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Silver Lake..Spring Time


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Hey, was wondering how many of you go riding in Silver Lake during the spring, preferably April. Me and some friends are thinking about heading down there in April, during the off season. Somewhat cold, but the sand will be nice. So does anyone go during April?, and what is the sand like, weather like, whatever you can tell me. I know its far away im just thinking :laugh:




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I live here in Michigan and like scuba147 says, it's hit or miss. My buddies and I hit it as much as possible throughout the year from early spring to late fall. Coming up in 07, DNR is doing major changes in the park that will make the trip almost a waste of time as far as I am concered. They already made a 25 mph speed zone along the beach, which I can understand during the busy season. Now they are going to be posting a 35 mph speed limit throughout the dunes plus you wont be able to tow any vehicles to and into the dunes because of local complaints. I know almost all sport quads do not have speedometers so if you get pulled over and ticketed for speeding, it's the DNRs word against yours. :mad: Just thought I would pass that on

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Supposly the speed limit for the whole dunes area was a rumor that is untrue. As for the whole towing thing the DNR would look away before but because of Jeep rental place right on the corner complaining about the buggy rentals getting towed in saying its ruining business.


I go as ofter as possible in summer, usually every other weekend as long as my Banshee decides not to blow. If we get a few days durning summer with hot temps and no rain the sand is like sugar and its great but MI weather is so unpredictable its crazy. Snow one day and a high of 70 the next. You never know.


I like the middle of summer myself watching everyone drag race and seeing all of the rides lined up along the lakes shore. Usually some hotties running around too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's true supposidly the local cops will be cracking down on towing in but you will still be able to use a truck bed or a tow bar for everything so that shouldn't be to big of a deal. And it is all cause of Floyd the guy who owns the Jeep rental place around the corner. He didn't want to have to have to use vouchers and thought it was unfair so he complained and we will just have to see what happens.


I will be up there alot this comming year. I can't wait.

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they tried to pass the speed limit thing but didnt fly, its still 25 mph on the beach, but who actually obeys that? LOL let me know when you guys are heading back over...im planning on opening weekend which will more than likely be a bit on the chilly side, but i dont mind...long johns and winter jacket go on easily enough..

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Say what you want, but I usually wait until the last week of April or the first week of May due to the cold......


My first trip there was the first time I rode my shee (coming from only a blaster :blink: ) and it was like 40 and rainy on Friday. I was drenched and freezing after like 1-2 hour ride. The quad was covered with wet sand. It sucked :down: . On saturday and sunday, it was freaking 60 something and sunny. Perfect weather, and I was hooked. :notworthy:


I go about once a month may through september, but may go more this year, since I graduate from college in May :biggrin: .

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are hopefully still going in April. My friend that is planing it is building a new project trike(250R) so he says money might be tight. I'm really hoping to get out there sometime next year, hopefully a day when some of you fellow HQ'rs are out there :thumbsup: What are the rules on Db levels? And we'll probably be trailering our toys down, and some in the bed of trucks,lol.


Thanks :biggrin:



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We are hopefully still going in April. My friend that is planing it is building a new project trike(250R) so he says money might be tight. I'm really hoping to get out there sometime next year, hopefully a day when some of you fellow HQ'rs are out there :thumbsup: What are the rules on Db levels? And we'll probably be trailering our toys down, and some in the bed of trucks,lol.


Thanks :biggrin:



98 db's is max from what i understand

so make sure the packing is new....and as always in MI spark arresters are a must and they do check

also need the obvious orv sticker and daily state park sticker

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