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racing a yfz this sunday


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Hey guys im goin with my buddy ridding this weekend and i wanted to know some tips on how to race to beat this yfz


yfz has a pipe and jets, filter and all new suspension


Banshee- ported by redline, t-5s, tinity 2 in 1 33mm, filter, reeds, cool head 20cc domes


he has been riding for 12 yrs i started 2 yrs ago


any tips on shifting or what do to beat him


its hard to open it up all the way where we ride should i gear it 13/41 or 14/41

Edited by banshee#1
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i dont know about you i rev alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way up and maybe a split second before i actually want to shift i tap the clutch ( maybe a half inch pull ) , at the same time power shift the bitch into the next gear...... i start in 2nd on one of my bikes . seems to help the launches .


id say if the bikes are evenly matched some what , reaction times play a big deal....... a bad launch = a bad race


PRACTISE launchin , if ure serious about draggin out gettin out the hole thats a few seconds to shave some time off..... if u could see my street you would know why the neighbors hate me..... set up a little 300 foot asphalt on my street measured it out with a 30 foot measuing tape lol .......

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hahaha boys in blue know me too well . i dont even bother starting the bike anymore in my neigborhood. I must thank grand river racing for that and there ear popping pipes ... banghead


last week was the final banshee ride for the neighborhood....... this one neighbor went door to door getting everyone who didnt like me or the bikes , anyways they all got together n fucked me over , called the cops and polietly put....... dont ride the bike on public roads..........a few of the cuban neighors who dont speak any english stood up for me , they told the cop they love see'ing the new moto's and rigs ......... o well :cheers:




Edited by chase@miamiatv.com
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it was a very short race, jetting was way off had to break in my new engnie, he had me off the line by alot the i took him at the end... my bike wasnt tuned it was spurdering nd eevrything so i hadda bring it home nd jet it im goin this sunday with him hopefull we have a good ride and a nice race

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if u could see my street you would know why the neighbors hate me..... set up a little 300 foot asphalt on my street measured it out with a 30 foot measuing tape lol .......

I tried that on my street too. It was all good until my chihuahua decided to dart out in front of me when I passed my house while I was burning through the gears. I did a freakin' hardcore endo and burned the sh*t out of my legs with the back tires when I put my feet down. If it was someone else's chihuahua I would've smoked that sh*t eater and kept going...but hey, I love my dog.

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