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Everything posted by dogboystoy

  1. Holyman, That BLOWS dude. I guess we live and learn. Thanks for the info.
  2. Holyman, That BLOWS dude. I guess we live and learn. Thanks for the info.
  3. Well I have to agree with what has been said so far. I think you need to be up front with him, and if he blows up and dumps you as a friend, well,,, at least you tried. You would have ended up loosing him as a friend eventually. I am in a similar situation, my best friends girlfriend of 4 years is an alcoholic. She is goofy enough without booze, but when she gets drunk (every day of the weekend and sometimes during the week) she gets really stupid and obnoxious. But I put up with her because my friend is cool. He knows she is a drunk and I dont see him do anything but give her shit on occasion. My friend hardly drinks at all, he may have 1 beer every 3 months or longer. But he smokes the reefer, and I assume that is what keeps him from getting serious about getting her in rehab. Anyway, good luck with your friend, I hope it works out for you. Pardon the Pun
  4. Oil?? What do you need oil for? I just put new trans fluid in every 2 tanks or so, and she runs like a raped ape. Hummm?? Is that what the dealer was trying to sell me when I bought her??? Yamalube 2R or something? Wow.
  5. Well, I had sync'd my carbs once I upgraded to a twist throttle (about 4 years ago). Lately I have had a backfire on occasion out of my left pipe. So to sync, I was turing the idle screws . After I took the carbs apart and cleaned them a few times, it occured to me that I wasnt really syncing my carbs by adjusting the idle screws. So, I adjusted my throttle Cables where they go into my carbs, until I could get that drilled hole on my slides lined up in the sight glass. Now I feel better, But I think I need to fine tune the sync a little, I will work on that tomarrow. She runs better and more consistent. I think I needed to re sync because I lost one of those Carb cap holder brackets (the one with the phillips screw), that keeps the carb cap from loosening. Well any way I have been tightening that carb down a little tighter so that it wouldnt loosten. Since that is tighter, the slide will sit lower, hence needing to re sync. In this process of fucking around, I decided to check my compression, pretty good I think, let me know if this sounds good.. Left 117psi Right 117-118 PSI Been running 32:1 religiously with 2R, she is a 2000 that I bought new. So I think I have been taking care of her pretty good. Peace out
  6. Well, Boon. Its for the better. I am sure you will love the Ford. At least you didnt get a Chevy.
  7. For the people that really dont understand: Nater downloaded 30.7 MB (megabytes) in 3 Seconds. Thats over 9,000 Kilobytes per second
  8. Well, I did look into all of the settings that I could find. I will look again, but I cant seem to find what would do this. Thanks
  9. Well to help you out a little, My buddy got 50 miles (I think thats what he said), to a tank, when he was at some poker run going from town to town, hauling ass. I mean he ran it bone dry, had to use the reserve, and barely made it. His quad is stock, even the air filter.
  10. Check your sync. That was my problem today. I have a few threads with a similar problem. I checked my air screws. they were fine. CHecked my sync, it looked fine. This morning, it was "popping" like crazy and even backfiring out of my left exhaust pipe. After I re Calibrated my sync, the problem went away. No more popping. The thing is, my sync looked good, but I re did it anyway and that seemed to fix everything. Now I am a happy camper. Hope that fixes your problem.
  11. Well, I feel I am fairly computer savvy, but I am stumped on this one. Unfortunately, I have had to switch from high speed to dialup within the past month (due to location). Anyway, all of my programs like Mcaffee instant updater and my spyware remover software cannot update. I click the "check for updates" button while I am connected to the net via my dial up connection. And both of those programs, for some reason cannot download the updates from their sites. I assume it has to do with the fact that I am using dial up now, as before my connection was always on, so the programs could auto update whenever they wanted to. I am thinking there has to be some box I need to check or something, to let the computer know that I am no longer using the LAN connection and that everything should go through the dial up connection.I dont think I can remove the LAN connection from "network connections" but I will try. Firewall is off I have disabled my LAN connection in "network connections" My auto updates are turned to manual mode. And my spyware remover software in a brand new install since I have had the dial up. Any Suggestions?
  12. Thanks I guess I am a lackie, I should have used search first.
  13. Well, I had a post awhile back, thought I fixed the prob, But I guess I didnt. OK, Its my low end, it is in the 0-1/4 throttle range. I have some putting on occasion out of my exhaust, not quite a backfire. Also some hesitation on the 0-1/4 throttle. Once I open her up she is great on the power band and anything above 1/4 throttle. When she is warmed up she Idles fine, usually starts on the first or second kick. I checked my carbs for sync, looks good, adjusted my airscrews, (2 turns out). I did read Meats web page (banshee zone), it was some help. I havent made any recent mods to the bike. All I have is a K&N in the airbox with a outerwear. My right side seems to throw a little more smoke than the left. I have run 32:1 93 octane since she was new. She has always run well, then this spring, for some reason she was running rich and was smoking a lot, I am pretty good about making sure my mixture is mixxed right., so I diluted it with some regualr gas (because I thought maybe I mixxed it rich before I stored her in the shed for the winter, and yes it was old gas, but what the hell). That seemed to cure the problem, but now she seems to have this 0-1/4 throttle issuse. And I did take my carbs apart and cleaned them, they were nice and clean, the jets looked good. I didnt take the float (s) out, because it looked like I would break something. That pin that holds the float in looked pressed in, so I didnt want to break anything to take the floats out. Any sugestions?
  14. Wow, as I was reading this, I was thinking that you were making up this shit. Like an intense story. I am glad that you got the chance to serve your own justice, I bet you would have shoved that gun up "dale's" ass if you had to go through that shit again. F'N dumbass hilbillies.
  15. Call your cell company, i believe it is illegal for the telemarketers to call on a cell. Also, If you all the credit reporting agencies, I believe you can "opt-out" which means that no one can review you credit report without your written consent. But maybe it was the phone company, I cant remember. But when you "opt-out" the form you fill out does not allow unwanted people to view your credit info, therefore removing some of the telemarketers.
  16. Been using the 2R since she was new in 2000, no problems yet. I should check the compression just to see. But, I was considering changing my oil to something else, but now that I have heard so many other people happy with the 2R I think I will stay with it. BTW: where can I buy big jugs of the 2R. The largest size I can find is a quart.
  17. break it in nice and easy. Dont hit the power band too hard for too long. after 4-5 tanks of fuel. Change the trans fluid (if you had a tranny rebuild, or clutch). Let things get seated right and baby her.
  18. I know most of the verizon plans come with it. You just have to buy the 40$ office kit. That will allow your computer to connect to the phone, and it gives you some software to make it work. You will use your minutes, but if you use the nights and weekends, you will have more than you need. The connection speed is like a 14.4 modem. If you buy the high speed wireless connection package for 70$ per month, you dont use minutes and its a high speed connection. And for 70$ a month it is unlimited (better be).
  19. Sorry about your luck . Get better, and follow the doctors orders. That will be the quickest way to recovery
  20. Yep, Heat Shrink, or Shrink Tube. Same stuff, Pretty tough. Can be expensive. But for what you need it will be fairly cheap. I think the hardware store carries some.
  21. Boon, When I had that problem, it was in the "splitter" where the throttle cable splits in 2, to go to both carbs. The mechanism in there will bind in that little tube. Take a look at it, mine was commin apart inside. all i had to do was crimp a little part and it was all good after that. I did put some grease inside that tube. I also wrapped some electrical tape around it to keep the water out. BTW this was in a motion pro twist throttle cable, but I bet the mechanism is the same for thumb throttles.
  22. Well, when my banshee fires up on fullchoke, it will die after a second. I will then move the choke to 1/2 and kick her over again, after she is running I IMMEDIATELY push the choke in all of the way,,, or she will die. I cant run with the choke on unless it is winter time. So if she runs fine without the choke I wouldnt worry about it. Besides the choke is just to get her started.
  23. OK, I took my carbs apart and took out my mains, everything was pristine. I didnt see any dirt or debris, but I sprayed the carb cleaner around to clean anything I didnt see. I put it all back together and thanks to Meats "Banshee Zone", I adjusted my Air screws a bit. I think I got her running a little better. I have my air screws at 2 turns out. I still wasnt satisfied with my Idle, so I adjusted the Idle screws. So far so good.
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