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Everything posted by loganskinner

  1. i had a twist throttle for about 5 months... just couldnt get used to the damn thing. doesnt feel right on a quad to me.
  2. i dont know about it. im an EMT, and ive seen what seatbelts can do to people. i mean, yes they can save a life, but ive seen wrecks where someone has died or been pinned in a car for hours, just to die because they cant get them free just because of the seatbelt. i wear mine alot, but when i dont, i am making the concious decison not to wear mine because of what i see every day. in slower speed wrecks (under 40mph) seatbelts do a great job, but above that speed is where the people start getting hurt or killed by the damn thing yanking them back into the seat. when its your time to go, its your time to go, and a seatbelt cant save you if your number is up.
  3. yea it is Nellys drink. sorry. i dont listen to it, so its no big deal to me. wawooten@hotmail.com thats the email address that i sent my request to. hes like the marketing manager or something.
  4. remember how someone said that if you Email a company and tell them that ou like their products, that they will send you some stickers? well i figured that i would try it out. i wrote to PimpJuice (the drink that P.Diddy endorses/makes) and they sent me like 10 T-shirts, 10 hats, and like 100 stickers... pretty nice stuff too. looks like i dont need to buy shirts for a while. they all say "I AM A PIMP" on them.
  5. wow. now i like the movies... but not that much.
  6. hes taking it to a fuckin butcher? wtf? he cant kill a rabbit himself? i dont even think a butcher would do that for you...
  7. try adjusting the screw at the bottom or the top of the shock. i dont think you have to take it off, but it makes it easier to deal with. my 04 was doing the same thing, and i tightened both of the nuts a little bit and now it rides fine.
  8. i just got a 74 CJ-5. starting the resto. next week.
  9. hey someone out there has the money to waste on that.
  10. yep. got my ass handed to me by a 450. we were both equally good riders, and i got an awesome start and thought i had it til he started pulling away... they're quick. dont believe every bad thing you hear about the YFZ450.
  11. ahhahhahhhhahahhaha sorry freestyler. thats funny.
  12. screw it, go big or go home. it might take a little fabrication to get it in there. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...4547228870&rd=1
  13. eh, stock or not, its still a shee. as far as the motor is concerned, all i have is pipes and i love my shee. i dont really see a reason to bash one for being stock
  14. lol, calling us nerds wont get you too far... j/k. ill see what i can come up with. BTW, what size are the cards?
  15. shit i wanna see the Turbo one!
  16. what was it? i looked too late and it was already removed.
  17. there is some satellite company that provides a service around central florida that is supposed to be as fast or faster than cable, but its $98.00 a month. i could be wrong, but ive had 2 people tell me that they looked into it and the price was rediculous.
  18. haha, i sent that first one to the guys down the hall, and i heard it from like 5 doors down. that shit was loud.
  19. lol. yea i was thinking that he must have had one hell of a time, because when he got back, all he could do was yell.
  20. hahahaa, sorry BansheeRacer, but that's funny right there.
  21. just beat his fucking ass. best friends dont take money away from you like that. that asshole.
  22. oh come on, just twelve it on the grab bar like we do. or you can build a 12-o-clock bar by yourself like the ones on streetbikes. its easy.
  23. oh man, does he really do that? thats great. i can just imagine the mail lady dropping that off saying to herself "fuckin weirdos."
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