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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. With the bike just sitting their not running. Put it in first gear. Push it . Is it easy to push like with one hand? If it is your rings are gone. You lost compression. You need new top end
  2. pair of robo-grips thats how i did mine. (THIS IS NO SHIT)
  3. Just think after 2006 it will all be archives.
  4. What happen to walter banshee370 roostfest? I still got his swingarm on my bike. Anybody know what happen to him? I haven't seen a post from him about two years know. Even his web site is gone. I wonder if he went to glamis last year.
  5. If this don't work . Hate to say it, it could be your crank. I'd still check everything that we mention first.
  6. I'm not sure if the oil will reach the first plate that you put in. but if you do it that way . tie the clutch lever in let it set over nite. You should pull the cover off and see if the plates are burnt thougt.I know it sucks
  7. Your clutch plates can be your problem. You should let them soak like over night. Hope that the plates aren't burnt. Check that also. You mite gate-a-way ez.
  8. Whoa slow down: Check and make sure all engine mounts are torqued & check to see if those rubber dampers are in wright place.The front engine bolt has one on the left side. Rear mount has one the right side. They go in one way it's stamp up on it. Check bottom toretion bars. Just a check list. Good luck
  9. You can hang out with us. ONLY KIDDING. GOOD JOB how much you got into it? Do you like it? THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. The only thing i think it needs full frame skid plates.
  10. graydon v-ben drag bars
  11. e-bay: also free shipping
  12. The place where I ride is about just under 1/8 mile flat and straight. I did addition on this guys house who owens the land . He lets me ride & only me ride their. It's like a test ground. I jet the bike for the conditions prevailing. Or to check out a new mod. I try to squeeze out every last horespower I can every time I go their. It's a addiction. Then in the month of august I take the bike to vermont my brother owens a log cabin up their. On class 3 roads you can realy open this bike up. Thats about it. I hope some day I will take it to silver lake.
  13. Anybody ever try the PC carburetor vent system? Do they work? Notice sometimes vent lines have fuel in them after w.o.t high speed runs. I'm getting that bog. I lose my idle little. Would you think this vent system would work ? For that problem. Thanks for any coments
  14. I agree with rocketboy. pwks lot easyer to jet also. Mikunis too many parts. Throttle cable lock sucks. You also have needle jet to f**k with. Theirs that word again. They do run good . Just too many parts. I had a flat slide 36tm on my 86 honda 350x three-wheeler. Built by mickey dunlap. That was a fun bike. I hated jetting it.
  15. What about big bores. Like 535 i heard they break. Is this true? anybody know? Or just stay away from them with big bores. V-force2 or V-force 3 ?
  16. Their good to set your idle. thats about it. Use your ears after that. I gotta tack on mine. I don't have time to look at mine.
  17. Go to 15/40 you'll like it. Not that much shifting as fast like the stock 14/41. You can ride the gears out longer. Your top end will gaine. You will lose a very little on your low end. But you gaine less wheel spin. Thats what you want.
  18. If you owen a banshee you will be using that word quite-a-bit
  19. I'd put them in. Alot people don't realise how inportant they are. Yes you can run the stock gears. But you will be wrenching on it sooner or later. You can screw up your crank seals & possibly ruin your cases. Yes they are exspensive 460.00 shipped from this guy Piranha from planet sand web site. These gears are drop in units,with the bronze bushing already machined inside the main clutch gear.No screwing around with your old one. He only makes stock gear ratios. This guy is cool. Its just better insurance. For 460.00 its worth it you get both gears. Ready to install It's up to you. When i installed mine they do make a little noise. Not bad though. Yamaha should have made them like this in the first place. They arent that loud. I kinda like the noise they make.
  20. Can you imagine this coil in thar thing? Wonder what would happen? Probably after hitting sixth gear & then hitting the brakes, have wait a minute for the paint to catch-up.
  21. When you do all your mods, and getting board. Or have no more mods to do.This coil will be your next step. This coil will WAKE YOU UP. Boy I hope who ever buys one. I hope it works out as good as has for me.
  22. You can run this coil with any ignition. I'm running a gyt-r ignition made a huge difference. This coil wakes the banshee up.You will see when you install one.The plugs that I'm using are BR8EG racing plug fine wire. Make sure you buy the hot wires with the coil.
  23. Don't kick it over. Do what pimp559 said you will probably alright.
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