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VOTE me off the island!

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It was a joke between me and him, if you dont like it dont fucking read it!!

Thats the problem around here no one can take a joke anymore!




I'd rather see a mod who has the balls to voice his opinion on a topic than one who just stands back out of the way and lets the nonsense continue. :shrugani:


By the way are Big Bore Yamaha Zuma's Trail Friendly? :confused:

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I read part of the first page but I must say, this is the immature crap that is ruining the hq. I can't even believe what has happen here. It bansheehq, not my asshole cause she said he said hq. I've been away for two weeks and decided to come check out my favorite site. It's like a bunch of 10 yrs olds took over. What the hell is going on. Guess I need to do some more reading.

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Cole you know you my dogs :D:D I was just proving a point to some of these new people that come on to the hq not knowing who knows who and the difference between joking and being serious. Cant believe you took that serious cole, you owe me a beer for that shit :P :P


damn jeff, i was just pokin fun.  :unsure:


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You guys that are whining about who the mods are should be happy.

What if I was a moderator? Every thread would be 6000 pages long between 2 people. In fact this one will probably compete withe easter thread for that high honor.

All I have to say about the mods is this... they have been open minded enough to keep some un-banshee related threads open under their original headings until they played themselves out. To me, that is what a moderator does... makes sure that the gloves are on most of the time and still keeps the site available to all ages.

There is nothing wrong with being opinionated but when you run out of evidence for your opinion and it becomes a my word against yours thing for ever and ever, then personal maturity needs to step in to end it. The moderators should not HAVE to step in if the members of the group are for the group as a whole.

This whole discussion seems to have branched out of the Rocket Pipes discussion which collapsed into a my dad can beat up your dad thing a long time ago. I've got my opinions on that which I have posted and left in that thread.

The "vote me off the island" thing stikes me as a little prideful and quite frankly unneccesarily dramatic. I suspect there are other aspects of life that are not going well and this is some effort to gain self worth or recognition.

Whatever the case, let's go back to riding.

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I know you all hate to hear this, but check out Planet Sand sometime.  Mods like Dan Wade and Calvin Pollet are what I consider Neutral party moderators.  Calvin "almost" always holds his tongue when a Cheetah or Cub are bashed.  For those that don't know he is the manufacturer and designer of them both, so he should take that kind of stuff personally.  But he will usually give an explanation of what could have or did go wrong, he doesn't just say "your gay".


Tyler, I hate to say I told you so, but I knew it would come to this. Dan Wade and Calvin Pollet are both excellent examples of what a mod should be. They remain neutral until the shit fights start and then they give an intelligent explanation on the subject and try to resolve the issue as politely as possible.


You've obviously gained a lot of respect from a good many members on here due to your help in the past as well as your high priced bikes and above par riding skills. A lot of members here are young and very impressionable, when they see your bikes and videos the oohs and ahhs can be heard from my house. What they don't see is the show you put on at ABATE (I'm not getting into the details, you can do that at your discretion). It was an embarrassing situation for the rest of us and for that i believe you owe us an apology. In the last few months I think you've been losing some of that respect due to your stern comments and opinions.


It's easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in.


If you want to be a mod here then by all means do it, but please take this thread as a lesson to become more neutral and congenial towards everyone no matter how stupid their post may be. (who knows, maybe one day a Tecate will outrun us)


You're a good rider and have excellent equipment, but don't let it go to your head, cause in the end you'll have to face the people on the way down that you kicked to the curb on the way up.

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Tyler, I hate to say I told you so, but I knew it would come to this. Dan Wade and Calvin Pollet are both excellent examples of what a mod should be. They remain neutral until the shit fights start and then they give an intelligent explanation on the subject and try to resolve the issue as politely as possible.

ok so they are 2 of how many mods there? i have seen mods there get in heated debates before. thats fine and dandy. being a moderator doesnt mean anything. i rarely use the things that i can use. i have already PMed lee about it. i would rather not be one so everyone can go on with their lives...


You've obviously gained a lot of respect from a good many members on here due to your help in the past as well as your high priced bikes and above par riding skills. A lot of members here are young and very impressionable, when they see your bikes and videos the oohs and ahhs can be heard from my house. What they don't see is the show you put on at ABATE (I'm not getting into the details, you can do that at your discretion). It was an embarrassing situation for the rest of us and for that i believe you owe us an apology. In the last few months I think you've been losing some of that respect due to your stern comments and opinions.

show at ABATE? i was pissed because i fucked up. i cant get pissed? youve never been pissed before? im sure in the history of dragging and hillclimbing im the only person to ever get pissed and thrown a helmet. get real. owe you an apology? for what? did i throw my helmet at your bike? i dont think so. im not apoligizing for shit. not to you, not to anyone. stern comments and opinions? sorry i have firm beliefs about certain issues. the day i cant express them anymore is the day ill move out of this country. after all, isnt that what america is all about?


It's easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in.

what cat? like i have said here before numerous times. if you dont like me i dont care. i dont have shit to prove to anyone here. i come here to offer my advice to people, which i do quite frequently through posts and pm's. i also like to express my opinion as do many other people. i am just the one that gets all the shit about it. thats cool, i like it im so popular. i love it when people talk about me all the time.


If you want to be a mod here then by all means do it, but please take this thread as a lesson to become more neutral and congenial towards everyone no matter how stupid their post may be. (who knows, maybe one day a Tecate will outrun us)

im not being more neutral towards anything. i have my beliefs and ill stick to them. ill NEVER go neutral for the sake of an internet website or anything else for that matter. if i think something needs to be said ill say it. and by the way, i rarely make smartass comments in peoples posts. i try to the best of my ability to help each and everyone here, even people that i may not get along with. i guess id like to see where i have been such a smartass and totally disrespected a person by posting something so bad in their thread.


You're a good rider and have excellent equipment, but don't let it go to your head, cause in the end you'll have to face the people on the way down that you kicked to the curb on the way up.


face the people i kicked to the curb? like who? who did i kick the the curb? wiliam(guy with tecate)?? well i guess thatd be me and everyone else who talked shit in that thread. im the only one who said anything to him right??? when someone beats me at the hillclimb, i give them a pat on the back and a congratulations, just like i did with kalen at the first hillclimb. hes a good rider and i told him so. i have been nothing but nice to him and offered to have him come and ride with me on several occasions now. so i guess i need some examples of where i have been kicking people to the curb because i am completely lost...

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im about to vote myself off this fuckin island  :shootself:

im ready to start a new, exclusive site, where you have to be voted IN to participate.



Sweet girl, I'm with you.


Loco - quit giving a shit what people say and think. I know you don't care, but obviously your letting it get to you if your starting this thread. If they don't like something, ignore them, ban them or tell them to hit the "Home" button on their browser and don't come back.


Everyone else - lets start actually using the BHQ for what it is. This place becomes more of a soap opera every day and less of a Banshee-stricly site. This is not pointed at Loco, but it seems that there are more and more whiners, arguers, bitchers and just plain immaturity every day. I make at least one post a day playing babysitter and it's getting old. I used to average 30 posts a day, now I average 10 or 12 posts a week. I come on take a couple quick peeks at the Repairs and Jetting forums and leave. Also, where's all the old peeps, they do not come around and we wonder why. The new guys here don't even know what the BHQ was when it was a great group of guys, so the bad part is, they don't even know what the BHQ really is about.

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Good job, you just proved my point, and NO, I have not thrown and have never seen anyone else throw their helmet. It's unsportsmanlike and uncalled for. Where I come from you take losing like a man and show up the next better prepared.


I tell ya what, just print off what I wrote, take it outside, and piss on it. I'm done!

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When I was a newer member here at the BHQ, I was thinking of getting a YFZ450. After my dealership gave me a price quote, I sent loco a PM to see what he paid for his YFZ. We both agreed that the dealership gave me a bullshit price, and I asked loco to fax me a recipt so I could use it to get a better price. Sure enough, he did! Had I gone through with purchasing the 450, that recipt would have saved me a ton of money. If some of you think loco is not doing his job here as a mod, he is certainly doing his job in helping members out in one way or another :headbang:


Thanks Loco, I may still use that fax too :cheers:

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