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Everything posted by QuadMX

  1. Keeps sparks from shootin out your pipes and starting things on fire.
  2. Alright, I have some fatty's with powercore II silencers without spark arrestor. How much are just add-on spark arrestors for the pipes, or...could I use the fatty pipes and use stock silencers? Or would that just be shitty. I really don't know and I wanna be ready soon for my trip to Silver Lake. So somebody with any input would be great. Later Bob
  3. Haha...Thanks fellas. I was actually thinking about just toughin it out and kickin my ass to go race anyways. If I could move my thumb at all right now I'd fo sho be out there rippin it up. But you know....I spose I better take it easy for the weekend. Later
  4. Yup well, I was at the track last night for practice. Got out on the track, did a few laps real good, started to get used to the track more, finding the right line and such...Then I did the "spectator jump" (just a 60 foot table top in front of the grand stands) and I'm not exactly sure how it happened, I was about 8 feet up and when I landed my hand just jammed into the handlebar somehow and gave me a broken wrist. I was all set for the first race of the season this Saturday, but now I just gotta watch from the sidelines.
  5. Where's some place I could get my db checked. I definately am not under 100 and I have no spark arrestors. What can I do for that? Have to buy some or what? I'm looking to get out there July 14, 15 16 if anybody wanted to meet up out there at that time. Bob
  6. I just ordered me some heavy duty EBC plates/springs kit. 90 bux. Will have to wait till tomorrow to give any info.
  7. Actually...Last year I raced my first MX race with ONLY front brakes...That was pretty tough.
  8. Funny story...Last year right at the end of summer I believe, I went riding over by a friends house. He's got a nice little flat track setup. Anywho...Most of the time we were there was tryin to get his bike started. RM125. We ended up pulling it behind a fourwheeler to get it goin and it started, ran fine, but couldn't be kicked over, only pull started. He took it to his bike shop (his parents own a harley shop). Turns out he only had 10lbs of compression. Sorry, not really a solver for your problem, just thought I'd share that it still ran and everything. Hope you get your stuff fixed.
  9. I really wouldn't know what the problem is, but I was just gonna comment on the situation. You don't exactly need front brakes in racing (depending on the type of racing). Id rather have rear and no fronts, than fronts with no rear. Anyways, maybe a hose popped or somethin. Are there any leaks anywhere? Try checking where they split. When you were bleeding them, you pull in the lever, did fluid leak out the bleeders? Just some thoughts. Don't quote me on anything. Bob
  10. QuadMX

    Mx Tires

    I use some 18x9.5x8 Turf Tamers. They hook up extremely well wherever I ride and they don't cost very much. I have some 18x11x8 on rims if you'd be interested. I used them a bit last year but found the 9.5" wide to slide a little better in corners.
  11. Haha...Indeed. I think I'll let mine soak for maybe an hour or somethin then put them in. That way I'll still be able to get some track time.
  12. Awesome sauce...so what you're sayin' is...I can just dip mine in oil and throw them on too? Or would that be not such a good idea. Id like to be able to have them on by Wednesday night after they arrive. Practice Wednesday, last one before the first race, and I've only practiced once at the track so far. But if I'm gonna absolutely HAVE to let them soak for a while then I guess I'll do that. Thanks for the info.
  13. Any suggestions on replacing clutch plates. I know you gotta soak them, not sure about anything else. How long to be soaked also? Any info is appreciated. Thanks Later Bob
  14. Anybody have a set of stock pegs and some handlebar clamps? I'd like to make some double wide pegs without payin much. And I just need some clamps. Preferably cheap!
  15. When I first start up after its sitting for a while, it's real hard to get it moving. After bein warmed up for a couple minutes I pull in the clutch and put it into a gear, let the clutch out and it barely wants to move, I can rev it up as much as I want and it'll barely move. After about 15-20 minutes of riding it seems like it works a lot better. Anybody have any clue what this could be? Two ideas given to me were worn out clutch or bad seals letting pressure out. Please help as I have a race this next Saturday and would like it fixed before I race. Later Bob
  16. New seals be the way to fix that? Any other suggestions?
  17. Any idea what the other problem is? I have no clue what it would be. Also, what size are the pilots in there? Any idea? I think it's 25 but can't be positive.
  18. Well, one thing, it's not the carbs but I don't know what it is. When I first start up after its sitting for a while, it's real hard to get it moving. After bein warmed up for a couple minutes I pull in the clutch and put it into a gear, let the clutch out and it barely wants to move, I can rev it up as much as I want and it'll barely move. After about 15-20 minutes of riding it seems like it works a lot better. With the carbs, I think it's just the pilot, I need to raise it. I am running 340 mains and the plugs are a nice light brown color like they should be, but it likes to bog down sometimes and not run right after sitting for a while.
  19. Wow....The track kicked my ass. It's been a while since I've ran on any kind of track. I'm gonna start goin to the gym every morning now. If I could just get my shit running right...That's a main problem on the track. However, I did jump the highest/farthest I've ever jumped before. So that's cool. Bob P.S. Cotton eyed Joe, you should give me some tips on working out, things to do not to do etc.
  20. What's all this about bein 13 and being able to skip school just to practice for racing? Sure wish I coulda started when I was 13.
  21. Track is finally ready and open for practice starting tomorrow (Saturday). I can't wait, yet, I can. Few problems run into with my carbs but hopefully get them solved out tomorrow before practice starts. My 2004 season....HAS BEGUN! Later Bob
  22. I think he was referring to (p/c) powdercoat not Pro Circuit pipes. Correct me if I'm wrong?
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