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Everything posted by loganskinner

  1. at least he got laid before his shit got ripped off.
  2. so Minkia, when we going to know who the big winner is?
  3. hahah i read that forever ago. that shit is funny. that guy got her good.
  4. i always just start in second. rev it up and once its go time, like Cotton Eyed Joe said, feather the shit out of the clutch. also, dont worry about what the other rider is doing, where he is at, or if he is passing you and whatnot. it will make you nervous and take your mind off of shifting and doing the shit it takes to win. just worry about what you are doing. and practice practice practice those takeoffs. from my house i can see a stoplight way down the road. i just line up in the field where we ride, and pretend im racing and wait for the light to turn from green to yellow, rev it up, and on red i and haul ass. theres no way to tell when the light will turn yellow, so its a good way for me to practice reaction time and such.
  5. east coast riders where is everyone from?
  6. haha, i read it too and was like "i know that he is not asking this..."
  7. all the cool riders live on the east cost. ECMF. lol.
  8. a Blog is a web-log. weBLOG. its just an online journal or diary type of thing. somewhere to write stories or just tell anyone who reads it what youre thinking or what you did. a lot of people have them. check out Tucker Max's blog. its great. http://tuckermax.com/blog.html
  9. personally, i like my own. but thats only because i put all that work in it. however, voting for myself is kindof an asshole thing to do, so i will have to pick another one. i really like this one. at least i like the "rocket pipes" text. that looks badass.
  10. yea i catch hell from all my buddies. they all love thier 4 strokes, but ALL 4 of them are having problems right now. marc's Z400 needs the valves adjusted, Aarons Craptor blew up, Brians Craptor wont start, and Louie's 450R is just slow. im glad ive got my shee. shit i always end up riding alone.
  11. to start the story, my buddy, 660_rider03 put his 660 raptor engine in the shop about 2 months ago, to have it serviced, a new timing chain put in and some valve work done. well he finally got the engine back two days ago, and put it in yesterday. he called me to help him, but i was busy so he started by himself. i got done with my work and headed over to help him out. i was late and he already had the motor in place and mounted. we hooked up the battery, and the pipe and he started it up. it idled nicely for about 2 minutes, then started making a wierd clanking/rattling noise, and then shut off. he tried to start it again and the starter wouldnt turn over the engine, it sounded like it was catching on something. well a few more pops of the starter, and it fired right back up. it idled for another minute or so and then came the rattling again. i said "man did you put enough oil in it?" "yea man, its fine. i checked it when it shut off and its all good." the rattling got worse and all of a sudden BOOM!POP!CLANK. the whole side of the valve cover blew off and 2 small screws shot out at light speed, and hit me on either side of the boys. i fell to the ground screaming bloody murder, and saying something about suing the Yamaha Corporation for the loss of my penis. but thats not the point, the screws came form inside the engine, they shot out from the inside of the top of the valve cover. ill try to get a pic, but do any of you 4 stroke guys have any idea what the bolts came from? they are esactly the same size as the ones that hold the rear plastics on the frame of the shee.
  12. yea, lol the tech 8's are the shiz, but BANSHEE17 is right, just wearing them a lot is the only way ive found to break them in.
  13. ive seen some pretty heavy guys riding shees, and theyve had no problems. damn man, 6'10"? i doubt anyone will talk shit to you on a shee though.
  14. "hi my name is logan, and im a mod-a-holic." i really dont know how it happened, slowly but surely, the stock parts are coming off and they keep getting replaced with some shiny new billet and chrome pieces.
  15. just playing around with colors and filters. tell me what you think.
  16. the guy that lives across the street from me has one. ill get a pic as soon as i can.
  17. oh man, i never even saw this thread. give me til the end of the day. by 10 o clock EST I should have something up here.
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