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LOL I aint buying anyone beer BYOB and that is the only way unless you are a freind I know who is 21 I dont intend to loose my home life and banshee to anyone or the guilty conceince that I may have unintensionally caused somebody,s kid to get hurt or killed under the influence ...........

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Hey, here's some tips to keep the fun going..get yourself some quality dust masks..3m makes good ones. You know the ones that cover your nose and mouth, the white kind. they should fit good under your goggles and not hit the chin guard. You'll thank me when you smile and there isn't a ton of coal grit in your teeth. Also bring extra filters if you got them, filter cleaners and filter oil...Don't run K&N's, coal dust will pass right through it. If your in the back, You'll be eating a lot of coal dust. Get a good belly pan for your ride and a Quality swing arm guard..stock ones won't hold up for long if you like to pound rocks. Bring Master links and tire plugs...keep them on you when you ride. Hopfully somebody else besides me will bring a foor pump. Is somebody going to bring a utility machine? Can you say GAS BIATCHE' and Drink BITCH!

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also, hopefully it wont be too dusty, but if it is, you have 2 different ways you can ride, either stay wayyyyy back until the dust clears somewhat, or ride the persons ass in front of you so the dust doesnt have a chance to come up yet, but with a trail of people that'll only work for the 2nd person in line.


After you get to know the area, and do any night riding at all (if its something that can happen up there, I know we used to up at tower city), if you turn your lights off and just follow the persons brake light in front of you, its actually easier to see that way, if the brakelight shakes, you know he hit a bump. It actually works pretty well. But it'll be light out until 9 oclock by then so you shouldnt have any problems about all that.


Hopefully someone will bring a good beadbreaker, I have a Nac's and it was the best tool I ever bought. I've put big ol splits in my sidewall (8 plugs to fill splits), pulled it off the rim, patched it up on the inside, patched it up on the outside, and it was ready to go for the next day of riding. I used a C-clamp to hold the patches together. A spare set of tires is usually a good thing, and the more ply's the better. I always have my realtors with tubes inside as backups incase I tear my tires up. Chances are stock tires arent going to cut it through the weekend, not to mention suck on the hills.


If any of you are looking to get tires for this, I'd recommend getting some 20" blackwaters. Or get yourself some back up realtors to have as a spare. You'll make it up any hill with either of them on. Most of the hills have a commitment point where you cant turn around anymore. Be pretty positive your gonna make it, cause if you dont, you better hope you can hold your shee there until someone comes to help you. A 4x4 quad with a winch sitting at the top would be ideal. And you could get a nice cold one after you make it :D


Damn I really wish I was going......when you guys are there you gotta talk about setting up another get together in the fall (just dont make it in the beginning of september, or the weekend of 17, 18, 19 in september)


I'll be heading to Hatfield-McCoy either the end of august or beginning of september, any of you are welcome to come. It's probably the sweetest trail system on the east coast. Crazy crazy trails that will push you to your limits, incredible hillclimbs that just cut back and forth and keep going, and awesome scenery.


This was about 5/6 of the way through the trail, was a big open area with this little hillclimb going on, it was a much easier climb than some of the climbs back in the trails:


"took pictures out, to big and I'm sure everyone has seen them"


This is where the south trailhead is that we came out to after riding for 4 hours in the rain, sand/mud type dirt, mainly under the cover of trees in the woods. We come out to this, and on the trail as I came out first into it, were purplish flower petals all over the trail.....it was like in the wizard of oz when they come out of the forest into the opiate field. I locked my brakes up and just looked around:

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I'm the one interested in the 30 gal drum but I need to hear Chase73 chime in here first. He said him and a buddy may need some then it'd be a good deal. If they aren't buying I'll just bring my own cause I can drive down to the marina and get it out of the pump. I'll let you know ASAP if i decide to buy the 30 just for me. I'll have to check the funds right now.

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Mcaf I read the post on the prices

we do have a 54 gal in stock, cost is $345.62, we also have a 30 gal., cost is $207.10 and the 5 gal., is $38.80...so let me know how much you want and i'll put it aside...


I can get cam2 110 octane for $4.75 - $4.95 a gallon it seems a lot cheaper to get it were I am in hudson NH at the Hess gas station :) I just hate bringing that much fuel with me . There are 2 of us that have to run race fuel . So 54 gallons only costs me $256.00 that saves me $90.00 how much are you paying at the marina ??????


OHHHHH and thanks rustyrider for looking into the fuel for us

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Well, I paid $5 a gallon but that was before the new prices. Last time I was there they said they were on the last drum on the old prices (Vp just hiked the prices on everything). I'll stop by and see what kinda prices they are selling it for now.


Thanks RustyRider I hope we get you an answer really soon. Just wanna make sure it would be an economically sound decision.

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Mcaf I read the post on the prices
we do have a 54 gal in stock, cost is $345.62, we also have a 30 gal., cost is $207.10 and the 5 gal., is $38.80...so let me know how much you want and i'll put it aside...


I can get cam2 110 octane for $4.75 - $4.95 a gallon it seems a lot cheaper to get it were I am in hudson NH at the Hess gas station :) I just hate bringing that much fuel with me . There are 2 of us that have to run race fuel . So 54 gallons only costs me $256.00 that saves me $90.00 how much are you paying at the marina ??????


OHHHHH and thanks rustyrider for looking into the fuel for us

I can get it for $ 4.49 a gallon for cam2 110 octane

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Sweetshee, thats the plan, but we just want to make sure its worth it. For instance, the quoted price is 345.62 which means its $6.40 a gallon. Chase can get Cam2 for 4.50 so it wouldn't be economical to pay for the C-12.


Its finals week right now for me so I haven't gone to the marina but if say they sell C-12 for $5.50 a gallon that's still cheaper than buying the 54 gal drum. Usually you buy bulk to save money which may not be the case here.

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