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Everything posted by dogboystoy

  1. Sounds cool. I will be traveling agin for a couple of weeks (gotta earn some kizash). Anyway, I live in Oregon, IL. Its about 30 minutes from Rockford. There is a small but cool track to ride at, right near my house. Its called KITRACKS. They have a website. Cost is 10$ A day and 5$ per year to join their club. If you guys want to hook up in lets say early September, I would definitely be down with that. Unless of course you guys have another place to ride.
  2. Well, I have cheaper aftermarket handle bars with a twist throttle. I used aquanet hairspray and it works great. But, for you I would take your grips off, sand paper the area of the handlebars (to get a textured pattern for the glue to stick to). and let them sit for a few hours or days if possible. Use the hairspray, or try whatever you have around the house that will get sticky. Do you have teflon for handlebars or what?
  3. Well, If you register it into your name, you will have to pay taxes on it. The newer it is the more the taxes will be. They will estimate its value and charge you the taxes. I can understand why you would want to register it in your name (just in case it gets stolen etc.) But other than that there is no advantage in registering it. The state will get tax money for a machine that they provide no trails to ride. You will get a ticket if you ride on a road weather it is registered or not. I guess it would be like a bycicle, except the state provides trails for bycicles. FOKERS. I had mine registered in my name because i bought it new, but, I would never go and register it unless I was going to get some benefit out of it. Also, You will need a proof of sales tax paid if you decide to get a sticker, in lets say, Wisconsin. Wisconsin has state funded trails. And you can get an out of state sticker for 15$ (I think) to ride their trails. If you dont have the "proof of taxes paid" then Wisconsin will charge you the taxes. So if you are just going to ride on a farm or take it to some ATV parks like the badlands in Indiana, I wouldnt register it.
  4. got ahold of trail tech. They said that the computer may be picking up interference from my engine. So, I am supposed to wrap the sensor cable with alluminum foil. Sio, I did that and I didnt get a noticeable difference. I think I need a longer stretch of road o open her up for a longer period of time, that way the computer can catch up. Just my guess though. The other thing is I may try the BR9Es plugs to see if that will change things.
  5. applying for a title wont help you. You wont be able to ride it anywhere except private land.
  6. My buddy has spiders on his banshee and they shread. They kick up clumps of dirt and fling them a your chest if you are in the rear. They work great in mud, snow and trails. They look like they would do really good in sand too. If you reverse them thay have a paddle look to em. When my stockers wear out, I will probably get them for the rears.
  7. Well, sorry about your luck, but sounds like the shop guy was a moron. What he siad didnt sound right to me.
  8. Yes, you can run without it completely removed. I have been for 4 years. I electrical taped the ends of the connectors just in case I would ever want to hook it up again, or sell it (NOT). I am just too cheap to get the removal kit.
  9. I have seen 2 kinds, one (like I have) screws into your spark plug hole (the best kind, IMO), The other hast a rubber end and you hold it onto the sparkplug hole, pushing on it to make a seal. But that takes 2 people on a banshee. The one I bought from napa cost me appx 40$, works great. has a long lead hose to move the guage to a spot so you can see it. The kit also came with an adapter so that it can screw into 3-4 different size holes. I noticed that it doesnt work with a Yamaha Warrior because the sparkplug hole is too small for the tester. But, it works great for the banshee.
  10. OK, I know the top end needs a rebuild because it smokes, meaning its burning oil. I havent cheked the compression yet but I bet it needs a new piston and rings. Now, Lets say it just needs to be honed (no scoring on the cylinder walls). Well, I can just buy a stock size piston and rings right? I mean the rings on the current one are probably just shot right? Now If I need to have any scores bored out (which I am hopeful that there are none), then what do I do? Do I have it bored out 20 over (if that removes the scores), and then buy a piston 20 thou. over stock size? I have never done this myself before and want to make sure that I start out in the right direction. Thanks in advance
  11. good point, but you cnnot account for that on the computer. I will try to contact trailtech. Thanks
  12. No, she runs great. I have no issues with the banshee. I can get her fast in 6th and feel the rpms top out to the point that I wont get any more speed. Engine runs great, I have stock gearing. I suppose If I went with a taller sprocket on the rear I would go faster but that is not what I want to do. I am sure that she is faster than 55 MPH. But maybe Im wrong.
  13. Well, I got the new toy, put it on. No problems. So I had to get the circumfrence of my tire (front right). I did this by putting a mark on the sidewall, and rolled it 360 degrees. from point A to Point B was 5 feet. So by the directions, I converted it to mm. I put that data into the lil computer and things dont seem quite right. In low speeds it seems right, 10MPH feels like 10 MPH, but it says that my max speed was around 57 MPH. I am almost positive that she should be getting in the 65-73 range,, right? My banshee is stock, with the exception of the airfilter and twist throttle. Anyone have any experience with this?
  14. GO Pyro, I was going to say the same thing.
  15. Well, mine didnt rattle but the o ring worked its way out through the bottom and it wasnt twisting and locking out right. Sooo, I took it apart, cleaned it up, put in a new o ring, put in some white grease, and she is good as new. No rattle and she locks out and locks in.
  16. I didnt know they had cool lights too. Nice. I was going to get the Garmin legend but, I could only find them for about 160$ at the cheapest (which is fine). But I had wanted this speedo thing for the past 2-3 years, I just never got it. I know that with the GPS, you have to watch what you buy, The article I read said that you really should make sure it has 12 channels (I guess to pick up the satelites), so that you would not loose signal. And I also heard that you really should have at least 8 Megs of memory. The one I was looking at came with 8Megs and was expandable. I think there are several different version of the Garmin Legend so that is another thing to look out for.
  17. Whats brighter than stock? This is an aftermarket computer for the ATV. bansheeman454- I just bought one off ebay for 77$ shipped. I will find out how they are. I will have to go to the website and see what they say about water proof. They have to be though, its going on an ATV. The only thing is, They do sell alot of spare magnet pick ups. I hope they dont break easily.
  18. I am going to take a chance at sounding like an Idiot here but, these questions go out to the people that take religion seriously (except dirteater). 1. What does the bible say about the dinosaurs (since they were alive waaay before man). I ask because, If god started life, why wouldnt he talk about the dinosaurs. The only reason I bring this point up is because, 1. the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs because the people that wrote it didnt know about them way back in the olden days. But yet today we have proof that dinosaurs exhisted before Jesus's time. 2. What about the cave man, we also have found frozen cave men, artifacts etc. I believe these people were around before the dates of Jesus. If that is true, then wouldnt those guys have needed a bible too? Or maybe those people were gods "practice" people. 3. A lot of the fossils (plants and animals) that we have, prove that life exhisted before Jesus's time. If god created Earth and all of everything, why did he wait so long to start mass producing people (I know adam and eve did it but..). Since god is perfect, why didnt he make the Earth, boom a few days later there is man. What took so many 100,000's of years to do? Did he need a long nap like rip van winkle? Or maybe he got all stoned, went to take a nap and forgot to set his alarm? Woke up,, "oh shit man, I forgot to make the dudes.." Anyway this has been a good time discussing this stuff.
  19. For Firewall, I have heard that the widows XP firewall is pretty good (according to the IT guys at work). But, I use Zone Alert by Zone labs. I like it. I have also heard that Norton works well, Which is made by a company called Symantic. Again, I use something different. I use the Mccaffee anti Virus software. In fact Zone alert works so well, that I couldnt get my programs to update off the net because I forgot to make them "trusted" in my firewall. The programs would say there was no internet connection when there was. So I guess the Firewall worked.
  20. Well, I like that respone. Gives me something to think about. But this thought would just spur on the idea (for me) of "aliens" or some other being starting life on earth. I am just a little leary of believing in a mystical being, who started life on earth and is watching over us. Who can use his magical powers to heal and damn whatever he wishes. I cannot believe that there is anything in exhistence that is all Truely good. With no malice, jealousy, or any evil tendencies. Of course he must have a sense of humor, look at some of the animals we have here (platypuss). Besides I have a little negative edge towards religion. Lets say that, I truely believe in god, Why would I want to go to church and have a person, give me their interpretation of the bible? I mean you can read somehing and 20 different peolple will give a different interpretation on what something means. I would guess that people do this because they want a little comarodery, kind of like what we do here on the banshee forum for our sweet rides. But ill be damned If I am going to sing a jesus loves me song before I log in on the forum. So I would then have to read the Bible for myself,, right? Well, Jeeze who wrote the bible? a prophet right? well, didnt he interpret what god said and put it on paper? So the interpretation started from the prophet. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe God didnt mean what the prophet said. Anyway cool chatting with ya. This is just one of those never ending cyclical debates that will continue for any living exhistence.
  21. Holyman, I see your theory, or statement and I totally agree. BUT, Lets say the earth came to "be" from the big bang theory (now maybe this opens a new can of worms). But lets just say that there was this particle of matter floating in space that was so dense it just exploded and created the whole universe. In fact we can even roll with the idea that god made the big bang happen. But lets just say that all he did was make the dense matter explode. And lets also say he didnt poof and create an animal or man or algae or anything. Now lets zoom into our planet earth, its a dead planet not anything on there but some basic elements and water, volcanos etc. This planet earth after a few 100,000 years gets light from the sun (because all of the dust had to settle from the big bang). So, now we have light (energy), we have H2O and we have all sorts of elements. Now we all know from highschool chemistry that all it takes is some form of energy (heat or light (to keep this basic) and a couple of the right elements, and boom you have a chemical reaction. Now this chemical reaction will form a molecule. Well, all over the earth these various chemical reactions are taking place because of the sun, volcanos (heat) and the elements etc. Now, I am not saying that, that is all it takes to make life, it is obviously more complicated than that. But the theory goes that: a few elements and molecules and compounds got together and somehow (maybe god, and maybe not) the perfect mixture happened and made a single cell, this cell happened to be the most basic cell ever, Blue/Green algae. Now, after many years of algae floating around, somehow something happened again and a multicellular life form was created, (I forget what it was called, amoeba?), now we have multicellular life, and it just keeps escallating from there, we got tadpoles, frogs, fish, eels, eventually things evolved to a point that things could leave the water, and started to crawl on land. I dont mean to try to explain to you what you probably already know, But, this is how I see it CAN happen. Also, I do not believe that the Earth is a Vaccuum, A vaccuum does not necessarily mean that there is absence of the necessary components to make life, and the Earth does get influence from outerspace (cosmic rays, metiors etc.), a true vaccuum as you described would not allow for anything to enter, sealed off from the outside. So now, the Earth has all it needs.. All of the above that was stated and TIME, plenty of it. But I also like the possibility that some aliens started life on this planet, by whatever means they have. Some religions believe that there is life outside our universe, I believe that this is a must, it has to. As large as outerspace is, Why not? Holyman, I hope I havent insulted you, This happens to be a subject that I am fascinated with, and love to debate and listen to other view points. Peace out.
  22. Well, I have been kicking it around for awhile to get one. I spotted a Garmin legend. Its about 170$, looks like it has some good features (alt, compass, backlit screen, blablabla). I dont want to spend more than 200$, so, does anyone have any opinions? I plan on using it riding my banshee, getting me "unlost", not that I would ever get lost, but.... Also, my wife wants to get into that geocaching thing.. you guys know about it? Its like a treasure hunt, people allover the globe play it. You go to a spot, bury or hide some "thing or stuff", and then you put the coordinates on a specific website and people go look for that stuff. Kind of like a suprise (unless you find a dead body) well, I guess that would be a suprise... Anwho, I think it sounds fun. You go around and look for stuff and then you have to hide something too. Opinions please...
  23. Well, I tried to address this issue before anyone gets any ideas. I bought a bumper sticker that matches the blue plastics that says "yes its fast, and no you cant ride it!". I put it right in front of the handle bars, above the radiator grill. So far, most people I know are respectful of my stuff, and dont even ask to ride it. And for that reason, I would let my friends and family ride it if they asked (at least some of them). Hehehe. I even offered to let my one buddy ride it and he said "no thanks, that thing scares me" he owns a warrior.
  24. I believe in god "just in case", Meaning that I do say "oh god" on occasion, and that if my kid (perish the thought) was in a hopsital recovering from something, that I would pray to god that he will be ok, Now I probably do not truly believe that god would do anything because I prayed or not, I think if god does exhist he is going to do what he wants regardless of what I have to say about it. I say "just in case" meaning I am trying to cover my ass just in case there is a god, and I die and go to heaven, and I have that juicy keg of beer waiting for me. Now the evolution thing: are you saying that things dont evolve? Because if you are then I think you need to do some more research. But maybe you were refering to evolution as on how life began, because I could understand how that could be a very ambiguous theory, nobody know for sure that fish evolved from blue/green algae, but that is the theory, and being that I have a scientific type mind, I will be more apt to believe that, then I would believe that there is some magical being watching and protecting us. Now on the evolving theory: there are all kinds of animals that have evolved from other animals, I believe that we did evolve from apes: hence why our genetic code is so close and only off by (what is it 3%?, or maybe it was 1%), either way that is just one of the many things that have evolved. Darwins theories are out dated by technological advances over the years, where technology has proven and disproven various thoughts on the subject. A simple point of evolution, Every year the microbiological labs that produce flu vaccines, have to predict the new strain of flu virus for the upcomming fall and winter seasons. Why do they have to do this? Because the previous years flu virus has eveolved, (some people will use the word mutate, but in this case it is one and the same). Since the virus has evolved, our bodies will not be immune or be able to fight off the virus because our bodies have not produced the appropriate antibodies that will adhere to the virus shell (the shell or protien coat has changed its chemical make up), this has changed because the DNA of the virus has changed through evolution... Now why did this change? Because like every living thing (I know a Virus has not been proven as a living thing, but it is on the fence wheather it is or isnt), has a built in drive to live and procrate. So the virus evolves to ensure its continued exhistence. A similar point can be made with bacteria and antibiotics, but I wont go into that. My point, was to be made on this small scale with something that I am very familiar with. I am also aware of this similar form of evolution on a larger scale. The Earth itself evolves. I am not trying to change anyones views, I am simply stating my own, and refute Holymans response to my earlier statement. Peace out
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