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VOTE me off the island!

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Good fucking call stephen :D:P:P



How are you different than any Tyler? Other than ur not a moderator? I have seen you in a couple threads voicing your opinion in a way of calling people names and being a dickhead... Let's see...




In this thread here about jetting your stroker, I read you calling people assholes and dickheads....




In this thread, I read you being a smart ass to some guy for wanting a grizzly....




In this thread, I read you being a racist asshole....

In every thread that Tyler has replied in, you have felt the need to voice your opinion on the matter. How is that any different than him? Dan Wade and Calvin Pollet stay out of pissing matches due to the fact that they have either products or services at stake. Just like Chris from Rocket Pipes does. See what happened to him? Tyler doesnt have to stay out of the pissing matches like those people need to. If he likes to debate over shit, so what? Why do you care? Alot of people here like to debate and argue over shit. Why is he catching all the shit? Just cuz he's a moderator? Again, I call BULLSHIT.


About the ABATE drags.. Yeah, Tyler didnt do so well.. But... I did do well.  In reply to this comment by you in(( THIS ))particular thread about getting our asses whooped at the ABATE drags.. I just wanna add, YOU are the one that got whooped!!!  :shrugani:  :D


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The way I see it is that if a mod couldn't voice his/her opinion on anything why would someone be a mod? There would be no sherrif in town because noone would want to be one. Why baby sit when you don't get paid? If something gets to personal for a mod they should step out of that thread and let another mod take over. We are all guilty of flicking shit to other members, including me. If anybody thinks they can do better, try it! I can't so forget about me. Loco, for the most part, good job. If things start getting to you let one of the other mods know so they can take over. This is the country of free speach. Everyone who says things are getting away from Banshee topics, I thought that was what the general discussion area was for? Guess not.


Now everybody say mother may I.........Then spell Cup!!!

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Yeah this probably came over the RP thread. Yep Loco was wrong in what he said and was misinformed obviously on many aspects of the behind the scenes of RP and who really does the problem fixing/solving.

But in his defense he wasn't the only one and I got heated too I'll admit it. I've been workingmy ass off everyday to make money to feed my family, yet still be there to fix problems that rose up out of the silencer debacle. Which I'm still trying to cleanup for the few of you still waiting. And get sets together. Those that remember the pic of the pipes int eh image section, THAT DAY those wre picked up and THAT DAY 4 more sets were dropped off. Buff shop JUST got done with them or so they told me after motherfucking some guy Wednesday. Merely using this as an example but right now I'd be getting a call forom 2-3 people wondering why they dont have pipes yet because Ray said they'd be picked up over a month ago(rzcolo was oneguy). Than me after pulling a 10-14 hour day depending on the numberof jobs and how fucked up the rolls/coils are, I come on here to someone bashingthe fuck out of me about being ashitty guy but Rays the greatest.

This in a thread of me trying to sell the business so I can further myself majorly in the company. The mods let it go, and I PAY for sponsorship and ads on here. Its still for sale also, andanyone that thinksthey can do it and can get more than half the cash upfront I'd be happy to work with. Gonna be hard getting a loan for a new house with the loan on my record, hell if at least half or preferrably all is taken care of I wont have a problem, gonna have to try and sell mine in asap also.


Now back to the original rant. Its not rzcolos fault, I would have helped and explained to him as much as I could what was going on(ask QUinlan every step.), but instead of coming to me he took Rays words at face value. Now you cant really knock Ray as he may have been confused also. I picked up 6 sets, had 5 sold through Ray, had I known there was also another guy wanting a set I wouldn't have sold it to a local guy.

Loco was misinformed here also as he thought Ray sold the majority of the pipes. He sells a steady amount no doubt there, but I've already got just under double that amount ready for a set when I catchup. From nothing more than word of mouth and a few guys at the local dealership that tried and wanted some right there. Than the umteen dozen people I've met out riding that took the quad out for a spin even 450 guys were impressed to no end.


I voted for Loco to stay a mod, we've had our disagreements cubs/trails anyone?

I just offer that if your gonna bash a sponsor hell even if I wasn't that its be good to have both sides of the story before you take one side as the almighty word without any idea of the other.


Wish I had a set on mine right now, open drags tonight. I'll be there if anyone around chicago, NW indiana wants to meet up there, US 41 dragstrip 6pm-3am. Take US 41 into roselawn area its on the east side of the road about 30miles give/take south of US 30. Bring your own beer NO BOTTLES $10 to watch $25 to race ANYTHING. Call me if your gonna go , call before 6pm as I have no cell reception down there. 219-588-2755

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I voted for Loco to stay a mod, we've had our disagreements cubs/trails anyone?

I just offer that if your gonna bash a sponsor hell even if I wasn't that its be good to have both sides of the story before you take one side as the almighty word without any idea of the other.


cool thanks... :cheers: sure we have had our disagreements and what not but i have NEVER told someone not to buy your product. i still like my rockets alot and couldnt be happier with them, as many people know. hopefully theres no hard feelings there and hopefully you can either sell the business or keep it going and get back on your feet with it. on the note of not stopping the RP thread, since i wasnt the only one who commented there i thought everyone should have a fair shot at defending themselves. hell i cant remove it anyway. it pisses me off to no end when theres an argument going on and someone deletes the post. eventually it wil be brought back up and solved in some way. why not just let it go? i may be too opinionative and outspoken to be a mod, but taking advantage of moderator powers is something i have never done. oh well, i suppose its over...looks like im not voted off so far!!!! :headbang:

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thank god they kissed and made up.it looks like my little plan worked on getting everyones attention,and quitting the useless bullshit.it seemed like every time someone has a legit question, on everything from cub cylinders,pipes or any other friggen thing,it explodes into a pissing match.why?i dont know,it seems that everybody thinks there set up is better than every body elses.well opinions are like assholes,everyone has them.just becuase shee X has these doesnt make it any better than shee Y.people have to get over it.and with that being done the bikering and pissing matches will slowly dwindle away.And to you Loco,that goofy bullshit,i said in the rocket thread,was nothing but.it was a way to set you off and and give reason for my poll.well it was kinda shitty but it seemed to work.it stopped a lot of people and made them think about how they conduct themselves on the HQ.like i said no hard feelings,and i geuss you are loved by the hq.btw,i didnt vote at all. like Holy man said and a few others,lets ride the best atv ever built our banshee's,and all get along. :cheers:

Edited by superchicken
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thank god they kissed and made up.it looks like my little plan worked on getting everyones attention,and quitting the useless bullshit.it seemed like every time someone has a legit question, on everything from cub cylinders,pipes or any other friggen thing,it explodes into a pissing match.why?i dont know,it seems that everybody thinks there set up is better than every body elses.well opinions are like assholes,everyone has them.just becuase shee X has these doesnt make it any better than shee Y.people have to get over it.and with that being done the bikering and pissing matches will slowly  dwindle away.And to you Loco,that goofy bullshit,i said in the rocket thread,was nothing but.it was a way to set you off and and give reason for my poll.well it was kinda shitty but it seemed to work.it stopped a lot of people and made them think about how they conduct themselves on the HQ.like i said no hard feelings,and i geuss you are loved by the hq.btw,i didnt vote at all. like Holy man said and a few others,lets ride the best atv ever built our banshee's,and all get along. :cheers:


too bad MY setups are the best and always will be!!! AAAND i got more yes votes than noo!!! hhahahahahahahah jk with ya man :cheers:


I wish that Rocket Pipe thread didnt get deleted.. I missed alot of posts I guess.


lots of shit goin on there...oh well, its gone forever :cry:

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Hitup Ray. I refunded someone so if you see him tell him he owes me some money.


Maybe whoever takes over can work out something for you.


Yeah Stephen dont know if you would have wanted to get into it.

Oh Loco not to beat that dead horse but I caught the last comment to jeepman. I too am 22 and have just as much as you other than the rental. All from hardwork.

Had I found out me and the guy I had working with me that we flew in from Cali were gona goto st louis I'd have hit you guys up, but we ended up doing Chitown and something like 700k pounds and 14 jobs over 4 1/2 days so I could get him to O`Hare for his flight back.


Eventually I'll be there and we're gonna hit those clubs I hear are the best in St Louis.

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