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home porting

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was thinking about opening up the intake, transfers, and polishing the exhaust.. u guys think this will help open it up some?? not going to cut into the sleeve, not going to change port timings either.. i like the way the power comes on with the stock port. just want little more power everywhere.. what u guys think?? not wanting to spend a bunch of cash on a port job. i just hate bolting those restrictive looking cylinders back on the bike.. what u guys think???

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A simple clean up, and you said you aren't going to touch the sleeves, there shouldn't be much of a problem. Just take your time and do little amounts at a time. And don't go too crazy on the transfer ports being as this is just a clean up. Don't want to harm the cylinders. May I ask what you are using to remove material?

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The most you want to do with the transfers, IMO is where they "come intact" with the cases. Most stock cylinders have castings down there and you can make them flow a little better.


Oh and for suggestions on what to use, it's up to you. If you are comfortable using a dremel/die grinder then go for it. I myself used hand files when i first attempted mine.

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I cleaned mine a couple of times. After the first time they looked like this:




Don't have any pics of the exhaust, transfers or the 2nd time I cleaned them up.


I did mine with hand files, took me oo a day to clean them up the first time, put the bike together and run it. Like the little power increase it gave me and so the next day I tore her down again and cleaned them up more. "knifed" the bridge on the intakes more, and opened the intakes by oh 2mm probably. Opened the exhaust a little bit and smoothed that out, and knifed the transfer bridges.


After I got it back together the 2nd time there was more power again, but obviously not near as much as an actual port by a pro. I noticed more mid-top pull, higher RPM, quicker RPM gain and yea better pull,lol.


I did however take material away from the sleeves. But even still, if you make the intakes, transfers and exhaust flow better, you will notice something.

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Patriot Racing Drag Ported 4 Mill cylinders.


Here is a couple pics of the knife edged transfers.




The intake and transfer ports have been sand blasted. That must help the air and fuel mix by creating turbulance. Plus is makes a nice uniform surface. If you try the sand blaster make sure you stuff a some old rags in the bore so you dont sand blast the bore.



Exhaust port.


Edited by jbooker82
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i raised the intake like 2mm and open the exhaust wider 2mm and squared it off so raised the top corners like 2mm to make it kind of square.don't have pics of that sorry its been a while back and don't have the cylinders anymore.i used a die grinder and to notice a big difference you have to do the sleeves

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