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Brokeback Mountain

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well like I said I could no more have sex with a girl than u could with a guy, the thought of it is just as disgusting to me as it is for you. Afterall you were born straight and didnt choose to be so think about it. I cannot explain why but thats just how I am and I am not the only one out there. Besides it shouldnt matter to any of us because we arent the ones to be passing judgement on anyone if you read the bible, there is only one who can do that and it sure isnt us, and only he knows the truth in all this. I co go into other areas of your post, but this isnt the place for that, and I wouldnt want to push details on everyone either

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With all bs aside-I have gained a lot of respect for Push the Throttle-the knowledge you have on events happening as I type is well appriciated and Thank-you for the knowledge :headbang: Hate to say it but only a few will understand where your comming from----I hear you :notworthy:

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Holy shit batman, did I start a chit throwing contest or what LMFAO!!


First off MEAT, I did not hit on Brooke, well didnt mean it that way anyway's. I think she is a very good looking woman. Didnt have any idea that she goes both ways. Just because she goes both ways doesnt mean she isnt pretty. It was a compliment to her and I hope she took it as such.


I do beleive in my Lord God and his son Jesus Christ. I beleive that the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon is true (Oh boy I can hear it now). Being a fudge packer is wrong, the world was cleansed once for this, it can, and will, happen again.


If I am sinning for judgeing then so be it, I will deal with it when I have to. *****'s make me sick. They are NOT born that way. Thats fuggin bullshit. I do beleive people can have defects at birth and one might be being more feminin due to a chemical imbalance. Just because thier off in thier chemistry doesnt make it automatic that they are attrackted to big ol hairy man asses. Thats friggen sick period. They are as looney as a child molester, murderer, or someone that licks windows and talks to five people at the same time in an empty room. Being a gay man and society accepting it is just like a Murderer getting away with his crime for reason of insanity. Well no shit he is insane, he just killed somebody doesnt mean he should get away with it.


I hate it when people say shit like "you are scared of gays, they wont hurt you, it's a phobia" WRONG. I am not scared of one of them. I will kill one of them just as easy as anyone else if myself or my family is threatened. I dont make it a point to stay around when a Queer is around, mostly because I want to loose my lunch right then and there. Not scared of one of them, they just make me sick.


Some on here might think I sound like the biggest jerk in the world. Good for you, you dont know me and I dont give a shit.

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well like I said I could no more have sex with a girl than u could with a guy, the thought of it is just as disgusting to me as it is for you. Afterall you were born straight and didnt choose to be so think about it. I cannot explain why but thats just how I am and I am not the only one out there. Besides it shouldnt matter to any of us because we arent the ones to be passing judgement on anyone if you read the bible, there is only one who can do that and it sure isnt us, and only he knows the truth in all this. I co go into other areas of your post, but this isnt the place for that, and I wouldnt want to push details on everyone either


So you can sit here and tell us that back in 6th grade you didn't have a crush on some cute little blonde girl, but you wanted that one boy that was bigger than the rest and hit puberty early? :bolt:


Its all psychological, its not genetic. And also how can you even claim to believe in the bible, and then want to screw guys? Do you believe everything except the part saying you shouldn't be gay? Or do you believe, but think that you will be saved anyways?

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Come on guys...God and the Bible is a different subject...and the book of mormon is another different subject <_< ...this thread is about a gay movie and since dirtplay

came out of the closet I would just like to ask him what it is that he doesn't understand or appreciate about the way a man and a woman "fit" together in a moment of passion and hopefully love, that can result in creation of life. That is how God meant it to be.

Oh, now look what I did...back where we started. :unsure:

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It's the most cliche' saying in the world but its words are the truest ever spoken, " God created Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve!"



Silly *****got's dicks are for chicks




LMAO this is funny stuff, we can say fuck, shit, damn, ect....but they bleep out *****got's. Whats a matter? Afraid your gunna hurt sissy loose ass's feelings??

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....and the book of mormon is another different subject  <_<


This is way off topic, in another new direction but:


You remember that episode of South Park where they get to heaven some how and there are about 100 people there and thats it? And they say that just the mormons got to go to heaven....


Damn it I love that show.



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This is way off topic, in another new direction but:


You remember that episode of South Park where they get to heaven some how and there are about 100 people there and thats it? And they say that just the mormons got to go to heaven....


Damn it I love that show.





The one where Kenny commands the war between heaven and hell with the golden psp is better :dance: ....




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