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Everything posted by DirtRider

  1. you sure you got them springs on there right?
  2. im a boston fan, its just the way it has to be when your 30 minutes south of boston. and you know what? Boston sucks. They always have always will and thats never gonna change. last year was a fluke, could not, will not, ever happen again. they all might as well
  3. some how add another snokle dont just cut a hole in it. if you hit deep water hit the kill switch fast.
  4. isnt that a lot of money for a stock plate? not to bash your thread.
  5. with all that you could buy a nice banshee. then you'll be rich.
  6. dentists. i go in there for 1/2 and to get my teeth cleand they send me a bill for $75. this madness goes on every 6 months. as long as you eat right your teeth will not decay. your teath should be the last bone is your body to go. soon ill be getting my teeth cleaned every year. last time they didnt even have to take out that dremel tool to clean them. and to think some people go every 3 months for a cleaning. LOL
  7. yes screw that in. out it will get more air and in will get less air.
  8. LOL, tyats even better than this one http://www.monsteratvs.com/Videos/Stupid%2...20Fuck%20Up.wmv BTW how can i get it so you could click on "this one" instead of that long link?
  9. yes where you at? you rent the bob cat and ill cut down all the trees for some jumps.
  10. i have one from a 99 banshee. $25 shipped.
  11. you would sell that thing for 2025 dollars? thats nuts. you must be stealing these things yeah?
  12. mine came with a white brithers air filter and ill be damned if i can find where they sell these things.
  13. well i think i can do it but wasnt sure how to hold it down flat. i guess ill just have to see. shouyld be fun. im going for .02 i will also be advancing my timing on this beast too.
  14. rain dont stop me from doing anything. in fact i like the rain. the only thing about rain is. there is not sun. you afrade of getting wet? or are you one of those "i might catch a cold" people. put your life on hold for rain? ha. or do you just like to complain about stuff? i supose that will give you somthing to do.
  15. he should have had a plow on that truck. i bet he could have got a lot more cars. by the looks of his front end im serprized it was running that whole time. that guys does nice nice body work. uhoh better get mako. i give him 5 of 5 stars
  16. huh. i always called it a drill press.
  17. my grand farthere when ever he sees me on a dirt bike or four wheeler he gos into his story about how a kid got closelined by a rope someone put across the trail and took his head with his helmet clean off. im not a crazy driver at all i like lowend speed. highend speed if not for trail riding even when your advanced because you will get fuct up. always. thers always gonna be a down tree or a moved rock or a fall tree branch thats gonna bite ya. hope your friend turns out ok.
  18. buffing wheel. a scotchbrite wheel. and a sanding wheel. those are the three things you need they come is a variety of different shapes and sizes. i recomend getting a table mount grinder for the buffing. you can buy motors and make your own setup for a lot cheaper probably. you can buy a $30 dermel and a 30 pac. that should last you for a couple days anyway. i can pollish some parts for you. we can barder, just like back in the old days. whatcha got?
  19. i was wondering how some of you hold down the head to shave it. is it possable to shave the head down on a bridge port drill press? i can get end mills and everything else to do it. anyone have any advice? thanks somehting very similar to this
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