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What would Jesus say about Brooke.... straight to hell her with her, thats what Jesus would do. Jesus hates homos, male or female. 


Im always amazed at these Jesus lovers hating on others who are different or don't live in a way thier "god" dictates.


Well that should fire you guys up for awhile....  :shrugani:



It doesn't "fire me up" but I am inspired to offer you some insight Meat.


Jesus message was quick and simple and thats how I will sum it up for you.


#1 Jesus said that he came not to condemn us but to redeem us.

#2 Jesus said all the law and the prophets is summed up like this "love the Lord God

with all you heart and all your soul and all your mind, and your neighbor as


#3 Jesus said ALL sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven but he that shall blaspheme

against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal

damnation" Mark 3:28-29

#4 Jesus said "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge,

ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you


#5 Jesus said never to justify the wicked for reward. I don't think brooke is wicked,

do you? (see #4) :shrugani:

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04le, could you please edit out the name in your post so no ones name gets used in this discussion.


And for the Jesus\god stuff you just wrote..... I don't want to sound like a dick, cause im not tryin to, but I just cant beleive in "the invisible man in the sky" idea and that leads to not following the words of Jesus. Hey im sure this Jesus guy was one hellava nice guy and had real good intentions, but Im not gonna obsess over him, his god and do whatever he says I should be doing to please his god. So whenever I read your bible stuff..... Its kinda pointless for a godless fuck like me :shrugani: .


And if any of the "Jesus said" stuff you wrote is true, then why is there so much hatrad towards people who are different. I can see people hating gays cause.... ya know... they're packin' fudge and all... but I can't understand how the Jesus followers can hate em like they do, in the name of god.

Edited by Meat
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04le, could you please edit out the name in your post so no ones name gets used in this discussion.



Do what!?!?! :rotflmao: Your the one who brought names into this, specifically brooke and Jesus as YOU attempted to condemn brooke in the NAME of Jesus. Therefore your peculiar request is denied. What name are you talking about anyway? The rest of your rant is pointless and you can believe what you want...your the one who brought up

Jesus in an ignorant context.

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Do what!?!?! :rotflmao:  Your the one who brought names into this, specifically brooke and Jesus as YOU attempted to condemn brooke in the NAME of Jesus.  Therefore your peculiar request is denied.  What name are you talking about anyway?  The rest of your rant is pointless and you can believe what you want...your the one who brought up

Jesus in an ignorant context.



i just think jesus is ignorant. if he is real i would like to turn to him and say.... hey jesus, any chance that when i blink my eyes ill wake up a millionaire, in my mansoin with my 6 banshee`s and 6 yfz450s in my garage, ball deep in paris or nikki hilton???


dreams are good. :cheers:

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i removed her name from my post in respect for her. And In NO WAY WHATSOEVER was I condemning her or any gay\ bisexual in my post, I don't know how you got that idea from what I wrote :shrugani: . Im the only one here not jumping on the gay-bashing wagon for christs sake. You really got my message wrong :shrugani:


please dont call my posts "rants" and "pointless. For cryin out loud your the fucking KING OF POINTLESS RANTS !! If you dont want to talk like adults then I won't include you in any more of my so called rants. Crediblitly goes right out the window real easy like, when you show lack of respect towards others.

Edited by Meat
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oh helldirver you better watch what your sayin about Jeez, or god will send you to the center of the earth to burn in hells fires for eternity... with Santa and the Easter Bunny... So you better start worshipin' NOW so you can get into the pearly gates.... up in the clouds.. with the da little winged angles flyin around and shit.. all happy like.... and I think you get something like 72 virgins to fuck in heaven.... no wait... I think thats another religion where you get the 72 virgins in heaven.... those crazys actually beleive you get 72 virgins in heaven.... when we all know that heaven is up in the sky.... amungst the stars... somewhere past the crab nebula... just right of the big dipper..... where everyone who was good in the world is now living.... except for the Hindus and Jews.... they're all in hell.


Yea.... it all sounds pretty crazy to me.

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i removed her name from my post in respect for her. 



Thats funny right there. If you had respect for her you wouldn't have made the post in the first place. It was uncalled for and in poor taste imo.


People who bash Jesus are just ignorant of his message. It's that simple.

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when brooke produces and directs a movie, that represents 2 women screwing, id say the same thing, 2 women having sex does nothing for me as does 2 guys, to me jesus or god or who ever you beleave in has nothing to do with it, theres a whole lot more going on in this world than same sex fucking, but that doesnt take from the fact that there queer, and if i recall the lords prayer goes something like "thi will be done on earth as it is in heaven" kinda meaning earth was our heaven and we fucked it up by sucking cock and eating apples........at the same time i give a guy a "high five" for getting some dick in his ass, i'll throw brooke a kiss :cheers:

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i think meat was just trying to make a point.

and thanks for the consideration to remove my name, even if it was an after thought ;) but fuck, i dont care if you use me as an example. though im probably a really bad example....or maybe a good one, i donno...


fact is, gay/bi men are treated totally different than most gay/bi women. or at least those of us who are bi for recreational purposes only. ie i could never see myself in a serious long term exclusive relationship with a woman. unless of course i could have a boyfriend at the same time..hehe...ok no anyways, im trying to keep this clean and pc but fuck it.

i have no interest in a gay movie, no interest in the gay culture, mostly because im a conservative and dont get along with liberals in general, gay or straight. it really bothers me that the gay sub-culture is being pushed on the majority. like someone else said, if your only cause in life is who youre fucking...ehh i donno. do what you want, doesnt bother me, but when hollywood and the media parades around trying to claim this is the best movie ever made just because its about a couple of gay cowbooys...gimme a break, who are you fooling? that and all the gay advocacy groups are a buncha crybabie... example: http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20060107/en_movies_eo/18098

critic getting in trouble for saying one of the gay cowboys is like a sexual preditor cause of the way he chases the other one. now GLAAD is crying foul. wtf. gay men can be sexual preditors just like straight men can be. to me its just like the womens movement. crying like a bunch of bitches to get equality, kinda defeats the purpose.


i think chicks are hot, and they add a nice spice to my sex life, but i gotta have cock. its just not the same without it. :shrugani:

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what even finnier is the fact that when you said " people who bash jesus are inorant of his message" and your post count ended at  "1666"

lol hahahaha


damn boy,,



the hellfire is lit  !!!!  :evil: -l-



Cool. Perfect justice added a depth of neutral significance open for individual

discernement. Nice observation helldriver. Boo! :clap:

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