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What MAIN jets are you using?


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(Banshees with STOCK carburetors only please reply)


Please copy and paste this along with your answers in your reply, thanks.




1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?


2) What type of airfilter do you have?


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid B) stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all


4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )


5) What size pilot jets are you using?


6) What size main jets are you using?


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

Edited by anufsed
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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Toomey T5's


2) What type of airfilter do you have?

Dual K&N Pods w/Outerwears


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid B) stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all



4) What is your elevation?



5) What size pilot jets are you using?



6) What size main jets are you using?



7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?


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I don't feel like copying and pasting. Also, look on www.bluetraxx.com They have some nonsense like this......


I am running FMF fatty's, Stock airbox, no lid, with a UNI foam filter, 800' above sea level, 27.5 pilots, 310 or 320 mains. I am jetted for about 70-80F. Any colder, and I throw the lid on. Or, re-jet....

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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Pro Circuit


2) What type of airfilter do you have?



3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all

Aftermarket air box, no lid but has outerwear w/velcro to cover opening


4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )



5) What size pilot jets are you using?



6) What size main jets are you using?

320's now, may need to go to 310's


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

70-80 degrees

Edited by banshdog
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I don't feel like copying and pasting.  Also, look on www.bluetraxx.com  They have some nonsense like this......


I am running FMF fatty's, Stock airbox, no lid, with a UNI foam filter, 800' above sea level, 27.5 pilots, 310 or 320 mains.  I am jetted for about 70-80F.  Any colder, and I throw the lid on.  Or, re-jet....



Same as Boonman, except I have K&N

Strange that your research doesn't involve needle type and clip position...

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no..i know anufsed..he is not a dumbass by any means. he is just doing a little research seeing what everyone is running and what seems to be working. Not real sure why he didn't add needle position etc.


1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Toomey T5's


2) What type of airfilter do you have?


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all


4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )


5) What size pilot jets are you using?

30 i believe

6) What size main jets are you using?


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

65-90..depends on where i ride.



1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?


2) What type of airfilter do you have?

see above

3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all


4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )

see above

5) What size pilot jets are you using?


6) What size main jets are you using?

tried anywhere from 360-410..nothing seems to work worth a shit..but its getting better)port work doesn't match the pipes..not to mention all of the other problems

7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

see above

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(Banshees with STOCK carburetors only please reply)


Please copy and paste this along with your answers in your reply, thanks.




1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?


2) What type of airfilter do you have?


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid B) stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all


4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )


5) What size pilot jets are you using?


6) What size main jets are you using?


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

1. T5s

2. Toomey 2:1 air filter.

3. No airbox.

4. 500' elevation(Glamis)

5. 30 pilots.

6. 370 mains.

7. 50-70F

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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Old-School FMF top-end pipes


2) What type of airfilter do you have?



3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all \


Stock airbox, with lid, snorkel removed


4) What is your elevation?

Not sure


5) What size pilot jets are you using?



6) What size main jets are you using?



7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

60 degrees to 85 degrees

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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?



2) What type of airfilter do you have?



3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all



4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )



5) What size pilot jets are you using?



6) What size main jets are you using?



7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for? 65-70

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Pro Circuit


2) What type of airfilter do you have?

Toomey 2:1/UNI


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all

d) no airbox at all



4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )

aprox. 1200


5) What size pilot jets are you using?

6) What size main jets are you using?

27.5 pilots, stock needle position, 280 main jets


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

:rolleyes: Ride in all different temps...never really screw with the jetting to be honest with ya. :huh:

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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

Toomey T-5

2) What type of airfilter do you have?

Single K/N

3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid cool.gif stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all

airbox with 12 vents no lid (my single K/N airbox mod)

4) What is your elevation?


5) What size pilot jets are you using?

stock no sure

6) What size main jets are you using?


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

Texas Summer's 90+

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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?

pro circuit

2) What type of airfilter do you have?


3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all

stock with snorkle removed

4) What is your elevation?


5) What size pilot jets are you using?


6) What size main jets are you using?


7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?


Edited by oih8u2
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1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have?


2) What type of airfilter do you have?

Twin K&N

3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all

No airbox

4) What is your elevation? (If you don't know, go here: http://www.topozone.com )

sea level

5) What size pilot jets are you using?


6) What size main jets are you using?

350 needle in middle

7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for?

65-75 degrees

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