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Bhq'er on mtv


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Haven't been on in a few weeks (the new style frustrates me but I think I might be able to get used to it). My parents got a call a few weeks ago from the people who helped finish our basement in a 50's theme and told me that the producer from mtv teen cribs was looking for houses that would stand out or be good to do an episode for. Turns out they called me and talked me into doing an episode at my house, next weekend. I'm excited but at the same time I'm fucking nervous to be on a camera. I wanna see what I can do to rep the hq when I show them my shed and banshee. I hope they ask me how I learned to work on banshees :D . I'll let you guys know when its gonna air and what not. I think its gonna be tight to be the first kid to be riding 2 strokes and quads for the episode though. :dance:

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Yeah parents who buy there snot nosed piss ass punk kids any thing & everything under the sun.Just like that show sweet sixteen are you f@%*@$g kidding me who in the hell watches this shit REMEMBER WHEN MTV PLAYED MUSIC

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Yeah parents who buy there snot nosed piss ass punk kids any thing & everything under the sun.Just like that show sweet sixteen are you f@%*@$g kidding me who in the hell watches this shit REMEMBER WHEN MTV PLAYED MUSIC

Haha. I'll take my time to explain the situation so retards like you can understand. And since you think I'm spoiled i'll go ahead and explain that situation too. And no i'm not famous nor is anyone else i know famous. When my dad was 16 he dropped out of school to help his parents pay bills. He did what him and his dad new, construction. His dad died, he started his own business. Almost 30 years later, with probably no more than 2 months time off other than weekends he managed to make a name for himself. Is there anything wrong with that? My parents have had to borrow money from family to pay for our christmas a few years. So when dumb people like you say things like snot nosed piss ass punk kids it kinda pisses me off. I don't wanna play it off like my dad worked harder than anyone elses, but he damn sure deserves everything he fucking has. My dad bought 10 acres because he found a badass deal, and built a house on it. We got our basement done by bars and booths in winchester and they helped us do a 50's theme. Long story short the producer from mtv teen cribs called them, they called my parents, then I talked to the producer.


Now that thats out of the way I think I am gonna rep the shirt now that I think about it. Don't worry I already have one. A banner would be pretty sweet though :D . Its going down next weekend, so I don't have much time to get nervous. :lol:

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thats cool dude. Self made... I respect that alot. I have family like that also and it has definantly wore of on me. I try too instill it into my kids also, but I do spoil them when they deserve it. Ill send u a shirt if you could sport it also. I remember Mariha Carey did like 18 wardrobe changes during here cribs. LOL. Like Loco said F the haters. Sometimes there actually MORE privilaged than the ones there talkin shit about if they took some time too realize what they got. Good luck dude and have fun with it.

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