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Everything posted by FullThrottle_06'

  1. That's probably my favorite shade of blue. Close to the same color I put on my 85' chevy truck. Looks really good but I have to ask, are you gonna run the yfz plastic and a banshee motor on that chassis just like we see it?
  2. First off, thats one ass ugly bike. Second of all (If this isn't a scam) this fool prolly bought this bike brand freakin new, threw a few parts and mods on it and now is trying to get all of his money back out of it and then some. What an ass clown
  3. I'm going to hold back the smart ass comments on this one and pretend that you are 14 yrs old. #1 - go buy mx boots. #2 there is no freaking rules to what you MUST/HAVE to wear besides a helmet. And #3- you may be more suited for a 4-stroke. Have a good day
  4. There is a whole thread in the images forum on what your looking for. I believe its called, "Post them shee pics" or something close to that. BUNCH of pics in there of all kinds of different setups.
  5. ltd your bikes look good and I'm not dissing them what so ever, but like stated on pg. 1 from 6 freakin years ago! Leave that shit on the trucks. It doesn't belong on quads. But, to each their own so whatever
  6. Got lay-away? lmao, all the good shit comes up for sale when I don't have any spare change lying around. FML, BUMP!!
  7. Dude, I didn't know that JD offered one off graphic kits?! I think that would look bad ass for the guys that do the graphics. I'm not much of a graphic kit kind of guy, but I think that just might of changed my mind.
  8. X2. Better use of the english language will get you better advice on the message boards. Oh, it's "And" BTW.
  9. Cool video. The more I watch these hill climbs, the more I want to give it a shot. It looks fun as shit! It's also really cool to see the younger kids out there givin it hell.
  10. Post up some pics, or vids. I'm sorry I can't buy it, but it would be really cool to see some action footage. BUMP for a cool toy!
  11. That ostrich (spelling) skin and white seat is the shit!! That's bad ass right there. I would love to do somthing like that in the near future. Nice job Jeff
  12. Welcome to HQ. I've always had a sweet spot for the honda three wheelers. All great looking bikes and congrats on finally coming to your senses on buying a banshee. You are now hooked for life. Good luck! lol
  13. BigRed, clear your inbox, I need to P.M. you about a question I have I would like to discuss with you about your banshee you had up for sale a couple months ago. Thanks
  14. ^^^^HAHAHAHA! How did I NOT know that this was going to turn into " Well...I was the fastest." "No! I was the fastest that's what those guys were saying a min ago!" "Whatever dude I was the fastest all weekend, hands down. Double stamp it and take it to the bank ass wipe!" Fellas, let the "I was the fastest", or "He was the fastest" bullshit go. Who gives a damn?? Anyone who is anyone that drag races and loves this sport KNOWS!! that there is ALWAYS GOING TO BE SOMEONE FASTER! If it matters that much then we should look into bringing a port-a-tree and a timer for God sakes.
  15. Another one lost to the dark side.......
  16. First, welcome to BHQ. I would say your in dire need of a top-end rebuild. If it is a 2003, and you bought it in 06' and it hasn't been touched, yeah I would say it's time! lol Rebuilding the carbs prolly wouldn't hurt. I think your having to start it on eather because you don't have enough compression in the cylinders to light off the fuel once the ignition hits. 100 isn't just plain terrible but as a reference stock compression should be somewhere around 120-130ish. I could go on and on about this but putting it simple, go get ur top-end rebuilt. Check your reeds while you have it apart. Make sure they aren't cracked or broken. Once you get it put back together make DAMN sure you get your carbs synced properly. Go look at the site sponsors page and pick a builder. I've heard nothing but good things about all of them and I have personally dealt with F.A.S.T. and they are bad ass. Let us know what you decide.
  17. i thought you just got the shearers, what are you wantin the cpi's for?
  18. BUMP! I wish to hell I had extra cash. This thing would have been gone! Jared hold onto it until nxt spring when I get my bonus and I'll meet you in Wichita, ks!!
  19. I ordered mine from F.A.S.T. wasn't very expensive at all. Very easy to install to, unless you suck ass on working on stuff lol
  20. well on that note, what dates were you going?!!! lol JK man that's cool that your wife likes to ride. I'm trying to convince mine to getting in to the sport. I told I would buy her a Honda 250ex when she graduates college nxt spring. Hope she takes me up on that deal
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