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Everything posted by docjcwatson

  1. That's the sexiest 450 I have ever seen bro. Good work! Just to eliminate a lot of unwanted questions. What kind of banshee+cash are you looking for?
  2. Sold me a set of Pro-Wedge II's on douglas rims for cheap as hell! Had a problem with my Paypal account taking too long to go through with the money, Butch didn't complain one bit. Kept in contact with me the whole time and sent the rims and tires as soon as the money cleared. Only took two days to get them, and they are in better condition than used that he told me they were. Don't have to worry about dealing with this guy, he's one of the good ones! Thanks again Butch!
  3. You missed the whole post where I said forget about the chrome wheels and slammed look didn't you?
  4. Dude, lifted or not. Forget the chrome wheels and the slammed look. That two tone looks great on that truck! It doesn't have to be expensive candy apple red or anything like that. Just a nice two tone job that will set it off.
  5. Here's a better example of what I was talking about. Notice how he brought the tone all the way up to the bottom of the hood. http://images.truckinweb.com/events/0809tr...am_quad_cab.jpg
  6. Only one way to find out. Quit talkin' start racin'! :thumbsup:
  7. That looks like a pretty good truck there man. And if you are already talking about doing paint schemes, then you have already made up your mind. Haha. I am not a Dodge truck fan, but I will tell you that they look sick with a two tone paint. http://images.truckinweb.com/events/2007/0...billet_rims.jpg Something like that, but because of the odd shaped hood and front fenders, it would look tits!
  8. Every person I encounter to date, who claim that they will vote for Obama, have argued that he will make the economy better. Why?
  9. Ummm. Did it kill the fucker that stole it?
  10. Your right, only some troops. We are going to be in Iraq for a very very long time. Quite frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if it becomes the next damn Japan. Also, I think you an I are more in agreeance than you think. I said a couple posts ago that both the candidates suck nuts. I just feel that with the war being inevitable, then we should probably stick with a Republican right? And your right, I apologize, I misread your post.
  11. Nope, I was a married E-4 who lost my wife because she cheated on me the second time I went over there. Give you a break. I did my time thanks. I also enjoy seeing my family. McCain is right, we will not pull out of Iraq anytime soon. Our bases are just going to keep getting bigger.
  12. That was the point. It wasn't very "one-man" Lol.
  13. Go to any auto parts store and pick up something called a "one man bleeder"(5 bucks). Get a buddy to hold the nozzle in the hole on the caliper, while you pump the brakes. Takes 2 minutes tops.
  14. 14,000 invested? Where? For the truck? Bahaha
  15. I seen this over on planet sand not even 2 minutes ago. Fuckin' sexy! You can NOT build one for that price!
  16. Lol. I am getting a deal Tim. Trade, straight across. You know I want one of your bad boys though
  17. Bump. Come on. Somebody knows something.
  18. Hhahaha. That was good. All that says is what we already know. That Republicans are idiots. I know this, i'm saying that he is going to be better than Obama RIGHT NOW! Both of the candidates suck nuts. But right now, i'm going to vote Republican and pray for the best.
  19. I believe in my post I said that him being a POW had nothing to do with my decision. I simply said that if we are going to talk about pasts it needed to be brought up. Further more. You ever thought about going into the military if your out a job??
  20. He would tap that ass and giggle like a giddy little school girl while he was doing it. This is ofcourse assuming it is stock for stock.
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