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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. says never rolled but if you look at the rear pic it looks to me to be bent down on the left. and one other thing- who would buy a shee from someone who wont even wash the thing for a 4-sell pic. Imagine the care he\she takes of it on a normal day
  2. I thought the only thing your allowed to wear under one is a blue bow Cause it won first prize
  3. pipes $210 silencers $210 only if I can get a buyer for each, or there going ebay as a set.
  4. bump will seperate if find buyer for both header and silencers
  5. like firehead said GAY if you wanna look like a raptor then buy one
  6. no sand out that way except the beaches. ...........and nothing near Cali dunes, just beaches
  7. http://www.bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=30080 gnarly's and turbine core2
  8. I got one if you need it. Just pm me
  9. I'll get a close up of them over the weekend. Still on shee as of now.
  10. I paid $650 3 months ago for them. Need to sell them! In a little money trouble $420 shipped All chrome and polished little blueing. Want pic just ask or as soon as I get sisters dig. cam. will post pic.
  11. thanx didn't realize they were that cheap. Ebay had them for like $25
  12. Welcome to the HQ That all depends on your budget. Its always nice to have new so you know from the start it is well kept. If your like me and can't afford a new one, shop around and don't jump on the first one you see(unless its a KILLER deal) As I have found out buying the shee isn't the $$$ part. Its all the stuff you want to do to it after you get it. Jeremy
  13. Want to find someone that whats to trade for a 13. Dont have any extras laying around so "you" send to me the 13 and I'll send you the 15 and a check paying for the shipping of the 13 to me. Jeremy
  14. 98modifiedblaster and 97banshee how much you lookin to get for it
  15. I would love to check one out! efi would be cool and 18psi air flow---hold on
  16. a shee motor in a motocycle is just a 2 wheeled shee!! I want pics too!! I been throwing around the idea of putting 1 into a mini sand rail.
  17. a friend of mine got one and its bad a$$ but not cheep!! You can run over a parking block at 35mph and not feel it http://www.sandbros.com/gallery/KeithSundahl/sundahl.html
  18. that's why my carbs get so hot - my tube is smaller http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...bayphotohosting
  19. heres one on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...sspagename=WDVW Jeremy
  20. It's called "dail a jet" there like $60 online and $40 on ebay. Can be put on any carb I think http://www.altimizer.com/daj.html Here's a good sie that explains it
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