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Everything posted by dogboystoy

  1. Well, Im pretty simple on this one. I believe in god "just in case". I believe in evolution. I believe in scientific theories. I really find it hard to believe that there is a being floating around, keeping an eye on everyone, but hey, I can roll with it. I am more prone to believe that an alien species populated the earth, or at least started life. Kind of like the movie "Mission to mars". I also believe that the bible was fabricated by humans to keep the chaos in control, also it is hard for a lot of people to accept, that maybe there is nothing when we die. Maybe not, maybe I will be sitting next to a keg when I die with a never ending supply,, wouldnt that be cool. But, I HATE the televangelists, those bastards take money from the people that need it most. Of course my fairly well to do grandpartents give thousands of dollars to them people all of the time. I wish theyd give me some. I could make the world a happy place with a few more thousand dollars. ( at least my world would be happier)
  2. Well, I dont know what upgrades are available for 50 and 80-90 cc quads. I have to assume that there cant be much, but I have been wrong before. If your kids are under 10 or so I would say that I have heard that the Susuki LT 50 and LT 90 are really reliable and good quads. They cost around 1700$ new. But you can also look on ebay and find some taiwan ones brand new for around 600$ all day long, plus 200$ in shipping. So 800 for a new quad, I doubt there is much for aftermarket parts for these though. Check out ebay.. BTW: I just6 put my 4 year old on a 50cc mini raptor today (at the stealership). My boy is a stocky kid (51# of dense bone and muscle, with a lil chubb), and he ft on it no prob. Now he is buging me bad for one.
  3. I guess I am a geek of sorts. I love computers, I can get my way around and do this and that. I know hardware pretty well, and can do most anything I need to with microsoft programs. I am definitely not a hacker, just a troubleshooter. Cotton--- Make an Excel document and put all your passwords in it. When you need them you can pull them up on your computer. Just make sure you password protect it, (hopefully you can remember at least that passowrd). lata
  4. Nick, I understand you feel like you were ripped off. But, You didnt check the axle before you installed it. Once you did notice that the axle was bent (as soon as you went for a ride), you didnt remove it and put your old one back in to do your riding. For those reasons, I do not think you deserve a refund. Also, Since the powder coating is now chipped because of the area that you ride in, I also feel that you do not deserve a refund. Now, if you had installed the axle. rode on it for a short time (<1Mile), immediately removed it and worked out a deal with Shelby, Then I would feel that you would deserve a refund. I know lots of people buy stuff from Walmart, Use it and then return it broken, but you cat do that here. (Im not saying that you bent the axle). I also, feel that it would be in your best intrests to fully check out you ATV, It is possible that something is out of whack besides the axle. Since your previous axle was bent, you dont know that something else is not messed up. Did you replace your bearings? Did you check the "new" axle with a straight edge, or anything that would tell you that the axle is bent?. Take it to a machine shop and have them spin it in a lathe. That shouldnt cost much (5-10$?) Good luck and I hope everything works out for both of you guys. Keep us posted
  5. My opinion is to spend the money on a new set of bearings, if you are going to replace your axle anyway, might as well, make it a done deal and not have to replace the bearings a month later. But, if you dont have the money, those should get you by for a little while. The only issue is that you will have to replace your seals, I cant see how you will get them out without damaging them. And if you are going to replace your seals you should replace your bearings (IMO). Good luck
  6. Sorry man, If I had any advice in rebuild Iwould offer it. Fortunately, I havent had to do that yet.
  7. Yes, heating it will work great, It will expand the nut. Just make sure you aim the flame at the nut. Otherwise you will expand the axle and the nut and wont get any further.
  8. Thanks, Didnt have a chance to work on her today, hopefully tomarrow, or if im lucky later tonight. Iwill check the sync and then mess with the airscrews. Also, If I mix 40:1 that will lean out the oil mixture... But I see what you are saying about having more fuel. Thanks again guys.
  9. Well, she runs great when she is warmed up, hits the power band strong, idles great. But does have a little hesitation at the bottom of a gear (which may be normal, but I feel that it may be a little out of wack). I will mess with my air screws, I was messing with them before I sync'd my carbs, so maybe that is the key. My airscrews were turned either 1.5 turns or 2 turns out. But I will twaek it and see what happens. Do you think that the airscrews could be the cause of the backfiring? Top end she runs like a bat out of hell. Note: I had more backfiring issues before I sync'd the carbs, since I have sync'd them The backfiring has definitely gone down. Maybe I should check sync again and reassure myself that they are truely in sync I also would like to discount changing the pilot jet because I did not have this problem since she was new, And I have done very little in mods (k&N, twist throttle about 3 years ago). Also what do you think about running 40:1 with yamalube? Been running 32:1 but I know she is a tad rich, plugs are a little darker than chocolate. Thansk for the input
  10. OK, I need some fine tuning advise. This is my issue. Banshee starts within the first or second kick. I usually pull out the choke for a second, start her, then I will push it in. I need to rev her a little to get her to warm up, once she is warm she idles fine. But I cannot leave the choke out for more than a few seconds during the warm up process or she will die, when I push it in she also wants to die, so that is why I need to rev the engine a little (I dont rev it hard, I keep the R's as low as possible).She will hesitate when I go to rev her. This is all in the warming up procedure. Now once she is warm and I am driving her, I do have a little hesitation on the low end, then she "snaps into it" and has a crisp throttle response. On occasion I will get a backfire, which occurs on the low end of a gear. Some backfires are loud and some are just a putt. I believe it is comming out of my right pipe. Could it possibly be that I need to repack my silencers? Could it be my reeds? ( looked at them through the hole when I had the carbs removed, and from what I saw they looked fine.) Carbs are synced. I have cleaned my carbs twice in the past month, I have also cleaned out my gas tank and put in an inline fuel filter. I am running 32:1 yamalube, Thinking about going to 40:1 yamalube. My plugs look a little rich, but they are not quite black. This issue has come up since this summer. For the 4 years I have had her since new, I have run the 32:1 and have minimal mods. (k&N, twist throttle (put in 3 years ago)). She has run great, until now I have this little issue. Compression LT-117psi RT-117-118psi Thanks
  11. That blows, talk about a bad weekend. Murphys law was in full force for you. Do you think that your CV boots were bad and the sand got in and ruined your bearings? Good luck on the repairs
  12. Hahahahahahah. Moron. Id almost put out a request to ban this fool (not that it would get me anywhere), but, I think we should keep him around like a sick puppy. A sick puppy that needs a good kick once in a while. Well, that sounded bad, I dont like to kick sick puppies. But I think I would enjoy kicking this dork once in a while. Dirteater: where do you get your material? Ok, I guess Im done being childish, time for me to grow up.
  13. Im not sure on the durablue, you may have to buy their hubs for it. I thought I read that here at one time, but I could be wrong. BUt definitely look into that on whichever axle you buy. Also, you may have to buy a special locking nut to hold the axle on, look into that too.
  14. my personal opinion, is that if you have her split, You should replace every seal. You need to check the surfaces that are going to join with a seal, you need to make sure that any old gaskets, seals, or yamabond are completely removed and that the surface is clean and shiny. If you have to, take some fine emery cloth and clean those areas. That is the only way to make sure you will make a good seal. If you take your time and do this correctly you should not have to split your cases again. And yes, it wont run correctly if the engine is burning trans fluid. I would spend your time worrying about the engine first and then after she is done and ready to run, then work on your carbs, Sync first, then start her up. You can then do your fine tuning on the carbs, clutch adjustment etc after she is running. I cannot stress enough that you need to take your time and not rush through it. A rush job is a bad job. It will be worth it in the long run. Good luck
  15. OK, like banshee04lesaid, if you are loosing tranny fluid and it isnt leaking on the ground, then you are burning it, which means you have a bad seal somewhere. You need to fix that first before you get any heavier into the carbs. If you are burning tranny fluid, you are definitely not going to run right. Also, on the carb note.. (tranny leak aside). If you are smoking out one side more than the other, you should check your carb sync. Also, if you have had your carbs apart (which you have), then maybe you mixed up your slides. You need to make sure the correct one is in the correct carb (they are not identical). If you look at the carb, on the right side just below the carb top is a sight glass, that is to sync your carbs, if the correct slide is in the correct carb, you will see a drilled out detent or hole in the slide line up with the sight glass. Both carbs must have the detent ligned up pretty close if not exactly the same in that sight glass. Once you achieve this you should see that both sides are smoking the same. BTW to adjust sync, you need to adjust the throttle cable screws in the top of your TORS, or carb caps. Good luck
  16. Well, I think that because it is bent, you are putting a bit more stress on your bearings, which would cause more wobble. So, if you just want to get by a little longer, either 1. deal with what you have, or 2. check your bearings in the carrier and see if they need replacement (cost you around 30$). But the new bearing probably wont last a real long time, they may get you through the summer. To buy a used stock axle would cost ya 100$ maybe?, i think I would rather save it toward the new replacement like a durablue or whatever you like. So, I guess it depends on how bad your axle is now, if you want to deal with it for now and maybe get a new one for christmass. JMO
  17. I like arguing with you dirtrider. Because your moronic responses, make me look smarter. I know I am not the brightest crayon in the box, but dirtrider, you are almost the dumbest person I have met on the net. How old are you anyway? 12? hehehe, and yes in fact I do say "yes officer, whatever you say officer",,, you know why? That attitude has gotten me out of: 3-seperate counts of possession of marijuana 1-potential DUI and 2- speeding tickets each time my attitude has given the officer a reason to let me go. With no concequences (sp?). So blow me dirteater
  18. I have only had one over heating issue at one time. She just started to die on me, I stopped and let her cool down and all was fine. For some reason it hasent happened again. Powerband, like it has been said, she will pull real hard. You should be able to find the powerband in each gear as you shift. Depending on what your RPM's are when you shift will tell you when you will hit the power band. If you shift when the R's are real high all of the time you will probably be in the power band all of the time. But I dont like to run her that high all of the time. If you are shifting high a lot, that may explain why you are over heating. Also, besides a temp gauge, you can get some stuff called "water wetter" which is supposed to keep the temp down a bit. I believe you can buy it online from most of the parts stores. To find the power band, start in first, go slow and then gradually increase the throttle, when you are about 1/3 into the gear you will feel her pull hard and want to take off like a bat out of hell. And she should "peel out", spitting up gravel at the person riding behind you . You will feel this thrill in each gear and wont want to stop. Hope this helped.
  19. Well, I fabricated a new retaining clip out of some alluminum, doesnt look so great but it works. I cant just hand tighten my carbs because I would always be tightening them back down. But when My left one would loosen, I could tell it was loose because she would idle real high.
  20. Dirt rider, It was an honest mistake, he had no intention of hurting anyone, or causing any trouble, although I would have jacked up the back end and idled her in first gear for 10-15 minutes, but thats just me. And you are still a moron/ First you cant spell, second your opinions about killing a cop or person for that fact, is why you have a criminal record and will probably go to prison one day. And yes cops can be a pain in the ass, they probably should have been a little forgiving in this matter, but regardless they are doing their job. Something you probably dont have. Any way ellison445, sorry about your luck. Hope the fines arent too steep.
  21. I use the Yamalube 2R and am doing fine with it. My buddy swears by the golden spectro and has had his she since new in 1996, has never rebuilt his top end and it still runs great. He has gone through 2 clutches and a basket and has not needed a rebuild he runs it at 40:1 and sometimes a bit leaner. Like I said he swears by it.
  22. That cant be a full size car I see there. RC?
  23. Well, I get down to my buddies site where he is a permanant camper at Hansens Hideway (Oregon, IL). All is well, just chillin, I have my Vodka and lemonade goin on, when all of the sudden there are 3 cops driving around, through the hayfield, down the lanes, spotlighting everywhere. So Im like WTF, I hope they arent after me, I mean I did drive my banshee down there on the gravel road, but no one was behind me. So now I am worried that I wont be able to drive her home, due to the cops looking around. Well my wife shows up with my kids, wants to run to the lodge to get a soda and find out what is going on, my buddy needs ice also, so they and my 4 year old son, drive up to the lodge on a golf cart. My buddie sees someone running behind the dumpster and figures thats who the cops are looking for. Brian (buddy) whips the golf cart around to shine his lights on the "bad guy". Dude jumps out of the dumpster and starts running, Brian whips the golf cart in front of the guy, trips him with the cart and 3 cops jump on him, throw on the cuffs and toss "bad guy" into the cop car. Bad guy is kicking and screaming "I didnt do it". Turns out, bad guy was threatening to kill the chick he was with, threatened to burn the place down, kicks a log that was on fire under someones camper, so a local camper called the cops. Hence the 3 county cops looking around. Well, I did get to drive my baby home, and I didnthave to leave her out in the elements. Beats the heck out of a potentially boring night. I guess my kid didnt know what was going on while he was riding in the cart. My wife said she was going to jump out after the guy, and my buddy had to keep my wife under controll. Damn I miss all of the fun.
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