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Has anybody watched "The Twin Towers" on the Discovery Channel?.............Boy talk about some real stuff........all the interviews of the people racing down the stairs.............The Last lady to make it out alive!!........Its defintly not a Box office movie............Its some real stuff!!............very emotional!!!..........

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I remember it pretty well myself, cause I'm only about an hour north of the city and I have a lot of family members and friends who are in some sort of Emergency Services(PD, FD, EMT). I was working overnights(11pm -6:30am) at the time and I had gotten up about 10:00 cause I had left the radio on as I had dozed after I got home from work, because I kept heard in them mention a "Tragedy in NYC", so I got up to see what was going on. Check the TV and found out the towers had been hit then I'm hearing about the Pentagon getting hit too. a couple of minutes later the first tower came down, and I'm like, " Oh SHIT!!!". Well for the next few weeks, most of you guys have can't imagine how creepy it was around here. they say that a couple of the planes came right down the Hudson River near my house. Since I live right in the flight path of Stewart Airport(used to be AFB), planes go over the house all the time (especially the C-5's and they are LOW) and you don't kinda tune them out. but for a few weeks there was NO planes, NO noise, and the only aircraft you see are Helicopters( we're talking Apache Gunships, not the little Bubble copters) and Fighters like F-14s, F-16's, and A-10's all flying in groups of 5 or 6 and so low your can see the pilots eye color. It's wierd to wave at a chopper and you can see the dude wave back! Then the news starts trickling in w/ the names of the local people who were in them at the time. and them you start to realize how many people in the area knew someone that where in them. Hell, my father worked for Gap Inc. in one of their warehouses thats in the area and he knew a couple of people that worked out of their offices in one of the towers and a couple of people that were on one of the planes that was headed for CA.

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i am not doing anything special, but my heart still goes out to all those people and especially the families that are left with those losses. I think we should turn 9/11 into some sort of nation holiday or day of remberance. God bless

it kinda is. I've seen it on some calenders and hear people refer to it as "Patriot Day". but nothing solid, just unoffical that I know of.

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Im going to remember myself on a fishing boat having to tell the captain to turn his boat around because i had gotten called in. (i was army at the time) then an hour or so later I was allready in the city geared up with a measly little dust mask on my face. THe whole time up until i actually saw it i was in total disbelief because i couldnt imagine it really happening.

they should make it a national day of some sort.

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Im taking my EMT-Basic national registry test in a few hours on 9/11. Im already a certified firefighter and need this to get a job. 9/11 is what inspired me to become a firefighter. I would give you the whole speach of why I want to run into a burning building while everyone else is running out, but that would take awhile. If you guys wanna hear it let me know. Anyways wish me luck. My heart goes out to the victims of 9/11, the people that did this will get what they diserve. You dont fuck with the most powerful nation in the world and get away with it.

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Damn, doesnt seem like 5 years ago allready. It's still hard for me to believe. I was in Northern NJ that Tuesday morning, getting a timing belt at STS in my g/fs car. I was reading a magazine when the TV flashed to a picture of the tower after it got hit by the first plane. We went outisde and we could se the smoke from the tower. I watched the whole thing there, and to this day I still can't beleive what happened, I can only imagine how tough it must be for the familys who lost people there.

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I remember that day very well.I was building a house for a comericial poilet who was scheduled to fly out of Logan that mourning.He was grounded before they took off+then he arrived back to the jobsite later that day.I was very relieved to see him.My bro was'nt as lucky,He was a couple towns away working on the finishing touches of a new 7million doller home for the Angel family(The director of friends)tv show.They unfortunately never got to enjoy their new home.They were on one of the planes that went into the WTC.

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I was just waking up in California, when my wife said come down here quick a plane just crashed into the WTC. At first we thought it was an accident, but then a second plane hit the other tower and then we knew it was an intensional act. By the time I got to work I heard about the plane that hit the pentagon and the missing plane, that we later found out crashed near Shanksville Penn.


As with the rest of you my heart goes out to all the families, and may we continue to fight these bastards in their country instead of in ours.........................

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As with the rest of you my heart goes out to all the families, and may we continue to fight these bastards in their country instead of in ours.........................



Amen brother.........


remember the family members who died, the firefighters and don't forget the NYPD Officers who also gave their lives........you just don't hear about them as much as the fire fighters.....

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kind of to get off subject...does anyone else think we should "publicly" linch bin laden and all of his followers..i meen maybe im going to far.. but ive been watching shit about 9/11 for weeks on discovery, nat geo, and tlc....id say im pretty educated in the field...nat geo channel has some good info on it you guys should check it out if u can. anyways they say its just like pearl harbor and such ....that was just before my time. i guess ill see this type of shit 2 or 3 times in my life...this is just the first...

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I agree, public executions................. Stop this politically correct bull$hit and get down to business. I mean come on Hitler was blown up with half of his country, the sick bastard. Oh yeah Pearl Harbor, we nuked them back to the stone age in two major cities. As a well known philosopher has said "GIT 'ER DONE".


Stop worrying about collateral damage and kill these son-of-a-bitch's. These people know we are at war with people you can't rationalize with, I mean they love death and we love life - and that is what separates us. They need to have 15 days to get out of the country, then go city by city and cave by cave and level everything to the ground and killing all those that support terrorists. Then we can go back in and help them rebuild, but with a rational society, and use their oil money to do it. After all we are helping them get out from under a government that terrorized and killed its citizens at a whim..........


This is far from over and they have plenty of time to plan and carry out mass casualty attacks, look at them they are all over the world, and a lot are already here just waiting to hit us when we are not paying attention. People complain because we have lost 6000+ people in this war, 911 victims plus 3000+ soldiers, but if you look at WWI Hitler and the Nazi's killed 60,000,000 people, for the duration of the war that was approx. 28,000 people every day. Sorry people this is the world we live in today and we need to take care of business............


Just my .02............ :beer:

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