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Read This If You THINK you are fast

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Thats why i dont even buy registration because they arent gonna know where to go if they dont catch me but if they do im SOL. But after my last ticket i stay off the road for the most part. If anything the cop is the one putting you in danger, that god damn pig coulda killed you tailgating you like that. I wish we had a goverment run by more rednecks because we wouldnt have queer ass laws such as the laws preventing us to ride quads almost everywhere.

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bangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbanghead I seen that rat today and found out my fines will be threw the roof bangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbanghead

It was your own fault anyway you look at it....I agree with Nightrider on this situation; you doing what you did just makes us all look bad. If you would of used the head on top of your shoulders and not been a dumbass riding your 4 wheeler through the streets, you would have never got into this mess...Why didn't you just load up your 4 wheeler in a truck and drive it where you needed to go? I have no pity for you...

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I know, how about taking responsibility for your actions, you jackass. some how it is your friends fault this happened, or the cops fault, or the fact the banshee had the wrong sprocket and you couldn't get away. Dude, you got what you deserved. You know, I don't care you were riding on the road, it is pretty much harmless, but when you get caught stop. Take your lumps and move on.


You put yourself at risk, the cop, who was doing his job at risk, and who knows who else. What if your buddy did die? What if you died? You are a selfish child. We all do stupid things, the difference between a boy and a man is what you do after you make the mistake, you take no responsibility.....you are a boy...not a man. You don't deserve the bike you had and I hope you never get another one....who knows what you will do next time.


RJV banghead:angry:banghead

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when your going down a rural road maybe keep it in first. if you see a car pull the clutch and kill it. walk it and say im just pushing it to a friends house. but if its unmarked then your F*ct i guess.



thats true im also one of the a**holes that ruin the sport of atving. but not anymore im tighening my slack now. no more f*ckin around for me. im going by the rules. learned too many time the hard way. :lol: oh well. at least i can still ride legally.

Edited by United Pot Smoker
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If I see a cop I normaly just wave and drive slowly on the side of the road most of the time they just wave back and sometimes they stop me to talk and to check out the bike. (we have a few cool caops around here) although I did get a ticket one time but I took him to court and it got dismissed.


I admit I have ran from the cops, but I did so because I spotted them before they saw me so I turned around and hauled some ass away before they even saw me so I feel that thats diffrent.


keep in mind most of this happend before I could drive so I pretty much had to ride to some of the places I rode at, now that I have my license I take it to the track, to a friends house, or to a recreational place for quads and bikes.


What I wanna know is how you sold your banshee in less then 24 hours, and how you thought you wheren't gonna get caught eventually, if you saw the cop why in the hell did you speed up?


People should use more common sense when they ride seriously, now you don't have a ride, you gotta pay out your ass for fines, you lost a friend, he lost his shit and im sure hes gotta pay out his ass too.


Very unfortunate.


But then you think about it, WHAT IF you had just stoped in the first place, you never know he could have let you go with a warning, he could have maby givin you a small fine, maby if you had slown down you wouldn't have even gotten pulled over.

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If I see a cop I normaly just wave and drive slowly on the side of the road most of the time they just wave back and sometimes they stop me to talk and to check out the bike. (we have a few cool caops around here) although I did get a ticket one time but I took him to court and it got dismissed.


I admit I have ran from the cops, but I did so because I spotted them before they saw me so I turned around and hauled some ass away before they even saw me so I feel that thats diffrent.


keep in mind most of this happend before I could drive so I pretty much had to ride to some of the places I rode at, now that I have my license I take it to the track, to a friends house, or to a recreational place for quads and bikes.


What I wanna know is how you sold your banshee in less then 24 hours, and how you thought you wheren't gonna get caught eventually, if you saw the cop why in the hell did you speed up?


People should use more common sense when they ride seriously, now you don't have a ride, you gotta pay out your ass for fines, you lost a friend, he lost his shit and im sure hes gotta pay out his ass too.


Very unfortunate.


But then you think about it, WHAT IF you had just stoped in the first place, you never know he could have let you go with a warning, he could have maby givin you a small fine, maby if you had slown down you wouldn't have even gotten pulled over.

I can't agree more.

Your first mistake was riding down the street at high speeds. I have ridden along side state, county, local and park ranger police in the ditch and even in the street but since I had a helmet on, pants, boots and was riding at a S L O W rate of speed, they just waved and kept going.

The Ranger police are the worst here but ANY of the police will not hesitate to throw the book at you for anything they see. The important thing is staying as far off the road as possible when ever possible and be slow and quiet. Riding lawnmowers are not allowed on the street either but a cop would never arrest a guy for doing it. Just ride it like you're on a lawn mower and they won't even notice you.

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The way I see it is its not hard to run and get away from the cops on an atv or dirt bike, I could have easily gotten away from the cops that have stoped me, but they didn't do anything to me, some gave me a warning some just talked for a minut but if I had ran im sure they would have ticketed me.


The thing you gotta worry about if you run and get away is now you have a warrent out for your ass and theres a very good chance they are gonna find out where you live so realy unless they didn't see you yet DO NOT RUN AWAY, if you spot a cop down a road or see one sitting in a drive way turn and run like hell before they see you, no sense in taking a chance, but if they see you and flip the lights on you better just cut it off.



Oh and btw ALWAYS be a kiss ass, be extra nice, talk to them, tell them why your riding on the road or w/e and alot of times they will let you off.

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here in nv it is illegal to ride withing 100 yards of a residence or roadway. i didnt know this and was riding slowly through a ditch and got pulled over. it was a few years ago, and i think the fine was about $150 or so. i truthfully didnt know that you couldnt do it, as i had moved from iowa about six months before, but the cop didnt buy it... i never ride around my house anymore

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It sucks that you have to learn the hard way,You were probably one of those idiots who thought they would never get caught.The idiots that are constantly running from cops when they see them.

Then when someone like me,who's tooling 15 mph down a rural road with one tire on and one off the road gets pulled over,stops immediately,display all the right paperwork and they still tow the quad.


Assholes like you are the reason cops give respecting law abiding citizens like me and others a hard time.I would say I feel sorry for your situation,but people like you are ruining the sport of atving.


Just like the Biker gangs of the 60-70's.Even today,people have very little respect for bikers.No one remembers the good you have done,but they'll never forget the bad.Do your part to help promote this sport,not destroy it.

I can't belive the problem some people have with the law. Never talk to a cop, and lie to a cop, and especially get a lawyer first. What the hell is that? I have never been harassed by a cop. This is probably due to the fact that I am respectful to them and their jobs. Yeah I've driven down a road at low speeds, got speeding tickets, and etc. To me it is worth it. If I was a cop, I would hammer a person the best I could if they refused to talk or asked for a lawyer. I'm sure they think the same way....


German Shepherd: I give you props because it seems that you learned something from it. Some of the other Tards here continue to do it and and ruin the sport for the rest of us.


Nightrider: YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy:

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Everyone has different experiences....here in texas Most of the cops in my town will just talk to you a minute for riding on the road and let you go and then you always have a few bad apples who want to throw the fucking book at you...A**holes they are, no matter how nice you are to them, by the time they leave your thinking you stole the damn thing by how many tickets you got and how much he bitched you out...never happened to me but my buddy was unlucky....

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I read the comment that the person wishes that there wern't any cops, or laws to regulate where he could ride. Does that idiot have any idea what kind of place we would be living in. First off the biggest people would have everything, because they would just take it from you. Second if someone didn't like what you said, or did, they would just kill you, who would stop them. This would go on, and on. Just think of what you are wishing for.

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I read the comment that the person wishes that there wern't any cops, or laws to regulate where he could ride. Does that idiot have any idea what kind of place we would be living in. First off the biggest people would have everything, because they would just take it from you. Second if someone didn't like what you said, or did, they would just kill you, who would stop them. This would go on, and on. Just think of what you are wishing for.

Im thinking he meant by that that he wishes there wasn't any laws as to where you could ride, it would be cool if every one used common sense when they rode but there would be dumb ass people up on the highway and people causing and getting into wrecks.


If there were no laws at all we would live in chaos.


If you ask me I think it should be leagle to atleast ride in the ditch or on the shoulder to get places I mean seriously I don't see how tudlin along on the shoulder or the ditch is hurting anything. And get this, my friends next door neihbor is a cop and he said its ileagle to go strait across a road but it is leagle to go at an angle.... wtf is that? :shrugani:banghead

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