting up camp, but he'd have to drive 1\2 mile on a old twisty dirt road, though puddles and around some rocks.. and he also would have to know where he's going. You cannot see our camp from the highway, and im 95% sure you wont be able to see any campfires from the highway either. Now say a statie or two does drive back to check out our camp, I think as long as we're all behaving and polite, they would leave us be. Im sure they dont want to write out 50 tickets either or all the paperwork that would go with it. We're also going to have GPS numbers and directions for finding camp, I'll give these numbers\direction out to you guys closer to June and wont make the directions public, you'll have to PM me for the info.




Motul, thats fucking awsome that youre familar with Shamokin. :headbang: Where exactly are you from ??


Is the mine still on fire?

Yes, the Glenn Burn culm bank is on fire, but its not too bad. The Glenn Burn is a old coal mine thats based in Shamokin. The mine piled up useless coal called culm, they piled it up and piled it up and piled it up, for like 50 years. They made the "worlds largest man made mountain", the Glenn Burn culm bank. I really dont know if its the worlds largest, but it sounds good. Anyway, this fuckin' culm bank is on fire. When ever it rains, the mountain steams. Steams sulfer. Great huh. :cheers: The bank towers over Shamokin, every 4th of July the city blasts off some fireworks from atop the culm bank. They actually put on one hellava fireworks display.

Thats where this quote comes in......

They still shoot off fireworks during the 4th of july? We would catch the fireworks show from the top of the mountain.


Yep, every "4th" shamokin' put on thier fireworks display, they shoot em off from on top of the culm bank and they explode directly above the town, the fireworks are directly above you and all around you. Its a good display, they spend somthing like 50 grand on it every year. The strippins gets packed with offroaders that holiday, everyone heads out to Shamokin on thier quads, bikes, trucks, buggies and watches the fireworks display.


Ever hear of the the town Centralia ? Big mine fire there. Its a ghost town now. Centralia is 15 miles out of Shamokin, and you can see the fire through cracks in the earth. Yea its dangerous up there, there's nothing like the smell of sulfer in the morning.


I was even attacked by a pack of wild dogs

Yea dude thats so funny..... we actually did have a "wild dog" problem a few years ago. Those fuckin' dogs were livin' in the strippins like goddamn dingos. Its craaaazy. Its pretty bad when your hometown has a mine fire and "wild dog" problems :lol: I won't even tell yas about the "shit crick". :rolleyes: When we're at camp coalfest, we'll all have to keep gaurd for wild dogs.



Yeah, Knobles is a great amusement park..They still have that wooden roller coaster..I think it was called the pheonix..

Yea the Phoenix is still there. Its a bigass wooden roller coaster and its a great ride. They have a new coaster called the Twister, its a wooden coaster also. Its a another great ride and a must ride ride. The phoenix is better than the Twister IMO.

Knoebles has great bumper cars too, you gotta ride the bumper cars at Knoebles. The haunted house is another must see. ahh good times....


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Sup guys...for those of you interested in the C12 I got the prices for ya, so i'll need to know how much you will need...we do have a 54 gal in stock, cost is $345.62, we also have a 30 gal., cost is $207.10 and the 5 gal., is $38.80...so let me know how much you want and i'll put it aside...If you could get me the cash ahead of time that would be great, so it wouldn't get sold by someone else while i'm not there...


As for hotels and camping...if your coming with family and want to camp at knobels, either in tents or one of there cabins, i would strongly advise booking your site now, as i talked to the people that run the campground and there just about booked for may, june, july weeks and weekends...especially the weekend of memorial day and weekend after, which is coalfest weekend...they may only have tent sites...so hurry and book NOW!!!

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Meat, I'm from N.J..But My grandparents on my mother's side are from Shamoken Which is also where my great grandparents are from. I got family on my dad's side in Waymart Pa. But I'm in Tenn. right now finishing up my stint in the Army which will end on friday then It's back home for a while. I do know this, It's easy as hell to get lost up in those mountains, but there is a highway that circles around..I know this because I had my Banshee towed after I blew the motor on coal hill..and I waited forever on the side of the road for my dad to ride back across the one mountain and to the valley where we had the van parked at. Oh, the funny thing about the dogs, I was putting along the trail when like 10 of the damn mutts came out of the bushes..I was like "Cool dogs" and slowed down..but that's when they charged me and I gassed it and made traction out of one mutt and another ate a shitload of rocks..I didn't stop..they were inches from taking a bite out of my foot...they can run pretty damn fast too. There is all kinds of cool shit in those mountains..left over mining gear..old mining shafts left open, old buildings everywhere..I know there is someplace to swim, an old mineshaft that the water is too acidic for fish and algea to live..it's also REAL deep. Clean water too. I remember they had huge D-9 bulldozer hanging out in the middle of a trail. This damn thing was HUGE tall as a 3 story house. I think I'm game on Coalfest..But I do know my Bro and I are going to be riding there anyways once I get home.

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